The Seven Capital SinsBenedictine Sisters of Perpetual AdorationCode: B1121 Price: £3.99
Everyone, unfortunately, will see himself described in the pages of this little book, since all our sins are traceable to these seven roots: Pride
Treasures of the MassBenedict Sisters of Perpetual AdorationCode: B2762 Price: £9.95
A devotional explanation of the prayers, ceremonies, and mysteries of the Holy Sacrifice, and of the benefits to be derived from devout ...
Confession: Its Fruitful PracticeBenedictine Sisters of Perpetual AdorationCode: B1044 Price: £4.99
This wonderful and practical little book explains clearly and thoroughly how to make a good Confession but in much greater detail than covered in ...
The Blessed Sacrament, God With UsBooklet. Benedictine Sisters.Code: B0151 Price: £3.50
The Blessed Sacrament is the great "open secret" of the Catholic Church--the great truth that Jesus Christ is in the Tabernacle and is accessible to ...