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All Roman Catholic Tradition

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Psalms and New Testament - Douay Rheims - black

Psalms and New Testament - Douay Rheims - blackCode: B0804  Price: £25.45

The only Douay-Rheims pocket edition of the New Testament and Psalms! Ideal for those wanting to carry the New Testament and Psalms at all times ...

Roman Catholic Marriage Missal and Rite of Betrothal

Roman Catholic Marriage Missal and Rite of BetrothalCode: B3232  Price: £5.25

This booklet contains the entire Wedding Mass as well as the Wedding Ceremony and the Rite of Betrothal (see below). In Latin and English

Roman Missal (1962) - White

Roman Missal (1962) - WhiteCode: B1687  Price: £63.95

Roman Catholic Daily Missal (1962). For Catholics who wish to participate in the Tridentine (Latin) Mass. This edition is the only one we carry to ...

Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and Missal

Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and MissalCode: B1331  Price: £15.50

With Motu Proprio of Pope John XXIII and other Pertinent Documents.

This indispensable booklet contains the English translation of the Latin ...

Rules for Discerning Spirits

Rules for Discerning Spirits
Rev Father Ludovic-Marie Barrielle, CP. CR. V.Code: B2718  Price: £5.50

In the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola. Since 1533, the spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius have been used by millions to deepen ...

Saint Pius X: Restorer of the Church

Saint Pius X: Restorer of the Church
Yves ChironCode: B1667  Price: £19.95   £18.95

Saint Pius X is the first pope in modern history to be canonized since Saint Pius V in 1712. The Church canonized him because of the heroic virtues ...


Priests of the SSPX Italian DistrictCode: B2510  Price: £6.50

A False Solution to a Real Problem. Sedevacantism presents the origin and history of the sedevacantist movement and its various schools as well as a ...

Spiritual Journey

Spiritual Journey
Archbishop Marcel LefebvreCode: B2715  Price: £10.50

Archbishop Lefebvre's final book. Spiritual Journey describes sanctity, both simple and profound, based upon the writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas

The Beginners Book of Chant

The Beginners Book of Chant
A Benedictine monkCode: B0647  Price: £10.95

This book by using the simplest of the chants in common use gives practical instruction on reading the traditional notation

The Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma

The Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma
Dr Ludwig OttCode: B3027  Price: £63.95

Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma has been considered as the definitive single­ volume summary of Catholic dogmatic theology ever since its original ...

The Holy Bible - Douay-Rheims - Hardcover - red

The Holy Bible - Douay-Rheims - Hardcover - redCode: B3276  Price: £36.95

Since 1609 the Douay-Rheims Bible had been the longest standard Catholic text used in public readings as well as for private reflection

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Fr Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.Code: B3141  Price: £5.50

A student said to a certain priest: "Father, your books set my soul on fire; your style moves me to tears, and my hands burn as they turn your pages

The Mass

The Mass
Fr. Joseph DunneyCode: B1391  Price: £18.95

Whether you have never assisted at the ancient Roman Rite of Mass or have been doing so your whole life, this book has plenty to offer

The Roman Rite Destroyed

The Roman Rite Destroyed
Michael DaviesCode: B2678  Price: £8.50

Twenty-five years ago when this work first was published, its purpose was to prove to the skeptic that the Roman Rite of Mass was in fact being ...

The Rosary for Little Catholics

The Rosary for Little Catholics
Francis McGradeCode: B2303  Price: £8.95

An invaluable resource in helping little children pray the Rosary, beautifully illustrated on every page and written in a way that children feel Our ...

The Rosary with Archbishop Lefebvre

The Rosary with Archbishop Lefebvre
Fr Patrick Troadec, SSPXCode: B3082  Price: £11.50

"One cannot think about the Eucharist without thinking about the Blessed Virgin Mary, because if she had not pronounced her fiat

Traditional Roman Hymnal - Choir Edition

Traditional Roman Hymnal - Choir EditionCode: B3168  Price: £38.95

After several years of work, we are pleased to announce the arrival of the long-awaited release of The Traditional Roman Hymnal - Choir Edition

Vatican Encounter

Vatican Encounter
Jose HanuCode: B2372  Price: £14.50   £13.95

This book is a rare interview between Archbishop Lefebvre and a Dutch Catholic journalist in 1976. It covers everything from the Archbishop's family ...

A Pictorial Catechism

A Pictorial Catechism
M B CoussinierCode: B2795  Price: £17.50   £15.95

This was the first book of its kind to combine the benefits of a solid catechism and the finest artwork with an affordable price

An Explanation of the Veni Sancte Spiritus

An Explanation of the Veni Sancte Spiritus
Fr. Nicholas GihrCode: B1621  Price: £7.50

It is a common and well grounded lament that in teaching the Word of God, the doctrine concerning the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity is to a ...

Apologia for Tradition

Apologia for Tradition
Roberto de MatteiCode: B3132  Price: £12.95

Understanding Catholic Tradition and its essential role in Christ's indefectible Church through the ages!

Apologia for Tradition is a powerful

Baptism - Tridentine Rite

Baptism - Tridentine RiteCode: B1731  Price: £5.25

Here is the complete Rite of Baptism in English and Latin (which can also be found in the 1962 Roman Missal). Includes: Church teaching about ...

Christian Warfare - Deluxe Edition

Christian Warfare - Deluxe EditionCode: B2134  Price: £46.95

Prayers, Hymns, Doctrine and Spiritual Exercises, many in Latin and English side-by-side. Includes: Daily Prayers and Indulgences

Clementine Vetus Testamentum: Old Testament - Volume One

Clementine Vetus Testamentum: Old Testament - Volume OneCode: B3327  Price: £46.95

A truly unique edition of the Old Testament in Latin (Clementine Vulgate/Clementina Vulgata) and English (Douay-Rheims)

Consecration of a Child to the Virgin Mary

Consecration of a Child to the Virgin MaryCode: B1735  Price: £1.45

This booklet gives the parents' consecration formula with a brief explanation of the importance of the act on the back. The booklet also serves as a ...

Daily Breviary Meditations

Daily Breviary Meditations
Bishop AngrisaniCode: B3230  Price: £95.00

Meditations for Every Day on the Scriptural Lessons of the Roman Breviary, in accordance with the Encyclical "Divino Afflante

Ecumenism in the Liturgical Reform

Ecumenism in the Liturgical Reform
The Society of St. Pius XCode: B3392  Price: £17.95

Two books in one: also contains the full text of The Problem of Liturgical Reform.

From Ecumenism To Silent Apostasy

From Ecumenism To Silent Apostasy
SSPXCode: B2677  Price: £4.95

In 2004, The SSPX sent a letter to all the Cardinals of the Church. This letter was accompanied by a hard hitting, but short and concise

Latin Mass Altar Card Set - Antique

Latin Mass Altar Card Set - AntiqueCode: B2530  Price: £9.95

This beautiful Set of Altar Cards for use in the Tridentine expression of the Roman Rite is a reproduction set of 18th century Altar Cards for the ...

Leaflet: Is the SSPX Schismatic (May I receive the Sacraments at the SSPX?)

Leaflet: Is the SSPX Schismatic (May I receive the Sacraments at the SSPX?)
Society of Saint Pius XCode: B2452  Price: £0.85

Rome says that the Society of Saint Pius X is not in schism nor are its members excommunicated, and that anyone can fulfill his Sunday obligation by ...

Leaflet: What is the Society of Saint Pius X?

Leaflet: What is the Society of Saint Pius X?
Society of Saint Pius XCode: B2449  Price: £0.85

Tri-fold Leaflet describing the position of the Society of St. Pius X.

Liber Brevior

Liber BreviorCode: B1904  Price: £44.00

This book is essentially exactly the same as the 1954 "Liber Usualis" (used by priests, monks, sisters and seminarians) except that it has been ...

Manual of Episcopal Ceremonies

Manual of Episcopal Ceremonies
Rt Rev. Aurelius Stehle, OSBCode: B1954  Price: £44.00

Guide to the 1962 Pontificale Romanum. Two volumes in one. This rubrical work for various pontifical ceremonies according to the traditional Roman ...

Marcel Lefebvre: The Biography

Marcel Lefebvre: The Biography
Bishop Bernard Tissier de MalleraisCode: B2438  Price: £29.95

Marcel Lefebvre's (1905-91) life is fascinating. After attending the French Seminary in Rome he joined his brother in the African missions

Marian Sunday Missal for the Mass of the Ages

Marian Sunday Missal for the Mass of the AgesCode: B3352  Price: £13.50

This attractive and great value Sunday missal for the Traditional Latin Mass is dedicated to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Pope John's Council: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. II

Pope John's Council: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. II
Michael DaviesCode: B1591  Price: £28.95

This second edition of Pope John's Council contains new material, selected and edited by Michael Davies shortly before his death

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