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Latin Mass

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Latin Mass, in the Tridentine Roman Rite - this is the "Extraordinary Form" of the Roman Catholic Mass celebrated in Latin. According to the 1962 Missal, or earlier. See also Latin Mass - DVDs and CDs
Featured Products
Roman Ritual Volume 3: The Blessings

Roman Ritual Volume 3: The Blessings
Fr Philip T WellerCode: B1387  Price: £67.00

Volume III (Blessings) provides the formulas and rubrics for all official blessings found in "universal" Rituales (i.e.

The Mass of All Time

The Mass of All Time
Archbishop Marcel LefebvreCode: B2032  Price: £25.50

"During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, revelation, the mysteries of Faith, the mysteries of the Incarnation and the Redemption, are made real

Second Latin: Preparation for the Reading of Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law

Second Latin: Preparation for the Reading of Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law
Cora Carroll Scanlon & Charles L ScanlonCode: B1108  Price: £16.50   £15.50

Presumes a knowledge of Latin Grammar. Prepares students to read texts in philosophy, theology, and canon law. 232 pages of vocabulary and reading: ...

A Pictorial Catechism

A Pictorial Catechism
M B CoussinierCode: B2795  Price: £17.50   £15.95

This was the first book of its kind to combine the benefits of a solid catechism and the finest artwork with an affordable price

Roman Missal (1962) - Black

Roman Missal (1962) - BlackCode: B0793  Price: £63.95

Roman Catholic Daily Missal (1962). For Catholics who wish to participate in the Tridentine (Latin) Mass. This edition is the only one we carry to ...

The Rosary for Little Catholics

The Rosary for Little Catholics
Francis McGradeCode: B2303  Price: £8.95

An invaluable resource in helping little children pray the Rosary, beautifully illustrated on every page and written in a way that children feel Our ...

Plainsong for Schools (Abridged)

Plainsong for Schools (Abridged)Code: B1186  Price: £4.50

Masses and other Chants, for Sundays, seasons, feasts, Requiem, Confirmation.

Latin Mass Altar Card Set - Benedictine Set A

Latin Mass Altar Card Set - Benedictine Set ACode: B1505  Price: £9.95

This beautiful Set of Altar Cards for use in the Tridentine expression of the Roman Rite is magnificently illuminated by a Benedictine monk and is ...

Catechism for Children

Catechism for Children
Canon Quinet and Canon BoyerCode: B2122  Price: £17.95

This newly reprinted Catechism for Children presents the truths of the Faith in a profound, but age-appropriate way, testing children differently ...

Marian Children's Missal

Marian Children's Missal
Sr. Mary Theola, S.S.N.D.Code: B1397  Price: £12.50

If you have a child aged 4-8 and are looking for a Traditional Latin Mass Missal suited to their capabilities, look no further

Roman Ritual Volume 2: Christian Burial, Exorcisms, Reserved Blessings, Etc

Roman Ritual Volume 2: Christian Burial, Exorcisms, Reserved Blessings, Etc
Fr Philip T WellerCode: B1386  Price: £67.00

Volume II (Christian Burial and Office for the Dead, Exorcism, Blessings Reserved to Religious or to Certain Places), provides the formulas and ...

The New Roman Missal - Fr Lasance

The New Roman Missal - Fr Lasance
Father LasanceCode: B1933  Price: £82.95

The Father Lasance New Roman Missal is one of the best traditional missals available. By Rev. F. X. Lasance and Rev. Francis Augustine Walsh, O.S.B

Cenacle House Ltd