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Angelus Press

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Pope Paul's New Mass: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. III

Pope Paul's New Mass: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. III
Michael DaviesCode: B1592  Price: £28.95

Pope Paul's New Mass is the third and final book of the Liturgical Revolution trilogy. It is the unparalleled history of how the New Mass was ...

Praying with the Saints - Autumn

Praying with the Saints - Autumn
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3413  Price: £12.95

"The best way to celebrate the saints is to imitate them. Why not try to live as they did, if only for one day, their day

Praying with the Saints - Summer

Praying with the Saints - Summer
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3412  Price: £12.95

"The best way to celebrate the saints is to imitate them. Why not try to live as they did, if only for one day, their day

Praying with the Saints - Winter

Praying with the Saints - Winter
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3414  Price: £12.95

"The best way to celebrate the saints is to imitate them. Why not try to live as they did, if only for one day, their day

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Religious Liberty Questioned (The Dubia)

Religious Liberty Questioned (The Dubia)
Archbishop Marcel LefebvreCode: B3121  Price: £13.50Sorry, out of stock

Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop Tissier de Mallerais meticulously explore the question of religious liberty and give a crystal clear picture of what ...

Roman Catholic Marriage Missal and Rite of Betrothal

Roman Catholic Marriage Missal and Rite of BetrothalCode: B3232  Price: £5.25

This booklet contains the entire Wedding Mass as well as the Wedding Ceremony and the Rite of Betrothal (see below). In Latin and English

Roman Catholic Requiem Mass Booklet - Latin-English

Roman Catholic Requiem Mass Booklet - Latin-EnglishCode: B3231  Price: £5.25

Latin-English Booklet Missal. Complete Requiem Mass in Latin and English with prayers immediately preceding and following

Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and Missal

Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and MissalCode: B1331  Price: £15.50

With Motu Proprio of Pope John XXIII and other Pertinent Documents.

This indispensable booklet contains the English translation of the Latin ...

Rules for Discerning Spirits

Rules for Discerning Spirits
Rev Father Ludovic-Marie Barrielle, CP. CR. V.Code: B2718  Price: £5.50

In the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola. Since 1533, the spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius have been used by millions to deepen ...

Saint Pius X: Restorer of the Church

Saint Pius X: Restorer of the Church
Yves ChironCode: B1667  Price: £19.95   £18.95

Saint Pius X is the first pope in modern history to be canonized since Saint Pius V in 1712. The Church canonized him because of the heroic virtues ...


Priests of the SSPX Italian DistrictCode: B2510  Price: £6.50

A False Solution to a Real Problem. Sedevacantism presents the origin and history of the sedevacantist movement and its various schools as well as a ...

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Fr Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.Code: B3141  Price: £5.50

A student said to a certain priest: "Father, your books set my soul on fire; your style moves me to tears, and my hands burn as they turn your pages

The Ottaviani Intervention

The Ottaviani Intervention
Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, Antonio Cardinal BacciCode: B2664  Price: £6.50

A Brief Critical Study of the New Order of Mass. "It is evident that the Novus Ordo has no intention of presenting the faith as taught by the ...

The Rosary for Little Catholics

The Rosary for Little Catholics
Francis McGradeCode: B2303  Price: £8.95

An invaluable resource in helping little children pray the Rosary, beautifully illustrated on every page and written in a way that children feel Our ...

The Rosary with Archbishop Lefebvre

The Rosary with Archbishop Lefebvre
Fr Patrick Troadec, SSPXCode: B3082  Price: £11.50

"One cannot think about the Eucharist without thinking about the Blessed Virgin Mary, because if she had not pronounced her fiat

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The Wine of Cana

The Wine of Cana
Fr Ludger Grun, SSPXCode: B2505  Price: £8.50Sorry, out of stock

This is not a book of "a thousand tips for a happy marriage." There are many books that one can find with many suggestions and valuable pieces of ...

Thought for the Day

Thought for the Day
Archbishop Marcel LefebvreCode: B3258  Price: £11.50

This little collection of quotes, taken from the sermons and writings of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, assigns a short reading to every day of the ...

Vatican Encounter

Vatican Encounter
Jose HanuCode: B2372  Price: £14.50   £13.95

This book is a rare interview between Archbishop Lefebvre and a Dutch Catholic journalist in 1976. It covers everything from the Archbishop's family ...

Apologia for Tradition

Apologia for Tradition
Roberto de MatteiCode: B3132  Price: £12.95

Understanding Catholic Tradition and its essential role in Christ's indefectible Church through the ages!

Apologia for Tradition is a powerful

Baptism - Tridentine Rite

Baptism - Tridentine RiteCode: B1731  Price: £5.25

Here is the complete Rite of Baptism in English and Latin (which can also be found in the 1962 Roman Missal). Includes: Church teaching about ...

Cross and Crown

Cross and Crown
Fr Robert MaederCode: B2760  Price: £12.95

Three excellent, easy to read, sets of meditations by the famous preaching priest and Catholic newspaper editor, Fr. Robert Mader

Ecumenism in the Liturgical Reform

Ecumenism in the Liturgical Reform
The Society of St. Pius XCode: B3392  Price: £17.95

Two books in one: also contains the full text of The Problem of Liturgical Reform.

For the Love of the Church: Bishop Bernard Fellay

For the Love of the Church: Bishop Bernard Fellay
Robert LandersCode: B3225  Price: £11.50

As defined by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the Society of Saint Pius X's mission is not based on a spirit of rebellion or controversy

From Ecumenism To Silent Apostasy

From Ecumenism To Silent Apostasy
SSPXCode: B2677  Price: £4.95

In 2004, The SSPX sent a letter to all the Cardinals of the Church. This letter was accompanied by a hard hitting, but short and concise

Handbook for Laundering Liturgical Linens

Handbook for Laundering Liturgical LinensCode: B1641  Price: £4.50

Twelve-page pamphlet loaded with everything you need to know to care for liturgical linens. Forty step-by-step drawings

Infant Homicides by Contraceptives

Infant Homicides by Contraceptives
Dr. Bogomir M. KuharCode: B1583  Price: £3.75

A fascinating booklet by a Catholic pharmacist on how most contraceptives do not really prevent pregnancy, but actually abort children shortly after ...

Last Rites

Last Rites
Angelus PressCode: B3233  Price: £7.95

This booklet serves as both a ritual and step-by-step instructional for the administration and reception of the sacrament of Extreme Unction or Last ...

Leaflet: Is the SSPX Schismatic (May I receive the Sacraments at the SSPX?)

Leaflet: Is the SSPX Schismatic (May I receive the Sacraments at the SSPX?)
Society of Saint Pius XCode: B2452  Price: £0.85

Rome says that the Society of Saint Pius X is not in schism nor are its members excommunicated, and that anyone can fulfill his Sunday obligation by ...

Leaflet: What is the Society of Saint Pius X?

Leaflet: What is the Society of Saint Pius X?
Society of Saint Pius XCode: B2449  Price: £0.85

Tri-fold Leaflet describing the position of the Society of St. Pius X.

Marcel Lefebvre: The Biography

Marcel Lefebvre: The Biography
Bishop Bernard Tissier de MalleraisCode: B2438  Price: £29.95

Marcel Lefebvre's (1905-91) life is fascinating. After attending the French Seminary in Rome he joined his brother in the African missions

Martyrs of the English Reformation

Martyrs of the English Reformation
Dr. Malcolm BrennanCode: B1510  Price: £12.95

This is the bloody chronicle of twenty-four English saints who laid down their lives as a testimony to the truth of the Catholic Faith during the ...

Mediator Dei: On the Sacred Liturgy

Mediator Dei: On the Sacred Liturgy
Pope Pius XIICode: B2374  Price: £4.95

English Version of The Encyclical Mediator Dei of Pope Pius XII, May 15, 1956: On the Sacred Liturgy. A reprimand to innovators

Memories of Pope Pius X

Memories of Pope Pius X
Cardinal Merry del ValCode: B3401  Price: £12.95

Memories of St. Pius X is a charming eye-witness account of a great Pope in action. It provides a fascinating behind-thescenes look at the Vatican ...

Patron Saints for Boys

Patron Saints for Boys
Angelus PressCode: B3280  Price: £9.95

Men need the elevating example of Catholic heroes. Learning from the saints what it is to live and die for the faith is an essential element of a ...

Retreat Manual and Family Prayer Book

Retreat Manual and Family Prayer Book
Angelus PressCode: B2031  Price: £6.50   £5.95

Originally written to accompany the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, this prayer booklet is useful at any time. Contains prayers for use ...

Set: Mass, Sacraments, Life of Christ, Virgin Mary

Set: Mass, Sacraments, Life of Christ, Virgin Mary
Fr Robert E SouthardCode: B2804S  Price: £38.80   £35.00

Originally published by the Catechetical Guild in the 1950s, these "comic" book-style titles provide Catholic catechesis in an accurate but visual ...

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