Roman Catholic Sunday Missal BookletCode: B1500 Price: £5.95 This Latin-English Missal booklet for the Traditional (Tridentine) Latin Mass is one of the best available. From the durable cover to the two-color ... | | | | | | | | | Latin Pronunciation GuideCode: B1394 Price: £1.25 Pocket-sized card that explains the importance of the correct pronunciation of ecclesiastical Latin - citing Pope Pius XI |
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Roman Missal (1962) - BlackCode: B0793 Price: £63.95 Roman Catholic Daily Missal (1962). For Catholics who wish to participate in the Tridentine (Latin) Mass. This edition is the only one we carry to ... | | | Know Your Mass Fr. Demetrius ManousosCode: B1389 Price: £10.95 Originally published by the Catechetical Guild in 1954 (Imprimatur Francis Cardinal Spellman), this is a "comic" book unlike any other | | | The Saint Edmund Campion MissalCode: B2131 Price: £24.99 For the Traditional Latin Mass. Perhaps the most beautiful and accessible missal ever published, The Saint Edmund Campion Missal stands alone among ... | | | |
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| | | | | | | | | The Visitor's Guide to MassCode: B3263 Price: £4.50 Thinking about attending a Latin Mass for the first time or maybe bringing a friend who's never been before? This is the product for you! This ... |
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| | | Liber UsualisCode: B2932 Price: £76.00 Gregorian Chant for every Mass of the year. The Liber Usualis is a must for any choir or schola member wanting to sing the Gregorian Chant of the ... | | | | | | An Alphabet of the AltarCode: B2797 Price: £18.95 £17.95 In this most beautiful book, each lavishly illustrated page is mesmerizing in its detail but even more so for its love of the beauty of our Faith |
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| | | Marian Missal for the Mass of the AgesCode: B3353 Price: £5.50 This attractive Latin Mass booklet is dedicated to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. The propers included within the Mass are for the Feast of the ... | | | The Rosary for Little Catholics Francis McGradeCode: B2303 Price: £8.95 An invaluable resource in helping little children pray the Rosary, beautifully illustrated on every page and written in a way that children feel Our ... | | | |
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Roman Missal (1962) - WhiteCode: B1687 Price: £63.95 Roman Catholic Daily Missal (1962). For Catholics who wish to participate in the Tridentine (Latin) Mass. This edition is the only one we carry to ... | | | | | | | | | Traditional Roman Hymnal - Choir EditionCode: B3168 Price: £38.95 After several years of work, we are pleased to announce the arrival of the long-awaited release of The Traditional Roman Hymnal - Choir Edition |
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Essential Latin HymnsCode: B3415 Price: £10.95 This collection of hymns was created to aid those wishing to sing while at the Divine Office, Benediction, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass | | | | | | | | | Liber BreviorCode: B1904 Price: £44.00 This book is essentially exactly the same as the 1954 "Liber Usualis" (used by priests, monks, sisters and seminarians) except that it has been ... |