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Mother Love: A Manual for Christian Mothers

Mother Love: A Manual for Christian MothersCode: B2056  Price: £22.50   £21.95

"What on God's good earth is more glorious than this; to be a mother?" With these words, Cardinal Mindzenty, summed up the glories of maternity

How to Resist Temptation

How to Resist Temptation
Bishop Jacques-Bénigne BossuetCode: B2228  Price: £10.99

No matter how devoted to Christ you are, temptations are going to come to you. That's why How to Resist Temptation is essential reading for every ...

Dear Newlyweds: Pope Pius XII speaks to married couples

Dear Newlyweds: Pope Pius XII speaks to married couples
Pope Pius XIICode: B1529  Price: £14.50

In his time, the world knew Pope Pius XII for his sanctity, his efforts for world peace, his remarkable gifts of diplomacy, language and letters

Listen, Son

Listen, SonCode: B2802  Price: £4.50

Twelve heart-to-heart talks to be given by a Father to his son about the mysterious processes of reproducing life. You will not find here any use ...

The Imitation of Christ - leatherbound

The Imitation of Christ - leatherbound
Thomas a KempisCode: B1138  Price: £20.95

The most popular religious book - after the Bible - ever written, is presented here in its best known English translation: that of the Venerable ...

Trustful Surrender To Divine Providence

Trustful Surrender To Divine Providence
St Claude & Rev. De CaussadeCode: B1047  Price: £7.99

The Secret of Peace and Happiness. "To remain indifferent to good fortune or to adversity by accepting it all from the hand of God without ...

Learning the Virtues

Learning the Virtues
Fr Romano GuardiniCode: B2274  Price: £12.50

There's more to goodness than keeping the Commandments: you've got to cultivate virtue, too, so that you please God in what you do - not merely in ...

Mother's Little Helper

Mother's Little HelperCode: B2803  Price: £4.50

Twelve heart-to-heart talks to be given by a mother to her daughter about the mysterious processes of life, as sacred as they are admirable

The Catholic Family - Vol II - The Education of Children

The Catholic Family - Vol II - The Education of Children
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3234  Price: £11.50

The Education of Children: How to raise happy, holy children in a profoundly Catholic home.

"In order to educate a child

Difficulties in Mental Prayer

Difficulties in Mental Prayer
Dom Eugene Boylan OCSOCode: B3173  Price: £16.45

"When we speak to God, we must mean what we say; we must practice what we have promised; we must show forth in work what we say in word

Fatherhood and Family Vol 3

Fatherhood and Family Vol 3
Integrity MagazineCode: B2115  Price: £8.95

The role of fatherhood Catholic fatherhood has been diminished in three ways. First, it has become smaller. Fewer things are defined as a father's ...

Roses Among Thorns

Roses Among Thorns
St. Francis De SalesCode: B2743  Price: £9.99

From the thousands of personal letters by St. Francis de Sales comes this short, practical guide that will develop in you the soul-nourishing habits ...

The Imitation of Christ

The Imitation of Christ
Thomas a KempisCode: B2846  Price: £15.50

The Imitation of Christ is a beautiful new edition of the original, deeply spiritual book by Thomas à Kempis. In this revised, easy-to-read

The Imitation of Mary

The Imitation of Mary
Rev. Alexander de Rouville, SJCode: B0464  Price: £13.50

The Imitation of Mary is a new, updated version of the original companion volume to the beloved and highly esteemed Imitation of Christ

The Wonders of the Holy Name

The Wonders of the Holy Name
Fr Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.Code: B0157  Price: £4.99

Urges us to invoke the name of Jesus often to obtain all God's graces. Remarkable little book!

The Wonders of the Mass

The Wonders of the Mass
Fr Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.Code: B0158  Price: £4.99

Says that "the Mass is the greatest wonder in the world," seconded only by "the next greatest wonder.the indifference and ignorance of Catholics ...

Three to Get Married

Three to Get Married
Fulton J Sheen, Ph DCode: B1532  Price: £23.50

One of the greatest and best-loved spokesmen for the Faith here sets out the Church's beautiful understanding of marriage in his trademark clear and ...

Catholic Home Schooling

Catholic Home Schooling
Mary Kay ClarkCode: B0136  Price: £16.95

A Handbook for Parents. An in depth and refreshing look at the subject. Discipline, Home Management, Socialization, Catholic teachings

Christ the Ideal of the Priest

Christ the Ideal of the Priest
Blessed Columba MarmionCode: B1078  Price: £17.99

The highly acclaimed spiritual writer, Blessed Columba Marmion wrote this classic work on the priesthood to show the great holiness that priests are ...

Finding Forgiveness

Finding Forgiveness
Jim McManus and Stephanie ThorntonCode: B1073  Price: £7.95

Looks at every facet of unforgiveness - its causes, symptoms and consequences. Then, drawing on real-life case studies

Guidance to Heaven

Guidance to Heaven
Cardinal Giovanni BonaCode: B0743  Price: £6.99

This is the best book we have ever seen to show the shortness and uncertainty of life and why we should live in anticipation of and preparation for ...

Hidden Power of Kindness

Hidden Power of Kindness
Fr. Lawrence G. LovasikCode: B2472  Price: £16.50

Transform yourself - and the world - through kindness!

Kindness counts. If you have trouble acting with the consistent kindness our Lord expects

In the School of Jesus

In the School of Jesus
Rev. Cassian Karg, O.M.Cap.Code: B2611  Price: £5.50

A deep interior life, hidden in God, is the most precious thing we have on earth.

"We can never do too much to fill the hearts of men with love ...

Infant Homicides by Contraceptives

Infant Homicides by Contraceptives
Dr. Bogomir M. KuharCode: B1583  Price: £3.75

A fascinating booklet by a Catholic pharmacist on how most contraceptives do not really prevent pregnancy, but actually abort children shortly after ...

Overcoming Sinful Anger

Overcoming Sinful Anger
Fr. T. MorrowCode: B2469  Price: £9.99

When St. Jane Francis de Chantal encouraged St. Francis de Sales to be a bit angrier over the opposition they were facing in starting their ...

Praying for Priests

Praying for Priests
Kathleen BeckmanCode: B2481  Price: £12.50

Foreword by Fr Mitch Pacwa, SJ. History has taught us the power of intercessory prayer, and nobody is in more need of our prayers than Catholic ...

Preparation for Death (Abridged)

Preparation for Death (Abridged)
St Alphonsus LiguoriCode: B0863  Price: £15.50

Considerations on the Eternal Truths. A popular abridgement of the much larger original that loses none of its punch. Shows that life is short and ...

Self-abandonment to Divine Providence - Leatherbound

Self-abandonment to Divine Providence - Leatherbound
Father J P De CaussadeCode: B2585  Price: £20.95

"Self -abandonment, is itself the work of God: While he strips of everything the souls who give themselves absolutely to him

Techniques of Icon and Wall Painting

Techniques of Icon and Wall Painting
Aidan HartCode: B1880  Price: £45.00

This book is a comprehensive and clear explanation of the techniques and materials needed for egg tempera panel painting, gilding

The Catholic Family - Vol I

The Catholic Family - Vol I
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3192  Price: £11.50

A Brief Guide for a United, Lasting and Fruitful Marriage.

"Men's and women's specific qualities, in different domains

The Catholic Family - Vol III - The Family

The Catholic Family - Vol III - The Family
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3266  Price: £11.50

The Family: Creating a Happy, Holy, and Strong Family Bond

There is no more beautiful model to encourage spouses and parents in their ...

The Gift of Self to God

The Gift of Self to God
Father John Nicholas Grou, S.JCode: B1554  Price: £6.50   £5.50

Translated by the Benedictines of Teignmouth. This timely monograph, composed by Jesuit Father Nicholas Grou, contains precious gems of holy wisdom

The Holy Ghost Our Greatest Friend

The Holy Ghost Our Greatest Friend
Fr Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.Code: B1105  Price: £4.99

A beautiful little book "all about the Holy Ghost," including prayers to Him. Shows He really and truly dwells in every soul that is in the state of ...

The Jesus Prayer

The Jesus Prayer
Bishop Kallistos WareCode: B2580  Price: £3.95

The Jesus Prayer is the most popular devotional prayer in the Orthodox Church and increasingly popular in the West. A simple and direct method of ...

The Rule of St Benedict - Leatherbound

The Rule of St Benedict - LeatherboundCode: B1140  Price: £18.45

Translated with an introduction by Cardinal Gasquet. This rule of life is - in Christ - the heart and soul of the most successful religious order in ...

The Seven Capital Sins

The Seven Capital Sins
Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual AdorationCode: B1121  Price: £3.99

Everyone, unfortunately, will see himself described in the pages of this little book, since all our sins are traceable to these seven roots: Pride

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