Holy Face Devotion

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The Way of the Cross (St Alphonsus)

The Way of the Cross (St Alphonsus)
St Alphonsus LiguoriCode: B0156  Price: £3.99

The Stations of the Cross, according to the Method of St Alphonsus Liguori. Easily the most popular and best-loved Way of the Cross ever

The Way of the Cross for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

The Way of the Cross for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
Susan TassoneCode: B0977  Price: £7.99

"Sacred Scripture and our faith in the Communion of Saints encourage us to remember the dead. What better way to prayer for the departed than by ...

The Resurrection

The Resurrection
Plinio Correa de OliveiraCode: B2468  Price: £3.95

Reflections on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Taken from a talk given by Prof Correa de Oliveira without his review

Leaflet: Lent

Leaflet: LentCode: L0255  Price: £0.40

Making Space for God. Practical suggestions for observing the season of Lent. CTS Essentials 4 fold DL leaflet.

The Mystery of Easter

The Mystery of Easter
Raniero Cantalamessa OFM CapCode: B1326  Price: £8.95

What does the paschal mystery mean in the context of the rite - past and present- and in Christian life and death? Students of the liturgy and ...

Stations of the Cross: Newman

Stations of the Cross: Newman
John Henry NewmanCode: B2069  Price: £2.50

Among the various texts that have been used for The Stations of the Cross, John Henry Newman's words stand out as one of the most enduring versions

Stations of the Cross: The Way of Divine Mercy

Stations of the Cross: The Way of Divine Mercy
Fr Jim McManus CssRCode: B3371  Price: £3.95

These classic reflections on Christ's passion by St Alphonsus retain their timeless relevance. They are enriched by a brief biography of Alphonsus

Via Lucis: The Way of the Light from Easter to Pentecost

Via Lucis: The Way of the Light from Easter to Pentecost
Monika ArnoldCode: B3305  Price: £2.50

A delightful mini picture book offering 14 Easter encounters with the risen Jesus. Translated by Anthony Tromp. Illustrations by Petra Lefin

Lent and Holy Week with Mary

Lent and Holy Week with Mary
Dr Mary AmoreCode: B3209  Price: £3.99

Each daily meditation includes Scripture, a question to think about or act to consider,
and a short prayer to the Blessed Mother.

Good Friday

Good Friday
Plinio Correa de OliveiraCode: B2467  Price: £3.95

Reflections on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Translated from varous excerpts of meetings given by Prof Correa de Oliveira without his ...

Lenten Devotions: Stations and Meditations from the Rosary Shrine

Lenten Devotions: Stations and Meditations from the Rosary Shrine
Fr Lawrence Lew OPCode: B3369  Price: £4.95

Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P. offers three powerful devotions from the Lenten practices of the faithful at St Dominic's Priory church

Easter Card pack - Blessings (Pack of 12 small cards)

Easter Card pack - Blessings (Pack of 12 small cards)Code: E0411  Price: £5.75

Packet of 12 small religious Easter Cards with Gold Foil, 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm). Featuring three Floral Designs. Inside text: Design 1: Wishing ...

Cenacle House Ltd