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Catechism of Mental Prayer

Catechism of Mental Prayer
Very Revd Joseph SimlerCode: B0574  Price: £4.99

'The devil knows that he has lost the soul that perseveringly practices mental prayer'. St Teresa of Avila.

Catholic Girl's Guide

Catholic Girl's Guide
Rev. F.X. LasanceCode: B2935  Price: £18.50   £17.95

The members of the Little Flowers Girls Clubs are sure to recognize the Maiden's Wreath of Virtues in this classic, on which their flower badges ...

Climbing the Mountain: The Journey of Prayer

Climbing the Mountain: The Journey of Prayer
James TolhurstCode: B2428  Price: £7.99

The Journey of Prayer. In this book we find a sure companion for the journey of prayer, showing us how to begin to pray

Cloud of Unknowing

Cloud of Unknowing
James WalshCode: B3065  Price: £21.99

Written by an anonymous English monk during the late fourteenth century, The Cloud of Unknowing holds an important place in the history of both ...

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative Prayer
Thomas MertonCode: B3040  Price: £9.99

Thomas Merton's classic study of monastic prayer and contemplation brings a tradition of spirituality alive for the present day. But, as A. M

Coram Sanctissimo

Coram Sanctissimo
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2944  Price: £8.50

Forty Hours.
One Guide.
In these meditations before the Blessed Sacrament, Mother Mary Loyola's distinctive style skillfully guides the reader ...

Crib to Cross: The Life of Christ

Crib to Cross: The Life of ChristCode: B3167  Price: £13.99

Crib to Cross is a collection of beautiful meditations written over a hundred years ago with the young Catholic in mind

Daily Breviary Meditations

Daily Breviary Meditations
Bishop AngrisaniCode: B3230  Price: £95.00

Meditations for Every Day on the Scriptural Lessons of the Roman Breviary, in accordance with the Encyclical "Divino Afflante

Daily Companion for Young Catholics

Daily Companion for Young Catholics
Allan F WrightCode: B2845  Price: £9.50

Add this small book to the mix of smartphones and tablets that are daily accessories in every teen's life. The author, a father of 4 and a veteran ...

Devotional Manual for Soldiers, Sailors and Aviators

Devotional Manual for Soldiers, Sailors and AviatorsCode: B2347  Price: £4.95

For God and Country. Pocket size prayer book filled with prayers for the morning, day, and evening. Special prayers are included for those in the ...

Divine Mercy Novena and Prayers

Divine Mercy Novena and Prayers
Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.Code: B1489  Price: £2.75

Divine Mercy novena and prayers. Beautiful new edition with full colour illustrations and gold-embossed cover, size 3.75" x 6".

Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home

Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the HomeCode: B1945  Price: £2.95

The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart is a crusade to establish the Social Reign of the Sacred Heart in society through the family, the social cell

Eucharistic Adoration - Large Print

Eucharistic Adoration - Large Print
Catholic Truth SocietyCode: B3335  Price: £3.50

An excellent companion for time spent before the Blessed Sacrament - all in Larger Print. Containing prayers and the full Rite of Eucharistic ...

Father Peyton's Rosary Prayer Book

Father Peyton's Rosary Prayer Book
Fr PeytonCode: B0346  Price: £14.99

This one-of-a-kind prayerbook, with its one hundred and eighty reflections on the Mysteries of the Rosary develops within us a sureness and ...

Fathers Manual

Fathers Manual
A. Francis Coomes, SJCode: B1637  Price: £8.75

The Original Fathers' Manual. Spiritual aids for the husband and father. Accommodates a long felt need for prayer and guidance

Hail! Full of Grace

Hail! Full of Grace
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2950  Price: £11.95

In Hail! Full of Grace, Mother Loyola brings her full talent for storytelling to bear on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary

How to Pray Always

How to Pray Always
Fr Raoul Plus SJCode: B0959  Price: £9.50

Helps us become better Christians by showing us how to know, to love, and to serve God, and to live prayerfully and constantly in His loving ...

John Main:  A Biography in text and photos

John Main: A Biography in text and photos
Paul HarrisCode: B0406  Price: £4.50

This booklet is a collection of personal reminiscences by John Main's family, friends and colleagues. It adds a new dimension to the understanding ...

Journey Into Wholeness, Prayer for Inner Healing

Journey Into Wholeness, Prayer for Inner Healing
Alan GuileCode: B2118  Price: £12.99

Drawing on forty years' experience in this ministry, the author shows how prayer helps people to emerge from their past hurts and limitations

Joyfully Living the Gospel Day by Day

Joyfully Living the Gospel Day by Day
Rev. John CatoirCode: B2851  Price: £10.75

Each day contains a specific Scripture quotation, reflection, and prayer to encourage joyous participation in the Christian life

Key of the Kingdom

Key of the KingdomCode: B1496  Price: £9.50

This book contains a treasury of prayers that every Christian should know: Morning and Evening prayers, Devotions for Confession and Holy Communion

Libro de Oracion Comun (Spanish Simple Prayer Book)

Libro de Oracion Comun (Spanish Simple Prayer Book)Code: B1780  Price: £3.95

Basic prayers and the Order of Mass in Spanish and English on facing pages. CTS's classic compilation of Catholic prayers

Modlitewnik (Polish Simple Prayer Book)

Modlitewnik (Polish Simple Prayer Book)Code: B1779  Price: £3.95

Basic prayers and the Order of Mass in Polish and English on facing pages. CTS's classic compilation of Catholic prayers

My Confession Book (Traditional)

My Confession Book (Traditional)
Sister M. Andrine Welters O.S.B.Code: B1147  Price: £4.99

A little classic from 1958 that has assisted many children with their First Confession as well as subsequent confessions

Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima
Rev William J Smith, SJCode: B2836  Price: £4.95

Each day of the novena has a special "object of interest" for which to pray. The novena is followed by hymns, and the official version of the Pope ...

Novena to St Joseph

Novena to St JosephCode: B2515  Price: £4.50

Saint Joseph is patron of the Universal Church. He therefore has a special interest in the needs of all. In Nazareth, the Son of God was subject to ...

Novena to the Holy Ghost

Novena to the Holy Ghost
Holy Ghost FathersCode: B1694  Price: £3.99

This famous Novena guides the Catholic day by day in obtaining an increase of the priceless 7 Gifts of the Holy Ghost. In 7 different ways these ...

Novena, Hymns, and Prayer for the Holy Souls in...

Novena, Hymns, and Prayer for the Holy Souls in...
Rev. Joseph W. Printon, C. Ss. R.Code: B2326  Price: £3.95

Arranged for Congregational use by Rev. Joseph W. Printon, C. Ss. R. All hymns are meant to be sung by the entire congregation and all prayers are ...

Prayer Crusade for Priests

Prayer Crusade for Priests
Society of St. Pius XCode: B1944  Price: £7.50

Since its first printing, Prayer Crusade for Priests has helped to unite the faithful to priests labouring in the vineyard of the Lord

Praying the Nicene Creed

Praying the Nicene Creed
James Matthew WilsonCode: B3373  Price: £6.95

The Nicene Creed is a succinct recitation of the core tenets of the Catholic Faith, opening with a declaration of belief in one God who made the ...

Saint Benedicts Prayer Book

Saint Benedicts Prayer BookCode: B0903  Price: £10.00

Saint Benedict's Prayer Book for Beginners, from Ampleforth Abbey Press. 'It is through prayer that every day we open the door to God's love a ...

Saint Jude Prayer Book

Saint Jude Prayer Book
National Shrine of St JudeCode: B3091  Price: £2.99

This little prayerbook contains a brief biography, history of devotion to the Saint, and of the shrine, common Catholic prayers, litanies

Sands of Time

Sands of Time
Michael MaginnCode: B2264  Price: £7.50

SANDS OF TIME, Still more Prayers from Life, is the latest offering from priest and poet Michael Maginn. He describes an event

Shorter Book of Blessings

Shorter Book of Blessings
ICELCode: B1111  Price: £29.95

The Roman Ritual, revised by Decree of Second Vatican Council and published by the Authority of Pope John Paul II. Blessings for persons, buildings

Silent Prayer

Silent Prayer
Fr Andrzej MuszalaCode: B2722  Price: £3.96

We are not accustomed to spending time with God, in silence, without any specific words or intentions. We feel more comfortable saying something! We ...

St Anthony Novena

St Anthony Novena
Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.Code: B1476  Price: £2.75

Saint Anthony, novena and prayers. Beautiful new edition with full colour illustrations and gold-embossed cover, size 3.75" x 6".

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