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Documentary DVDs

Catholic documentary films on DVD, including documentaries on pilgrimage sites and monasteries, Saints lives, and inspiring testimonies.

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The Path of the Messiah - DVD

The Path of the Messiah - DVD
Jeff Cavins and Raymond ArroyoCode: M0457  Price: £13.50

This EWTN original documentary follows Raymond Arroyo and Jeff Cavins as they travel to the Holy Land, retracing the footsteps of Our Lord from His ...

50 Years of Thorns and Roses - DVD

50 Years of Thorns and Roses - DVDCode: M0389  Price: £12.95

A classic documentary narrated by Edmond Purdom on the saint known as Padre Pio, who bore the wounds of Our Lord for over 50 years

Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary - DVD

Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary - DVDCode: M0367  Price: £14.95

Learn the true story of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of SSPX (Society of Pope Pius X). Excommunicated by Pope John Paul II for ordaining four ...

Benedict XVI: The Pope Emeritus - DVD

Benedict XVI: The Pope Emeritus - DVDCode: M0476  Price: £16.95

"Benedict XVI: The Pope Emeritus" shows us the great milestones of his life: professor, expert of the Second Vatican Council

Discovering St Augustine's Ramsgate - DVD

Discovering St Augustine's Ramsgate - DVD
Bishop Athanasius SchneiderCode: M0483  Price: £4.95

Pugin's Masterpiece in Ramsgate

The church of St Augustine in Ramsgate is the most personal and perfect design of the great architect

En Avant - An Introduction to Augustus Welby Pugin

En Avant - An Introduction to Augustus Welby PuginCode: M0229  Price: £7.95   £5.95

Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin (1812-1852) - regarded as one of the most important figures of the 19th century and one of England's finest ...

Fatima: Feature Film (2020) - DVD

Fatima: Feature Film (2020) - DVDCode: M0478  Price: £14.50

A powerful and uplifting feature film that tells the dramatic true story of the apparitions of Our Lady in 1917 to three shepherd children in Fatima

Lead Kindly Light - DVD

Lead Kindly Light - DVD
Fr Nicholas Schofield & Fr Marcus HoldenCode: M0458  Price: £12.95   £10.95

An influential teacher, a distinguished theologian, a man who endured many trials, a father of souls - Blessed John Henry Newman (1801 - 1890) ...

Saint Augustine - DVD

Saint Augustine - DVD
Fr Marcus HoldenCode: M0351  Price: £6.95

Apostle of England. In the year 597AD on the island of Thanet in Kent, a landing took place which would change the course of English history

Saint Mildred and Minster Abbey - DVD

Saint Mildred and Minster Abbey - DVD
Fr Marcus HoldenCode: M0459  Price: £6.95

Minster is a town on the Isle of Thanet in Kent. This town grew up around a monastery founded by saints - St Domneva and St Mildred

The Mission that made England: The True Story of St Augustine - DVD

The Mission that made England: The True Story of St Augustine - DVD
Bishop Athanasius SchneiderCode: M0482  Price: £4.95

Unsure of their reception, Augustine bravely asked the local King, Ethelbert, for permission to preach to his people. The missionaries were invited ...

The Story of Walsingham - DVD

The Story of Walsingham - DVD
Joanna BogleCode: M0455  Price: £12.95

"When England returns to Walsingham, Our Lady will return to England," said Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903). Take a journey through 1000 years of English ...

Watchmen of the Night - DVD

Watchmen of the Night - DVDCode: M0387  Price: £13.50

This award winning program, full of beautiful images and monastic chant, presents the life of Benedictine monks of the French Abbey of ...

Xavier: Missionary & Saint - DVD

Xavier: Missionary & Saint - DVDCode: M0484  Price: £13.95

Actor Liam Neeson narrates this documentary look at the life of Saint Xavier, a 16th-century missionary who founded the Jesuit order and is said to ...

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Witness to Hope

Witness to HopeCode: M0344  Price: £7.95Sorry, out of stock

The Life of Karol Wojtyla - Pope John Paul II. Based on the book, Witness to Hope by George Weigel, this film is the most complete and intimate film ...

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La Petite Therese DVD

La Petite Therese DVD
Fabrice MazeCode: M0321  Price: £19.95Sorry, out of stock

Therese in Carmel, two documentaries. Historically based film that reveals daily life at Carmel in Lisieux at the time that Theresa spent nine years ...

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Elizabeth of the Trinity: Boundless Love - DVD

Elizabeth of the Trinity: Boundless Love - DVDCode: M0184  Price: £28.50Sorry, out of stock

Carmel, Dijon. This DVD, created to mark the centenary of her death in 2006, follows Elisabeth Catez who was later to become Elizabeth of the ...

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Finding Fatima - DVD

Finding Fatima - DVDCode: M0319  Price: £12.95Sorry, out of stock

Seek and You will Find. Produced by the award-wining filmmakers of the highly acclaimed feature film THE 13TH DAY, this is a powerful and in-depth ...

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Karol: A Man Who Became Pope, DVD

Karol: A Man Who Became Pope, DVDCode: M0332  Price: £15.99Sorry, out of stock

The story of the man who would become Pope. In 1930s' Poland, 10-year-old Karol Wojtyla has many dreams. One by one they are shattered

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Life and Message of our Beloved Saint Padre Pio - DVD/CD

Life and Message of our Beloved Saint Padre Pio - DVD/CDCode: M0464  Price: £16.95Sorry, out of stock

The Life and Message of Our Beloved Saint Padre Pio (Documentary approved by the Vatican). This documentary is a trip along the places where the ...

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Sainte Therese of Lisieux DVD

Sainte Therese of Lisieux DVD
Fabrice MazeCode: M0322  Price: £19.95Sorry, out of stock

Two documentaries directed by Fabrice Maze. Her Life: Saint Therese, Running like a Giant, & The Basilica of Saint Therese of Lisieux.

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