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Catholic Liturgy

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Cenacle supplies Mass Books (Missals) for the two forms of the Catholic Mass: the "Ordinary Form" of the Roman Catholic Mass celebrated in the English language; and also the Traditional Tridentine (Latin) Mass - this is the "Extraordinary Form" of the Roman Catholic Mass celebrated in Latin.

Featured Products
Roman Martyrology - Red hardbound

Roman Martyrology - Red hardboundCode: B1501  Price: £33.95   £32.95

The Roman Martyrology ("In which are to be found the eulogies of the Saints and Blessed approved by the Sacred Congregation of Rites up to 1961) is ...

Laudate Hymn Book: Organ/Choir Edition (Single volume)

Laudate Hymn Book: Organ/Choir Edition (Single volume)Code: B2385  Price: £62.00

Full music edition for Organ/Choir, with four-part harmony where available, also includes guitar chords where appropriate

Know Your Mass

Know Your Mass
Fr. Demetrius ManousosCode: B1389  Price: £10.95

Originally published by the Catechetical Guild in 1954 (Imprimatur Francis Cardinal Spellman), this is a "comic" book unlike any other

A Pictorial Catechism

A Pictorial Catechism
M B CoussinierCode: B2795  Price: £17.50   £15.95

This was the first book of its kind to combine the benefits of a solid catechism and the finest artwork with an affordable price

Latin Pronunciation Guide

Latin Pronunciation GuideCode: B1394  Price: £1.25

Pocket-sized card that explains the importance of the correct pronunciation of ecclesiastical Latin - citing Pope Pius XI

The Spirit of the Liturgy

The Spirit of the Liturgy
Romano GuardiniCode: B3283  Price: £12.50

Originally written in 1918, this profound reflection on the nature of liturgical worship still stands as a guiding light for today's renewal of ...

Catechism for Children

Catechism for Children
Canon Quinet and Canon BoyerCode: B2122  Price: £17.95

This newly reprinted Catechism for Children presents the truths of the Faith in a profound, but age-appropriate way, testing children differently ...

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Pocket 1962 Sunday Missal

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Pocket 1962 Sunday MissalCode: B3221  Price: £5.25

A Sunday Latin Missal that fits in your pocket!
[NB: All prayers in English Translation!]

The amazing pocket missal is incredibly complete for ...

Marian Sunday Missal for the Mass of the Ages

Marian Sunday Missal for the Mass of the AgesCode: B3352  Price: £13.50

This attractive and great value Sunday missal for the Traditional Latin Mass is dedicated to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Monastic Diurnal

Monastic DiurnalCode: B1063  Price: £50.00

The Day Hours of the Monastic Breviary in Latin and English. A republication of the 1963 edition of the Benedictine hours of Prime, Lauds, Terce

Square Notes: A Workbook in Gregorian Chant

Square Notes: A Workbook in Gregorian ChantCode: B1657  Price: £14.75   £13.95

Grouped into five sections (Symbols, Simple Neums, Rhythm, Special Neums, and Modes), Square Notes clarifies the basics of Gregorian chant

Roman Catholic Requiem Mass Booklet - Latin-English

Roman Catholic Requiem Mass Booklet - Latin-EnglishCode: B3231  Price: £5.25

Latin-English Booklet Missal. Complete Requiem Mass in Latin and English with prayers immediately preceding and following

Cenacle House Ltd