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Catholic devotions and traditions enliven and nurture our Catholic faith. See also Prayer section, including Rosary Prayer Books, and Novena Prayers
Featured Products
Fatima: A Pilgrim's Companion

Fatima: A Pilgrim's Companion
David BaldwinCode: B2778  Price: £3.50

This book is the ideal pilgrim guide to Fatima especially in this centenary year 2017, in which the author tells the story of Fatima

Treasury of the Sacred Heart

Treasury of the Sacred HeartCode: B3365  Price: £35.95   £34.95

This beautifully bound Catholic classic is a sacred collection of the prayers and ancient devotions offered to the Sacred Heart over the centuries

The Two Divine Promises

The Two Divine Promises
Fr. HoppeCode: B1148  Price: £3.99

Two powerful private revelations of Our Lord. Says that anyone who receives Holy Communion worthily 30 consecutive days and says certain prayers

Holy Hour with Merciful Jesus

Holy Hour with Merciful Jesus
Fr Berchmans Walsh, OCSOCode: B0519  Price: £6.50

Based on Divine Mercy Chaplet. Booklet.

Saint Faustina's Way of the Cross

Saint Faustina's Way of the CrossCode: B1190  Price: £6.50

Traditional stations of the cross, with biblical readings - meditations provided by extracts from St Faustina's Diary, plus Divine Mercy preparatory ...

Shrines of Our Lady in England

Shrines of Our Lady in England
Anne VailCode: B0899  Price: £9.99

Anne Vail spent a year visiting 29 of the 60 main English shrines, dating mostly from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries

Scapular Facts

Scapular FactsCode: B2348  Price: £4.50

Many Catholics come in time to forget what they learned in their childhood about Mary's Scapular. This booklet is intended to refresh the memory ...

The Medal or Cross of St Benedict - booklet

The Medal or Cross of St Benedict - booklet
Rev Martin Veth, OSBCode: B3378  Price: £5.95

Saint Benedict, father of western monasticism, is rather more known for his life and Rule than for a medal cast in his honour

In the Friendship of God: Handbook of Devotion to the Holy Souls in Purgatory

In the Friendship of God: Handbook of Devotion to the Holy Souls in PurgatoryCode: B1740  Price: £6.50

An exceptional book of prayers, novenas, litanies, devotions and many facts on the Holy Souls. In this book we provide new insights into the ...

Consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart of JesusCode: B2394  Price: £12.95

Read about how the Consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart by President Garcia Moreno fulfilled the prophecy of Our Lady of Good Success that it ...

Healing Prayers

Healing Prayers
Val ConlonCode: B1002  Price: £6.50

Beautiful book of prayers for healing and prayers for the sick, focussing on Saint Faustina and The Divine Mercy, but also including many other ...

The Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Fr Peter J Arnoudt, S.J.Code: B0142  Price: £17.99

This incredible though little-know classic of Catholic spirituality presents before the reader the entire school of true Christian holiness and ...

Cenacle House Ltd