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Purgatory Explained

Purgatory Explained
Fr. F. X. Schouppe S.J.Code: B1142  Price: £16.50

You would never dream so much is known about Purgatory. Not only is the basic teaching of the Church given here, but also countless true stories of ...

At the Service of Truth: Priesthood and Ascetic Life

At the Service of Truth: Priesthood and Ascetic Life
Robert Cardinal SarahCode: B3375  Price: £12.95

Drawn from a retreat given to priests, Cardinal Robert Sarah speaks with his trademark clarity and directness to confront some of the most burning ...

The Path to Rome: Modern Journeys

The Path to Rome: Modern Journeys
Dwight Longenecker (ed.)Code: B2753  Price: £12.99

First published ten years ago, The Path to Rome has since established itself as a classic of its kind. Largely ignored by the mainstream media

The Problem of Evil

The Problem of Evil
Martin D'Arcy SJCode: B2924  Price: £3.50   £2.50

How can belief in an all-powerful, all-loving God be reconciled with the undeniable presence of evil in the world? A Jesuit philosopher offers some ...

The Life and Letters of Rev. George Leo Haydock

The Life and Letters of Rev. George Leo Haydock
Sidney OhlhausenCode: B3405  Price: £34.75

This collection of documents and letters grant us an intimate look into the life of an extraordinary priest.
Rev. Haydock is most often remembered ...

Lord, Have Mercy

Lord, Have Mercy
Scott HahnCode: B0596  Price: £12.99

The Healing Power of Confession. Hahn argues that the sacrament of confession is the key to spiritual growth, more relevant than ever in these ...

Life Within Us

Life Within Us
Caryll Houselander & Delia Smith & Herbert FinchamCode: B2913  Price: £3.50   £2.50

Three very different writers explain that prayer is not something reserved for the professionally religious, but is instead for people like us

Misericordiae Vultus

Misericordiae Vultus
Pope FrancisCode: B2493  Price: £2.50

Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Year of Mercy. From the beginning of his Pontificate, Pope Francis has made it his priority to carry God's ...

A Holy Year in Rome

A Holy Year in Rome
Joan LewisCode: B2634  Price: £11.50

The Complete Pilgrim's Guide for the Year of Mercy. In this definitive guide to the Jubilee of Mercy, EWTN's Rome Correspondent, Joan Lewis

Sensus Fidei

Sensus Fidei
International Theological CommissionCode: B2353  Price: £4.95

The International Theological Commission addresses a controversial and often misused term. At different times in the history of the Church

The Environment

The Environment
Pope Benedict XVICode: B2070  Price: £9.99

Pope Benedict has not been shy in regards to issues of the environment. He has spoken frequently about everyone's right to food

Jesus of Nazareth: Archaeologists Retracing the Footsteps of Christ

Jesus of Nazareth: Archaeologists Retracing the Footsteps of Christ
Michael HesemannCode: B3238  Price: £17.99

After the best-selling archaeological biography Mary of Nazareth, Michael Hesemann sets out once again for the Holy Land

Cenacle House Ltd