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 Search for:    A Benedictine monk        Compare Selected        Show First Page
Latin Mass Altar Card Set - Benedictine Set A

Latin Mass Altar Card Set - Benedictine Set ACode: B1505  Price: £9.95

This beautiful Set of Altar Cards for use in the Tridentine expression of the Roman Rite is magnificently illuminated by a Benedictine monk and is ...

Easter Card - Benedictine - Agnus Dei (Pack of 3)

Easter Card - Benedictine - Agnus Dei (Pack of 3)Code: P0325  Price: £4.50

Set of three Easter Cards. Inside: "Easter Greetings". Three beautiful greetings cards, designed and printed by English Benedictine monks.

Easter Card - Benedictine - Pax Vobis (Pack of 4)

Easter Card - Benedictine - Pax Vobis (Pack of 4)Code: P0419  Price: £6.50

Set of four Easter Cards. Inside: "Easter Greetings". Four beautiful greetings cards, designed and printed by English Benedictine monks.

Out of stock
Christmas Card - Benedictine - Marian (Pack of 4)

Christmas Card - Benedictine - Marian (Pack of 4)Code: X0674  Price: £6.25Sorry, out of stock

Set of four Christmas Cards. Inside: "With Every Good with for Christmas and the New Year". Four religious designs, with a Marian theme

Out of stock
Christmas Card - Benedictine - Pax (Pack of 4)

Christmas Card - Benedictine - Pax (Pack of 4)Code: X0669  Price: £6.25Sorry, out of stock

Set of four Christmas Cards. Inside: "With Every Good with for Christmas and the New Year". Four religious designs, with Pax (Peace) theme

Card, Saint Joseph of Cupertino

Card, Saint Joseph of CupertinoCode: P0215  Price: £2.50

St Joseph of Copertino ('the levitating monk') Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

The Beginners Book of Chant

The Beginners Book of Chant
A Benedictine monkCode: B0647  Price: £10.95

This book by using the simplest of the chants in common use gives practical instruction on reading the traditional notation

Monastic Diurnal

Monastic DiurnalCode: B1063  Price: £50.00

The Day Hours of the Monastic Breviary in Latin and English. A republication of the 1963 edition of the Benedictine hours of Prime, Lauds, Terce

Second hand
Christian Thought in Action (SH2116)

Christian Thought in Action (SH2116)
Dom Aelred GrahamCode: SH2116  Price: £8.50

Second Hand Book: Publisher: The Catholic Book Club, Year: 1958. First Edition. Condition: Used - Good. Dust Jacket. Cloth colour: Blue

Watchmen of the Night - DVD

Watchmen of the Night - DVDCode: M0387  Price: £13.50

This award winning program, full of beautiful images and monastic chant, presents the life of Benedictine monks of the French Abbey of ...

Card, Saint Michael - Quis ut Deus

Card, Saint Michael - Quis ut DeusCode: P0275  Price: £2.50

St Michael Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Baptism Card - Madonna and Child

Baptism Card - Madonna and ChildCode: P0206  Price: £2.50

Baptism Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Francis of Assisi

Card, Saint Francis of AssisiCode: P0233  Price: £2.50

St Francis Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Joseph, the worker

Card, Saint Joseph, the workerCode: P0214  Price: £2.50

St Joseph Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Luke the Evanglist

Card, Saint Luke the EvanglistCode: P0446  Price: £2.50

St Luke Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Out of stock
Card, The Voyage of Saint Brendan

Card, The Voyage of Saint BrendanCode: P0232  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

St Brendan Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Baptism Card - Doves

Baptism Card - DovesCode: P0241  Price: £2.50

Baptism Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Benedict

Card, Saint BenedictCode: P0230  Price: £2.50

St Benedict Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Christopher

Card, Saint ChristopherCode: P0229  Price: £2.50

St Christopher Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint David

Card, Saint DavidCode: P0228  Price: £2.50

St David Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Dominic

Card, Saint DominicCode: P0231  Price: £2.50

St Dominic Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint George

Card, Saint GeorgeCode: P0226  Price: £2.50

St George Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Michael - B/W

Card, Saint Michael - B/WCode: P0227  Price: £2.50

St Michael Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Patrick

Card, Saint PatrickCode: P0225  Price: £2.50

St Patrick Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Paul

Card, Saint PaulCode: P0415  Price: £2.50

St Paul Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Peter

Card, Saint PeterCode: P0224  Price: £2.50

St Peter Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Anne

Card, Saint AnneCode: P0414  Price: £2.50

St Anne and the Virgin Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Anthony

Card, Saint AnthonyCode: P0498  Price: £2.50

St Anthony of Egypt Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Hugh

Card, Saint HughCode: P0497  Price: £2.50

St Hugh of Lincoln Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Philip Neri - colour

Card, Saint Philip Neri - colourCode: P0523  Price: £2.50

St Philip Neri Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Our Lady Communion Card

Our Lady Communion CardCode: P0220  Price: £2.50

Quality First Communion Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: 'On Your First Communion Day'.

Card, Saint John of the Cross

Card, Saint John of the CrossCode: P0212  Price: £2.50

St John of the Cross Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Margaret Mary

Card, Saint Margaret MaryCode: P0496  Price: £2.50

St Margaret Mary Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Philip Neri

Card, Saint Philip NeriCode: P0447  Price: £2.50

St Philip Neri Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Therese of Lisieux

Card, Saint Therese of LisieuxCode: P0211  Price: £2.50

St Therese of Lisieux Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Thomas Aquinas

Card, Saint Thomas AquinasCode: P0223  Price: £2.50

St Thomas Aquinas Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Notelet Card - Flower

Notelet Card - FlowerCode: P0412  Price: £2.50

Notelet Card with flower design, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Alleluia Communion Card

Alleluia Communion CardCode: P0219  Price: £2.50

Quality First Communion Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: 'On Your First Communion Day'.

Reception into Catholic Church Card

Reception into Catholic Church CardCode: P0238  Price: £2.50

Card: 'On your reception into full communion with the Catholic Church', greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks

Card, Saint Scholastica

Card, Saint ScholasticaCode: P0449  Price: £2.50

St Scholastica, Sister of St Benedict Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Perpetua and Saint Felicitas

Card, Saint Perpetua and Saint FelicitasCode: P0448  Price: £2.50

St Perpetua and Felicitas Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Saint Francis de Sales

Card, Saint Francis de SalesCode: P0534  Price: £2.50

St Francis de Sales Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Veni Creator Spiritus Confirmation Card

Veni Creator Spiritus Confirmation CardCode: P0240  Price: £2.50

Confirmation Card Vein Creator Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit), greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: 'On Your Confirmation Day'

Alleluia Confirmation Card

Alleluia Confirmation CardCode: P0239  Price: £2.50

Confirmation Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: 'On Your Confirmation Day'. Inside blank for your own message.

Mass Intention Card - Consecration

Mass Intention Card - ConsecrationCode: P0203  Price: £2.50

Mass Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: "The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions"

Mass Intention Card - Eucharist

Mass Intention Card - EucharistCode: P0202  Price: £2.50

Mass Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: "The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions"

Card, Our Lady

Card, Our LadyCode: P0264  Price: £2.50

Our Lady with child Jesus, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message.

First Communion Card - Eucharist

First Communion Card - EucharistCode: P0201  Price: £2.50

First Communion Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: "With prayers and with every good wish on your First Communion Day"

Card, Our Blessed Lady of Walsingham

Card, Our Blessed Lady of WalsinghamCode: P0236  Price: £2.50

Our Lady of Walsingham Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, The Holy Face

Card, The Holy FaceCode: P0208  Price: £2.50

Card showing the Holy Face of Jesus, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Ave Maria Gratia Plena

Card, Ave Maria Gratia PlenaCode: P0235  Price: £2.50

Ave Maria Card (Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee), greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Card, Our Lady of Lourdes

Card, Our Lady of LourdesCode: P0234  Price: £2.50

Our Lady of Lourdes Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Mass Intention Card: Repose of the Soul - Madonna and Child

Mass Intention Card: Repose of the Soul - Madonna and ChildCode: P0253  Price: £2.50

Mass Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: "The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the Repose of the Soul".

Mass Intention Card: Repose of the Soul - Our Lady

Mass Intention Card: Repose of the Soul - Our LadyCode: P0263  Price: £2.50

Mass Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: "The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the Repose of the Soul".

Card, Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Card, Our Lady of Mount CarmelCode: P0210  Price: £2.50

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Mass Intention Card: Repose of the Soul - Consecration

Mass Intention Card: Repose of the Soul - ConsecrationCode: P0204  Price: £2.50

Mass Card, greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: "The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the Repose of the Soul".

Card, Saints John Fisher and Thomas More

Card, Saints John Fisher and Thomas MoreCode: P0416  Price: £2.50

St John Fisher and St Thomas More Card (English Martyrs), greetings card designed and made by Benedictine monks: Blank for your own message

Out of stock
The Sacramentary: Complete set of 5 Volumes

The Sacramentary: Complete set of 5 VolumesCode: B3181  Price: £125.00   £115.00Sorry, out of stock

This is a modern-day reprint of Blessed Ildefonso Schuster's five volume work, The Sacramentary (Liber Sacramentorum) Historical and Liturgical ...

Saint Benedict

Saint Benedict
Mary Fabyan WindeattCode: B3195  Price: £9.99

The Story Of The Father Of The Western Monks. The famous life and great miracles of St. Benedict, for all children 10 and up

Ordination  Card - Per Ipsum/Calligraphy

Ordination Card - Per Ipsum/CalligraphyCode: P0273  Price: £2.50

"Through him, with him, in him.." Ordination Card - message inside: "With Prayers and Good Wishes on your Ordination Day

Ordination  Card - Per Ipsum/Christ

Ordination Card - Per Ipsum/ChristCode: P0271  Price: £2.50

"Through him, with him, in him.." Ordination Card - message inside: "With Prayers and Good Wishes on your Ordination Day

Ordination Anniversary Card - Per Ipsum/Calligraphy

Ordination Anniversary Card - Per Ipsum/CalligraphyCode: P0274  Price: £2.50

"Through him, with him, in him.." Anniversary of Ordination Card - message inside: "With Prayers and Good Wishes on the Anniversary of Your ...

Ordination Anniversary Card - Per Ipsum/Christ

Ordination Anniversary Card - Per Ipsum/ChristCode: P0272  Price: £2.50

"Through him, with him, in him.." Anniversary of Ordination Card - message inside: "With Prayers and Good Wishes on the Anniversary of Your ...

Prinknash Incense - St Michael - loose - 100g

Prinknash Incense - St Michael - loose - 100gCode: C0368  Price: £6.95

The Prinknash incense blend of St Michael consists of natural and coloured grains of frankincense with a little added balance of myrrh. 100g pack.

Prinknash Incense - St Michael - loose - 500g

Prinknash Incense - St Michael - loose - 500gCode: C0369  Price: £22.95

The Prinknash incense blend of St Michael consists of natural and coloured grains of frankincense with a little added balance of myrrh. 500g pack.

Out of stock
Prinknash Incense - Gums of Arabia - loose - 100g

Prinknash Incense - Gums of Arabia - loose - 100gCode: C0370  Price: £5.00

The Prinknash Gums of Arabia incense blen consists of natural and cloured grains (Black and Red) of frankincense with a little added balance of ...

On the Immaculate Conception

On the Immaculate Conception
Dom Prosper GuerangerCode: B1493  Price: £13.95

Four years before the Solemn Definition of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854, Dom Guéranger published his monumental work

Prinknash Incense - Frankincense (Priory) - loose - 100g

Prinknash Incense - Frankincense (Priory) - loose - 100gCode: C0310  Price: £5.75

Pure Frankincense. Priory is Prinknash Abbey's simplest incense, being pure frankincense with no additional oils added. Frankincense

Prinknash Incense - Frankincense (Priory) - loose - 500g

Prinknash Incense - Frankincense (Priory) - loose - 500gCode: C0354  Price: £20.00

Pure Frankincense. Priory is Prinknash Abbey's simplest incense, being pure frankincense with no additional oils added. Frankincense

Prinknash Incense - Cathedral - loose - 100g

Prinknash Incense - Cathedral - loose - 100gCode: C0307  Price: £5.95

Based on recipes developed by the monks, the Cathedral incense is a blend of pure frankincense and natural oils which has it's own distinctive ...

Prinknash Incense - Cathedral - loose - 500g

Prinknash Incense - Cathedral - loose - 500gCode: C0347  Price: £18.95

Based on recipes developed by the monks, the Cathedral incense is a blend of pure frankincense and natural oils which has it's own distinctive ...

Prinknash Incense - Sanctuary - loose - 100g

Prinknash Incense - Sanctuary - loose - 100gCode: C0309  Price: £5.95

Based on recipes developed by the monks, the Sanctuary incense is a blend of pure frankincense and natural oils which has it's own distinctive ...

Prinknash Incense - Sanctuary - loose - 500g

Prinknash Incense - Sanctuary - loose - 500gCode: C0349  Price: £18.95

Based on recipes developed by the monks, the Sanctuary incense is a blend of pure frankincense and natural oils which has it's own distinctive ...

Prinknash Incense - Abbey  - loose - 100g

Prinknash Incense - Abbey - loose - 100gCode: C0308  Price: £5.95

Based on recipes developed by the monks, the Abbey incense is a blend of pure frankincense and natural oils which has it's own distinctive fragrance ...

Prinknash Incense - Abbey  - loose - 500g

Prinknash Incense - Abbey - loose - 500gCode: C0355  Price: £18.95

Based on recipes developed by the monks, the Abbey incense is a blend of pure frankincense and natural oils which has it's own distinctive fragrance ...

Prinknash Incense - Basilica - loose - 100g

Prinknash Incense - Basilica - loose - 100gCode: C0306  Price: £8.50

Basilica is one of the oldest secret recipes and includes the finest quality frankincense as well as two other incenses and the purest natural oils

Prinknash Incense - Basilica - loose - 500g

Prinknash Incense - Basilica - loose - 500gCode: C0346  Price: £28.50

Basilica is one of the oldest secret recipes and includes the finest quality frankincense as well as two other incenses and the purest natural oils

 Search for:    A Benedictine monk        Compare Selected        Show First Page

Page 1 of 1:    77 Results
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