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Holy Face Devotion

Daily Prayer

Out of print
Daily Prayer
Our Price:  £50.00(VAT Free)

Product Code:  B1177
ISBN:  9780007212217
Publisher:  Harper Collins
Format  Leather
Condition  New



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Daily Prayer is taken directly from 'The Divine Office', and includes the major daily offices of 'Morning Prayer', 'Evening Prayer', 'Prayer during the Day', and 'Night Prayer', for every day of the church year. The only omission from the full 'Divine Office' is the Office of Readings. It is ideal for clergy, religious and for lay people who need a form of daily devotion or for those preparing for the priesthood, and can be used for either individual or group use. 'Daily Prayer' also includes updated tables of Moveable Liturgical Days, as well as the General Calendar. Hardbound leather binding.

Publisher: Harper Collins
ISBN: 9780007212217
Keywords: Liturgy books Divine Office, Morning and Evening Prayer

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