Holy Face Devotion

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Holy Face Devotion

For medals and prayer cards, see also Holy Face Articles. For more information on the Holy Face Devotion, visit our Holy Face Information page.
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The Holy Face Manual

The Holy Face ManualCode: B3314  Price: £13.50

The Manual of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face is a collection of traditional devotions to the Holy Face of Our Lord in His Passion

Devotion to the Holy Face

Devotion to the Holy Face
Compiled by Mary Frances LesterCode: B1629  Price: £4.99


The devotion to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and particularly to His Holy Face is one of the oldest in the Christian tradition

The Golden Arrow

The Golden Arrow
Sr Mary of St PeterCode: B0164  Price: £16.50

The classic autobiography and revelations of Sr Mary of St Peter on devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus, with the Golden Arrow prayer

The Holy Shroud and Four Visions

The Holy Shroud and Four Visions
Rev Patrick O'Connell, B.D. and Rev Charles CartyCode: B0167  Price: £6.99

The Holy Shroud New Evidence Compared with the Visions of St Bridget of Sweden, Maria d'Agreda, Catherine Emmerich and Teresa Neumann.

The Treasure of the Holy Face

The Treasure of the Holy Face
Holy Face AssociationCode: B0163  Price: £12.95

Pocket size - includes devotion, mass, holy hour, chaplet of the holy face devotion and much more. A real gem.

The Holy Shroud

The Holy Shroud
Antonio CassanelliCode: B3207  Price: £5.99

A thorough and far-reaching survey of the history, the scientific challenges that it presents, and of its religious significance

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The Story of Sister Maria Pierina de Micheli

The Story of Sister Maria Pierina de Micheli
By Sister Maria Ildefonsa RigamontiCode: B1760  Price: £22.95Sorry, out of stock

Sister Maria Pierina di Michaeli was a holy nun who died in 1945, was urged in many visions by the Blessed Mother and Jesus Himself to spread the ...

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Mother Maria Pierina

Mother Maria Pierina
Sr Maria Ildefonsa RigamontiCode: B0532  Price: £7.95Sorry, out of stock

Life and Revelations of Mother Pierina, Missionary of the Holy Face and Sponsor of the Holy Face Medal.

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The Importance of the Holy Face Devotion in the 21st Century

The Importance of the Holy Face Devotion in the 21st Century
Mrs Kathleen M HeckenhampCode: B2475  Price: £2.95Sorry, out of stock

Little booklet containing brief history of the Holy Face Devotion, including its saints, and prayers.

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