Holy Face Devotion

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Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers

For Altar Servers in the Ordinary form of the Mass (in English), Eucharistic Ministers, and readers. For Latin Mass Altar Servers - see Latin Mass - Altar Servers
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Communion to the Sick Liturgical Card

Communion to the Sick Liturgical CardCode: B3021  Price: £0.50

A portable liturgical card for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in bringing the Eucharist to the sick, using the revised text from The ...

Ministering Communion

Ministering Communion
Fr Allen MorrisCode: B2746  Price: £3.50

An essential text for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion which gives an introduction to the most important elements of this ministry

Ministers of Holy Communion

Ministers of Holy Communion
Donald J WitheyCode: B2387  Price: £4.99

A practical guide for anyone preparing to be a Minister of Holy Communion. It is complete in itself and is particularly suitable for ministers ...

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St Stephen's Handbook for Altar Servers

St Stephen's Handbook for Altar Servers
Edward MatthewsCode: B0372  Price: £3.99Sorry, out of stock

This handbook will help altar servers to develop a fuller understanding of what they are doing. With helpful hints and a detailed guide with ...

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A Handbook for Readers

A Handbook for Readers
Marian TolleyCode: B2388  Price: £4.99Sorry, out of stock

A guide for aspiring and existing Readers from an outstanding practitioner of this ministry. Throughout the book there is an emphasis on the ...

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A Workbook for Readers

A Workbook for Readers
Marian TolleyCode: B2389  Price: £4.99Sorry, out of stock

A basic practical course for people who read in church - a companion volume to the Handbook for Readers. Many readers do not know or cannot locate ...

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Administration of Communion and Viaticum to the Sick by a Special Minister

Administration of Communion and Viaticum to the Sick by a Special MinisterCode: B1185  Price: £4.50Sorry, out of stock

Approved for use in the dioceses of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Includes Rite of Communion of the Sick, Short Rite (for use when there are ...

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Pastoral Care of the Sick

Pastoral Care of the Sick
ICEL and Catholic BishopsCode: B0660  Price: £18.00Sorry, out of stock

A useful pocket sized book for Eucharistic Ministers, Deacons and Priests. Its chapter cover: visits to the sick; sick children; communion of the ...

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