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From the Sacred Heart to the TrinityFr Gabriel of St Mary Magdalene, OCDCode: B1281 Price: £12.50
. The Spiritual Itinerary of St. Teresa Margaret (Redi) of the Sacred Heart, O.C.D. Trans Rev Sebastian V Ramge, OCD. St
Beatification of Titus Brandsma, CarmeliteRedemptus Maria Valabek, O. CarmCode: B1102 Price: £4.95
A written record of the beatification ceremony for Fr. Titus Brandsma on November 3, 1985 and the related events which took place literally around ...
Francisco Palautr. Carmelite MissionariesCode: B0621 Price: £1.50
Apostle and founder. Short biography.
Practising the Presence of the Living God - A Retreat with Brother Lawrence of the ResurrectionJean MaaloufCode: B1857 Price: £13.50
This book Practicing the Presence of the Living God intends to be a guide for a spiritual journey. It can be used in a retreat centre, at home
Saint Raphael Kalinowski: An Introduction to his Life and SpiritualityS. PraskiewiczCode: B0321 Price: £10.50
A concise introduction to one of Pope John Paul 11's favourite saints.
The Prophet of Carmel - The Life and Mission of the Prophet EliasRev. Charles B. Garside, M. A.Code: B1544 Price: £13.95
Garnering his material from the last two of the four Books of Kings, Father Charles Garside, M.A., paints a portrait of a thundering visionary
Listen to the Silence: A Retreat with Père JacquesTranslated and edited by Francis J. MurphyCode: B2308 Price: £13.50Sorry, out of stock
The Carmelite nuns at Pontoise invited Père Jacques to give conferences and to preach as retreat master. They received from him a seven-day retreat ...
At the Fountain of ElijahWilfred McGreal, O. CarmCode: B0273 Price: £17.00Sorry, out of stock
This book takes us on a journey through time and space from the 12th century to the conditions of the present day, conditions which have encouraged ...
Elijah Prophet of CarmelJane AckermanCode: B0950 Price: £12.75 £11.95Sorry, out of stock
Elijah is considered the legendary founder and traditional patron of all Carmelites. He is considered to be one of their greatest spiritual models
Living in Christ Jesus: Bl Mary of Jesus, OCDW. BushCode: B0881 Price: £2.50Sorry, sold out
Born in 1560 at Tartanedo (Spain) she took the Discalced Carmelite habit at Toledo in 1577 and made her profession the following year
The Practice of the Presence of God: Writings and Conversations onBr. Lawrence of the ResurrectionCode: B0317 Price: £16.50Sorry, out of stock
Ed. C. De Meester, trans. S. Sciurba. In addition to Brother Lawrence's maxims, letters and conversations, this volume includes a summary of the ...