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Roman Martyrology - 3rd Turin Edition

Roman Martyrology - 3rd Turin Edition
Our Price:  £33.95(VAT Free)

Product Code:  B2366
ISBN:  9781930278202
Publisher:  Loreto
Format  Hardcover
Pages  358
Condition  New



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Newly reprinted Third Turin Edition of the Roman Martyrology, with ribbon marker. Characterised by the nobility of its style, the serene chastity of its language, the continuity of its ancient lineage, and the fact that it is essentially the same text read by countless souls over the centuries on their pilgrimage to the Eternal Jerusalem. In a word, tradition. You will not find listed here the numerous saints canonized over the last sixty years. This may be unfortunate but some lack cannot be avoided; there are other sources and newer calendars. The historical importance and the spiritual value of this edition is inestimable. This 20th century may well have been the bloodiest in the long and glorious history of the Church of God upon earth. Remember that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church. May the example of those who have already tread the path of the cross, fortify our souls, give us courage, and provide hope that we too may have the grace to receive, with grateful affection, whatever end the providence of God has destined for us.

"We have the names of almost all the martyrs arranged according to the days on which they suffered, collected in one volume, and daily we offer Masses in their honor. This book does not tell us to what extent each one suffered but only his name, and the place and the day of his suffering is recalled. And so it happens that many from different lands and provinces are glorified with the commemoration of their martyrdom each day." Pope Saint Gregory I, July 598 A.D. Regist. Epist., Lib. 8, 28, ad Eulogium. Transl. by Rev. Raphael Collins, B. A. 1946.

Publisher: Loreto
Pages: 358
ISBN: 9781930278202
Keywords: Tradition books Liturgy of the Hours (Traditional)

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