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Catholic Liturgy

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Cenacle supplies Mass Books (Missals) for the two forms of the Catholic Mass: the "Ordinary Form" of the Roman Catholic Mass celebrated in the English language; and also the Traditional Tridentine (Latin) Mass - this is the "Extraordinary Form" of the Roman Catholic Mass celebrated in Latin.

Featured Products
Marian Children's Missal

Marian Children's Missal
Sr. Mary Theola, S.S.N.D.Code: B1397  Price: £12.50

If you have a child aged 4-8 and are looking for a Traditional Latin Mass Missal suited to their capabilities, look no further

The Spirit of the Liturgy

The Spirit of the Liturgy
Romano GuardiniCode: B3283  Price: £12.50

Originally written in 1918, this profound reflection on the nature of liturgical worship still stands as a guiding light for today's renewal of ...

The Visitor's Guide to Mass

The Visitor's Guide to MassCode: B3263  Price: £4.50

Thinking about attending a Latin Mass for the first time or maybe bringing a friend who's never been before? This is the product for you! This ...

The Catholic Hymn Book - Melody edition

The Catholic Hymn Book - Melody edition
Compiled and edited at The London OratoryCode: B3351  Price: £18.95

The most wide-ranging traditional Catholic hymn book with over 300 classic hymns, with foreword by Cardinal Basil Hume. This hymn book compiled in ...

A Pictorial Catechism

A Pictorial Catechism
M B CoussinierCode: B2795  Price: £17.50   £15.95

This was the first book of its kind to combine the benefits of a solid catechism and the finest artwork with an affordable price

A Shorter Morning and Evening Prayer

A Shorter Morning and Evening PrayerCode: B0636  Price: £10.99

A shorter version of the Morning and Evening Prayer, in a handy format, suitable for anyone wanting to pray regularly on their own or in a group ...

Treasure & Tradition: The Ultimate Guide to the Latin Mass

Treasure & Tradition: The Ultimate Guide to the Latin Mass
Lisa BergmanCode: B2391  Price: £22.95

Whether you've been attending the Extraordinary Form of the Mass for years, or are merely curious about it, this guide is designed to open up the ...

The Saint Edmund Campion Missal

The Saint Edmund Campion MissalCode: B2131  Price: £24.99

For the Traditional Latin Mass. Perhaps the most beautiful and accessible missal ever published, The Saint Edmund Campion Missal stands alone among ...

A Young Catholic's Daily Missal

A Young Catholic's Daily Missal
Dom Gaspar Lefebvre, OSB and Elisabeth van ElewyckCode: B2780  Price: £36.95

The Young Catholic's Daily Missal is designed to open up the spiritual treasures of the Mass for young Catholics from the time of their First ...

Roman Catholic Sunday Missal Booklet

Roman Catholic Sunday Missal BookletCode: B1500  Price: £5.95

This Latin-English Missal booklet for the Traditional (Tridentine) Latin Mass is one of the best available. From the durable cover to the two-color ...

Liber Usualis

Liber UsualisCode: B2932  Price: £76.00

Gregorian Chant for every Mass of the year. The Liber Usualis is a must for any choir or schola member wanting to sing the Gregorian Chant of the ...

Marian Sunday Missal for the Mass of the Ages

Marian Sunday Missal for the Mass of the AgesCode: B3352  Price: £13.50

This attractive and great value Sunday missal for the Traditional Latin Mass is dedicated to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Cenacle House Ltd