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Catholic Liturgy

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Cenacle supplies Mass Books (Missals) for the two forms of the Catholic Mass: the "Ordinary Form" of the Roman Catholic Mass celebrated in the English language; and also the Traditional Tridentine (Latin) Mass - this is the "Extraordinary Form" of the Roman Catholic Mass celebrated in Latin.

Featured Products
Ministering Communion

Ministering Communion
Fr Allen MorrisCode: B2746  Price: £3.50

An essential text for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion which gives an introduction to the most important elements of this ministry

The Mass for Boys and Girls

The Mass for Boys and Girls
Fr Joseph DunneyCode: B2714  Price: £10.50

Written by Fr. Joseph Dunney, the author of the popularly acclaimed "The Mass". This book was penned specifically with young boys and girls in mind

Know Your Mass

Know Your Mass
Fr. Demetrius ManousosCode: B1389  Price: £10.95

Originally published by the Catechetical Guild in 1954 (Imprimatur Francis Cardinal Spellman), this is a "comic" book unlike any other

Sunday Missal - CTS - White Presentation Edition

Sunday Missal - CTS - White Presentation EditionCode: B1855  Price: £29.95

CTS Missals beautifully present the new texts of the Lectionary along with Mass texts in side-by-side Latin and English

Divine Office - Vol 1

Divine Office - Vol 1Code: B0458  Price: £50.00

Volume 1. Advent, Christmastide and Weeks 1-9 of the Year. The official prayer of the Roman Catholic Church, taken from the Liturgy of the Hours

Latin Pronunciation Guide

Latin Pronunciation GuideCode: B1394  Price: £1.25

Pocket-sized card that explains the importance of the correct pronunciation of ecclesiastical Latin - citing Pope Pius XI

Breviarium Romanum 1962 - 2 Volume Set

Breviarium Romanum 1962 - 2 Volume SetCode: B1890  Price: £220.00

This Two Volume set of the Breviarium Romanum 1962 contains the complete canonical hours of the day in Latin. This particular edition was prepared ...

The Catholic Hymn Book - Harmony Edition

The Catholic Hymn Book - Harmony Edition
Compiled and edited at The London OratoryCode: B1670  Price: £45.00

The most wide-ranging traditional Catholic hymn book with over 300 classic hymns, with foreword by Cardinal Basil Hume. This hymn book compiled in ...

Order of Mass in English

Order of Mass in EnglishCode: B1766  Price: £4.95

The new English translation of the Mass in handy booklet form. The complete text of the Order of Mass in the new English translation

Mass Servers Card

Mass Servers CardCode: B3017  Price: £2.75

This Mass servers card for the Traditional Latin Mass includes all the responses of the server with phonetic pronunciation under the Latin

How to Serve

How to Serve
Dom Matthew Britt, O.S.B.Code: B1503  Price: £16.50

In Simple, Solemn and Pontifical Functions. The ever increasing interest in the Liturgical Traditions of the Church gives rise to the need for ...

Divine Office  (Officium Divinum)

Divine Office (Officium Divinum)Code: B1333  Price: £34.95

Latin/English Prayer of the Church containing the most critical hours of the Divine Office for the layman in the world. Prime is the Morning Prayer

Cenacle House Ltd