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Mass Intention Cards - Repose of the Soul

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De-Luxe Mass Intention Card - With Sympathy

De-Luxe Mass Intention Card - With SympathyCode: P0345  Price: £3.50

Deluxe mass intention card for repose of the soul, with silver-embossed cream cover, and ribbon, with insert with picture of The Divine Mercy

In Loving Memory Mass Card

In Loving Memory Mass CardCode: P0475  Price: £2.50

Requiem Mass Intention Card, with sorrowful mother image, and In Loving Memory - with John 8:12 quote: I am the Light of the World... Size: 4.5 x 6

Mass Intention Card: Repose of the Soul - Our Lady

Mass Intention Card: Repose of the Soul - Our LadyCode: P0263  Price: £2.50

Mass Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: "The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the Repose of the Soul".

Mass Intention Card: Repose of the Soul - Consecration

Mass Intention Card: Repose of the Soul - ConsecrationCode: P0204  Price: £2.50

Mass Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: "The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the Repose of the Soul".

De-Luxe Mass Intention Card - In Loving Memory

De-Luxe Mass Intention Card - In Loving MemoryCode: P0344  Price: £3.25

Deluxe mass intention card for repose of the soul, with silver-embossed cream cover, with insert with picture of The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Mass Intention Card: Repose of the Soul - Madonna and Child

Mass Intention Card: Repose of the Soul - Madonna and ChildCode: P0253  Price: £2.50

Mass Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: "The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the Repose of the Soul".

Mass of the Angels Card

Mass of the Angels CardCode: P0552  Price: £2.50

Mass of the Angels Mass Intention card, gold embossed, with praying angel image. 19 x 13.5 cm. Front text: Mass of the Angels

An Anniversary Mass Card/Repose of the Soul - Chalice

An Anniversary Mass Card/Repose of the Soul - ChaliceCode: P0572  Price: £2.95

Card for Anniversary of Death. Chalice symbolic image. Inside right Wording: Wishing you every blessing on this Anniversary

An Anniversary Mass Card/Repose of the Soul - Pax

An Anniversary Mass Card/Repose of the Soul - PaxCode: P0570  Price: £2.95

Card for Anniversary of Death. Pax and fishes symbolic image. Inside right Wording: Wishing you every blessing on this Anniversary

Ascension Mass Card for the Deceased

Ascension Mass Card for the DeceasedCode: P0576  Price: £2.50

Requiem Mass Intention Card, with Jesus with Angels (Ascension) image. Size: 4.5 x 6.25 inches (12 x 16 cm). Inside card: With the Sympathy of ...

Holy Souls Mass Card for the Deceased

Holy Souls Mass Card for the DeceasedCode: P0574  Price: £2.50

Requiem Mass Intention Card, with mourning women image. Size: 4.5 x 6.25 inches (12 x 16 cm). Inside card: With the Sympathy of _________________ ...

Requiem Mass Card

Requiem Mass CardCode: P0301  Price: £2.75

Traditional card (4 1/2" x 6"), blank on reverse, with matching envelope to send to those who should know that you have requested the celebration ...

Requiem Mass Card x 10

Requiem Mass Card x 10Code: P0301-10  Price: £15.95

Traditional card (4 1/2" x 6"), blank on reverse, with matching envelope to send to those who should know that you have requested the celebration ...

Sacred Heart Mass Card for the Deceased

Sacred Heart Mass Card for the DeceasedCode: P0575  Price: £2.50

Requiem Mass Intention Card, with Sacred Heart of Jesus image. Size: 4.5 x 6.25 inches (12 x 16 cm). Inside card: With the Sympathy of ...

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Mass Intention Card - Repose of the Soul - Pieta

Mass Intention Card - Repose of the Soul - PietaCode: P0313  Price: £3.25Sorry, out of stock

Mass Intention Card: In Loving Memory, with Pieta image inside. Wording inside: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the repose of ...

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