Holy Face Devotion

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ConfessionCode: B2123  Price: £7.95

Deepen your love and appreciation for this beautiful sacrament with this brand new booklet on Confession, published by SSPX

Confession: Its Fruitful Practice

Confession: Its Fruitful Practice
Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual AdorationCode: B1044  Price: £4.99

This wonderful and practical little book explains clearly and thoroughly how to make a good Confession but in much greater detail than covered in ...

A Simple Penance Book

A Simple Penance Book
Revised by Mgr Paul GroganCode: B0763  Price: £3.95

Pope Francis says "God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy". The practice of Confession

Meditations before Mass

Meditations before Mass
Fr Romano GuardiniCode: B2276  Price: £10.99

With an Introduction by Archbishop Samuel J Aquila. The profound wisdom found in this Romano Guardini classic will help you to quiet your soul

The Wonders of the Mass

The Wonders of the Mass
Fr Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.Code: B0158  Price: £3.99

Says that "the Mass is the greatest wonder in the world," seconded only by "the next greatest wonder.the indifference and ignorance of Catholics ...

Abide in My Love

Abide in My Love
Michael J Miller, translatorCode: B2781  Price: £14.95

Based on the 6th French edition (Paris: Téqui) This book was composed shortly after World War I by an Italian priest who wished to remain anonymous

Christ the Ideal of the Priest

Christ the Ideal of the Priest
Blessed Columba MarmionCode: B1078  Price: £17.99

The highly acclaimed spiritual writer, Blessed Columba Marmion wrote this classic work on the priesthood to show the great holiness that priests are ...

On the Holy Mass

On the Holy Mass
Dom Prosper GuerangerCode: B2835  Price: £13.95

Dom Prosper Gueranger (1805-1875) loved, lived, and breathed the Roman Liturgy. A step by step guide, "On the Holy Mass" offers some of his ...

The Holy Mass

The Holy Mass
Dom Prosper GuerangerCode: B1139  Price: £20.95

Dom Prosper Gueranger (1805-1875) devoted himself to liturgical scholarship, polemics, and the establishment of Benedictine communities in France

The Priest: His Dignity and Obligations

The Priest: His Dignity and Obligations
St John EudesCode: B1547  Price: £14.50   £13.99

Herein are delineated not only the standards, but also sound advice on how to maintain them and how to achieve, for the greatest possible glory of ...

The Sacred Heart and the Priesthood

The Sacred Heart and the Priesthood
Mother Louise Margaret ClaretCode: B1143  Price: £13.99

From her lifetime conversations with Our Lord; written to strengthen priests in the love of their sublime vocation and unite them more closely to ...

The Secret of Confession

The Secret of Confession
Fr Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.Code: B0145  Price: £10.99

Probably the most intriguing and consoling book ever written about the Sacrament of Confession. This little gem contains a host of true stories ...

At the Service of Truth: Priesthood and Ascetic Life

At the Service of Truth: Priesthood and Ascetic Life
Robert Cardinal SarahCode: B3375  Price: £12.95

Drawn from a retreat given to priests, Cardinal Robert Sarah speaks with his trademark clarity and directness to confront some of the most burning ...

Communion Prayers

Communion Prayers
Arranged by Rev John A KalvelageCode: B2668  Price: £4.50

Compiled from approved sources. The great Doctor of Prayer, St. Alphonsus, assures us that the minutes immediately preceding and following the ...

Confession and Communion

Confession and Communion
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2943  Price: £11.95

For Religious and Those who Communicate Frequently. Those who frequently avail themselves of these Sacraments will appreciate this devotional aid ...

Forgive us our Trespasses

Forgive us our Trespasses
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2949  Price: £10.95

Mother Loyola's work on the subject of Confession is not merely groundbreaking, but seems to form one of the most crucial of her strengths

God is Near Us: The Eucharist, The Heart of Life

God is Near Us: The Eucharist, The Heart of Life
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)Code: B0639  Price: £14.99

Cardinal Ratzinger compellingly shows us the biblical, historical, and theological dimensions of the Eucharist. From these he draws far reaching ...

Lord, Have Mercy

Lord, Have Mercy
Scott HahnCode: B0596  Price: £12.99

The Healing Power of Confession. Hahn argues that the sacrament of confession is the key to spiritual growth, more relevant than ever in these ...

Mothers of Priests

Mothers of Priests
Fr. Robert Quardt, S.C.J.Code: B1528  Price: £5.95

This book praises mothers responsible for their sons' priestly vocation: the mothers of Saint Bernard and Saint John Bosco; Alice Rolls

On the Religious Life

On the Religious Life
Dom Prosper GuerangerCode: B1914  Price: £13.95

What are religious? What does the Lord ask of them? What should their interior attitude be to poverty, chastity, obedience

Sensus Fidei

Sensus Fidei
International Theological CommissionCode: B2353  Price: £4.95

The International Theological Commission addresses a controversial and often misused term. At different times in the history of the Church

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Michael McGukian, SJCode: B1010  Price: £7.99

A Search for an Acceptable Notion of Sacrifice. In this insightful and stirring work, Rev McGukian asks how the Eucharist can rightly be called a ...

The Lamb's Supper

The Lamb's Supper
Scott HahnCode: B0108  Price: £12.99

The Mass as Heaven on Earth. The Lamb's Supper reveals a long lost secret of the Church: the early Christians' key to understanding the mysteries of ...

The Mass of the Early Christians

The Mass of the Early Christians
Mike AquilinaCode: B0105  Price: £13.99

In this book, respected author, scholar, and television host Mike Aquilina reveals the Church's most ancient Eucharistic beliefs and practices

The Priest's Way to God

The Priest's Way to God
Dom Eugene Boylan OCSOCode: B3406  Price: £18.45

How can a priest become more like Christ? How can a priest maintain his zeal for holiness as his youthful idealism fades away? Numerous books have ...

The Reality of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist

The Reality of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist
St John FisherCode: B3400  Price: £49.95

Protestants deny the Real Presence, but we as Catholics can and must defend it.

Did Jesus Christ, the God-man, truly bestow upon humanity the ...

The Spiritual Life of the Priest

The Spiritual Life of the Priest
Dom Eugene Boylan OCSOCode: B3407  Price: £17.45

First published in 1949, The Spiritual Life of the Priest was written as a guide for busy priests working in the U.S., specifically with American ...

Treasures of the Mass

Treasures of the Mass
Benedict Sisters of Perpetual AdorationCode: B2762  Price: £9.95

A devotional explanation of the prayers, ceremonies, and mysteries of the Holy Sacrifice, and of the benefits to be derived from devout ...

Why Go to Confession?

Why Go to Confession?
Fr John FladerCode: B1578  Price: £3.95

Read about the benefits and practice of the sacrament. The purpose of this booklet is to help those who make use of the sacrament to appreciate it ...

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How to Make a Good Confession

How to Make a Good Confession
Fr. John A. KaneCode: B2275  Price: £9.50Sorry, out of stock

How to make your Confessions less difficult and more fruitful. If you still drag your feet about going to Confession, here's the help you need to ...

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Confession: A Little Book for the Reluctant

Confession: A Little Book for the Reluctant
Rev. Msgr. Louis Gaston de SegurCode: B1982  Price: £3.99Sorry, out of stock

This popular nineteenth century French Catholic writer has assembled over 30 common objections to going to Confession and has answered them all with ...

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The Priest: The Man of God

The Priest: The Man of God
St. Joseph CafassoCode: B1888  Price: £13.99Sorry, out of stock

His Dignity and Duties. If every priest in the Church knew this book and practiced what it says, we would have a different Church

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The Sinner's Guide

The Sinner's Guide
Venerable Louis Of GrenadaCode: B1043  Price: £15.50Sorry, out of stock

In the Sinner's Guide, Venerable Louis de Granada proves himself a masterful spiritual director, showing how life in Christ is a beautiful way of ...

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