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Product Code: B3408ISBN: 9780281085262Publisher: SPCKFormat HardcoverPages 1255Condition New
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Beloved by millions around the world, the English Standard Version of the Bible is ideal for anyone looking for a contemporary and readable translation that is also accurate and consistent in its rendering of key words and phrases.
Created by a team of over 100 leading scholars, this Catholic edition of the ESV is fully Anglicized and features the deuterocanonical books in the Catholic Bible, such as a Tobit, Judith and the Wisdom of Solomon. Presented in a double-column format, with explanatory footnotes providing alternative renderings of particular words and phrases, the ESV-CE Bible offers a clear, easy-to-read text that is perfect for everyday use.
The ESV Bible is an excellent version for detailed Bible study, but one that also possesses a beauty, clarity and dignity of style that makes it superbly suitable for private devotion or for reading aloud during public worship.
This edition features a beautifully designed black hardback binding, inlaid with silver foil, and includes a matching silver ribbon marker to help you keep track of your Bible study. It also makes a wonderful gift for friends and loved ones on special occasions.
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