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Church History

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The Pilgrims Guide to Romes Principal Churches

The Pilgrims Guide to Romes Principal Churches
Rev. Father TylendaCode: B1738  Price: £29.50   £27.95

Back in print after 15 years! The Definitive Catholic Tour guide to Rome. Can't afford to go to Rome? Discover the Holy City from the comfort of ...

Martyrs of the English Reformation

Martyrs of the English Reformation
Dr. Malcolm BrennanCode: B1510  Price: £12.95

This is the bloody chronicle of twenty-four English saints who laid down their lives as a testimony to the truth of the Catholic Faith during the ...

The Desert Fathers

The Desert Fathers
Helen Waddell, trans.Code: B2758  Price: £15.95

For several hundred years, in the youth of the Church, countless men, and a few women, fled the world and flocked to the deserted places of this ...

Annibale Bugnini: Reformer of the Liturgy?

Annibale Bugnini: Reformer of the Liturgy?
Yves ChironCode: B3122  Price: £14.50

Foreword by Alcuin Reid. In this book, French historian Yves Chiron turns his attention to one of the most influential figures of 20th-century ...

Catherine of Siena: Dialogue

Catherine of Siena: Dialogue
Sister Susan NoffkeCode: B3062  Price: £23.95

Catherine of Siena (1347-1380), Saint, Mystic and Doctor of the Church, wrote The Dialogue, her crowning spiritual work

Heavenly Embroidery - illustrated

Heavenly Embroidery - illustrated
Gillian GruteCode: B3402  Price: £14.99

A gift of art prints by A.W.N. Pugin to the Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus in Aachen (Aix-La-Chapelle) led to the unexpected rise of the ...

John Cassian: The Institutes

John Cassian: The Institutes
Boniface Ramsey, O.P., translatorCode: B0468  Price: £31.95

The Institutes is the first written work by John Cassian, a man who had an immense influence on Western monasticism and by extension

Origen: Selected Writings

Origen: Selected Writings
Rowan A GreerCode: B3068  Price: £19.99

Here are the important and influential writings of a Christian mystic and early father of the church. Origen (c. 185-254) was born in Alexandria and ...

Pageant of Life

Pageant of Life
Owen Francis DudleyCode: B2485  Price: £8.95

This is the 4th book in the Fr. Dudley series. In this book, Fr. Dudley endeavors to present an antithesis to that modern cowardice which manifests ...

Pilgrim's Tale

Pilgrim's Tale
Aleksei Pentkovsky, T Allan SmithCode: B3069  Price: £18.95

In this volume is the authentic text of The Pilgrim's Tale, one of the most widely read and important examples of Russian spiritual literature

Pioneer Priests and Makeshift Altars

Pioneer Priests and Makeshift Altars
Fr Charles ConnorCode: B2865  Price: £16.50

A History of Catholicism in the Thirteen Colonies. In this comprehensive history, Fr. Charles Connor details the life of Catholics in the American ...

Present State of Ecclesiastical Architecture in England and Some Remarks Relative to Ecclesiastical Architecture and Decoration

Present State of Ecclesiastical Architecture in England and Some Remarks Relative to Ecclesiastical Architecture and Decoration
Augustus Welby PuginCode: B1014  Price: £12.99

Pugin (1812-1852) exercised a seminal influence on British archtecture in the nineteenth century, perhaps even more through his writings than his ...

School of Darkness

School of Darkness
Bella V DoddCode: B1745  Price: £21.00

The record of a life and of a conflict between two faiths. Bella Dodd was a member of the Communist Party's National Committee that tried to ...

Seven Lies About Catholic History

Seven Lies About Catholic History
Diane MoczarCode: B1695  Price: £13.99

Infamous Myths about the Church's Past and How to Answer Them. The world hates the Church that Jesus founded, just as He said it would (John 15:18)

The Age of Pilgrimage: The Medieval Journey to God

The Age of Pilgrimage: The Medieval Journey to God
Jonathan SumptionCode: B3356  Price: £24.95

In a fascinating work of history, Sumption brings alive the traditions of pilgrimage prevalent in Europe from the beginning of Christianity to the ...

The Church Under Attack

The Church Under Attack
Diane MoczarCode: B2221  Price: £15.50

Five Hundred Years that Split the Church and Scattered the Flock. Here's an unabashedly Catholic history that documents scores of sustained and ...

The Confessions

The Confessions
Saint Augustine of HippoCode: B2026  Price: £12.50

Translated by Maria Boulding, OSB, Edited by David Meconi, SJ. One of the greatest works of all time and essential reading to anyone studying ...

The Council in Question

The Council in Question
Moyra Doorly, Aidan Nichols, OPCode: B1754  Price: £7.99

A Dialogue with Catholic Traditionalism. The lifting of the excommunication of four bishops of the Society of St Pius X by Pope Benedict XVI on ...

The Desert Fathers: St Anthony and the Beginnings of Monasticism

The Desert Fathers: St Anthony and the Beginnings of Monasticism
Peter H GorgCode: B1884  Price: £13.99

In the late third century, more and more people withdrew to the radical seclusion of the desert so as to live entirely for God under the direction ...

The Fathers of the Church - 3rd Edition

The Fathers of the Church - 3rd Edition
Mike AquilinaCode: B1749  Price: £16.99

We hear the voices of the early Church Fathers even today. Their teachings, their guidance, their insights, and their sacrifice shaped the Catholic ...

The Life and Letters of Rev. George Leo Haydock

The Life and Letters of Rev. George Leo Haydock
Sidney OhlhausenCode: B3405  Price: £34.75

This collection of documents and letters grant us an intimate look into the life of an extraordinary priest.
Rev. Haydock is most often remembered ...

The Suppression of the Society of Jesus

The Suppression of the Society of Jesus
Sydney F Smith, SJCode: B1011  Price: £17.99

Sydney F Smith (1843-1922), the son of a well-to-do Anglican vicar, became a convert to Catholicism, and a Jesuit. While reflecting the nineteenth ...

The Teachings of the Church Fathers

The Teachings of the Church Fathers
John Willis SJCode: B0961  Price: £17.99

This compendium of texts from the Church Fathers is divided into more than 250 doctrinal topics, to form a comprehensive selection and useful ...

The Tremaynes and the Masterful Monk

The Tremaynes and the Masterful Monk
Owen Francis DudleyCode: B2487  Price: £8.95

The 6th book, is considered a character study. Fr. Dudley writes in the notes of this book "we are apt, rather smugly I think

Witnesses to the Holy Mass

Witnesses to the Holy Mass
Dom Bede Camm, OSBCode: B2764  Price: £8.95

During the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I of England, many Catholics suffered death rather than give up their faith

Words of Wisdom from the Church Fathers

Words of Wisdom from the Church Fathers
Jimmy AkinCode: B2811  Price: £2.50

In the history of Christianity, the age of the apostles gave way to the age of the Church Fathers - which is the hinge connecting the New Testament ...

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Four Witnesses: The Early Church

Four Witnesses: The Early Church
Rod BennettCode: B0960  Price: £17.99Sorry, out of stock

What was the early Church like? Contrary to popular belief, former Evangelical Rod Bennett shows there is a reliable way to know

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Great Orders of the Catholic Church

Great Orders of the Catholic Church
Harry SchnitkerCode: B2302  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

From very early in her history the Church has been filled with men and women who have dedicated themselves exclusively to God in the religious life

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The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest - paperback

The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest - paperback
Fr John Gerard, SJCode: B1743  Price: £16.50Sorry, out of stock

Truth is stranger than fiction. And nowhere in literature is it so apparent as in this classic work, The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest

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The Second Vatican Council

The Second Vatican Council
Roberto de MatteiCode: B2416  Price: £29.95Sorry, out of stock

No event of the 20th century produced a greater effect upon the Catholic Church than Vatican II, the 21st Ecumenical Council

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A Book of Martyrs

A Book of Martyrs
Fr John S. HoganCode: B2777  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

Devotions to the Martyrs of England, Scotland and Wales. Veneration of martyrs is one of the earliest devotions in the Church

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Catholic Architecture

Catholic Architecture
Steve SchloederCode: B2101  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

An exploration of what the design of a Catholic Church means, and why it matters. The church building has always been intended to express and ...

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Come Rack! Come Rope!

Come Rack! Come Rope!
Robert Hugh BensonCode: B1381  Price: £13.95Sorry, out of stock

Some years before this book was written, H. Belloc wrote that R. Benson would be "the man to write some day a book to give us some sort of idea what ...

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Lived Christianity

Lived Christianity
Dom Francis de Sales PollienCode: B3347  Price: £15.00Sorry, out of stock

A classic on the spiritual life and the quest for holiness. "To what height the saints have risen! Undoubtedly, not all of them have done the full ...

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Reginald Cardinal Pole: The Last Archbishop of Canterbury

Reginald Cardinal Pole: The Last Archbishop of Canterbury
Michael HutchingsCode: B1622  Price: £12.99Sorry, out of stock

There is no better way of examining the truth of what happened at the Reformation than by looking at the life and times of Cardinal Pole

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Treason: A Catholic Novel of Elizabethan England

Treason: A Catholic Novel of Elizabethan England
Dena HuntCode: B2219  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

As Stephen Long steps ashore in England one grey dawn in May 1581, he wonders how many more Catholics will have to die to make Queen Elizabeth feel ...

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