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The Sight of Hell

The Sight of Hell
Rev. John FurnissCode: B2989  Price: £7.95Sorry, out of stock

Father Furniss was a pioneer in the area of catechesis for children back in the 1850s and 1860s.

Some may consider the habit of thinking on the ...

Hostia - DVD

Hostia - DVD
Fr Nicholas Schofield, Fr Tim Finigan, Fr Andrew Pinsent, et al.Code: M0369  Price: £8.95

The Power and Presence of the Eucharist. This powerful and inspiring film begins with the Gospel accounts of how Jesus Christ instituted the ...

Humanae Vitae forty years on: A New Commentary

Humanae Vitae forty years on: A New Commentary
G J WoodallCode: B2364  Price: £12.99

The publication in July 1968 of Pope Paul VI's encyclical letter, Humanae Vitae, sparked unprecedented controversy about the Church's perennial ...

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Story of a Soul - Leatherbound

Story of a Soul - LeatherboundCode: B1705  Price: £20.95Sorry, out of stock

The Story of a Soul, better known to the English public as The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, was first published in 1899

Sermon in a Sentence - Archbishop Fulton J Sheen

Sermon in a Sentence - Archbishop Fulton J Sheen
John P McClernonCode: B2586  Price: £14.45

This handy little book contains hundreds of direct quotes and short sayings of Archbishop Fulton Sheen, arranged according to the Christian virtues ...

Commentary on the Book of Psalms

Commentary on the Book of Psalms
St Robert Bellarmine, tr. By Fr John O'SullivanCode: B1506  Price: £45.00

After being called to the Cardinalate by Pope Clement VIII, Robert Bellarmine, one of only two Jesuit Doctors of the Church

With the Church Vol. 2

With the Church Vol. 2
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2996  Price: £15.95

The second and final volume of Mother Loyola's meditations on the Church Year!

When writing the first volume of With the Church

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Parochial and Plain Sermons

Parochial and Plain Sermons
John Henry NewmanCode: B1588  Price: £56.50Sorry, out of stock

All eight volumes of Newman's famous sermons are brought together in this new edition that is beautifully printed and bound on Bible paper with a ...

The Life and Letters of Rev. George Leo Haydock

The Life and Letters of Rev. George Leo Haydock
Sidney OhlhausenCode: B3405  Price: £34.75

This collection of documents and letters grant us an intimate look into the life of an extraordinary priest.
Rev. Haydock is most often remembered ...

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Meditations on the Stabat Mater

Meditations on the Stabat Mater
Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSPCode: B3289  Price: £3.95   £3.50Sorry, out of stock

Join our Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross of her Son and walk with her on the road from Lent to Passiontide to Easter

The True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin - HB

The True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin - HB
Saint Louis-Marie De MontfortCode: B1413  Price: £21.95

True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin is one of the greatest and most celebrated books ever written about Our Lady. Praised by popes

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The Essential Belloc - A Prophet for Our Times

The Essential Belloc - A Prophet for Our Times
Scott Bloch, et alCode: B1624  Price: £14.95Sorry, out of stock

Hilaire Belloc was a poet, polemicist, and prose stylist without peer, but above all, an entire generation's mighty champion for the Catholic faith

Loss and Gain: The Story of a Convert

Loss and Gain: The Story of a Convert
John Henry NewmanCode: B2462  Price: £25.00

It may seem surprising to discover that a Catholic Cardinal was a novelist, and Newman advanced this as an obstacle to his own canonization: 'Saints ...

Edmund Campion

Edmund Campion
Richard SimpsonCode: B3239  Price: £25.00

A new and definitive life of Campion. Simpson's classic biography has been thoroughly revised and enlarged by Fr Peter Joseph

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The Catechism of the Council of Trent

The Catechism of the Council of Trent
John A. McHugh and Charles J. Callan, trans.Code: B3009  Price: £39.45Sorry, out of stock

The Council of Trent was called to counter the Protestant Reformation by unambiguously affirming the distinctive truths of the Catholic faith

Self-abandonment to Divine Providence - Leatherbound

Self-abandonment to Divine Providence - Leatherbound
Father J P De CaussadeCode: B2585  Price: £20.95

"Self -abandonment, is itself the work of God: While he strips of everything the souls who give themselves absolutely to him

Rebuilding Catholic Culture

Rebuilding Catholic Culture
Ryan ToppingCode: B2208  Price: £16.50

Rarely does a book come along that so succinctly explains the decline of modern culture, articulates a defense of the Church's teachings

Cranmer's Godly Order: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. I

Cranmer's Godly Order: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. I
Michael DaviesCode: B1590  Price: £28.95

Michael Davies shows that Henry VIII and Thomas Cranmer understood that if you change the way people pray, then you will change what they believe

The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism

The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism
Thomas Joseph WhiteCode: B3321  Price: £19.95

The Light of Christ provides an accessible presentation of Catholicism that is grounded in traditional theology, but engaged with a host of ...

Vincent de Paul and Louis de Marillac

Vincent de Paul and Louis de Marillac
Rev John E RyboltCode: B3058  Price: £19.95

Rules, conferences and writings.

This volume presents the principal spiritual teachings of Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac

Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre - 3 Volume Set

Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre - 3 Volume Set
Archbishop Marcel LefebvreCode: B3187  Price: £74.95

Michael Davies' monumental Apologia series now in Hardback!

Mr. Davies defends Archbishop Lefebvre and his battle for the Faith during the ...

A Book of Angels

A Book of Angels
Marigold HuntCode: B2517  Price: £12.50

Modern believers may be tempted to look upon angels as one of the more fanciful elements of Scripture, but this illuminating and entertaining ...

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Sacrosanctum Concilium: On the Sacred Liturgy

Sacrosanctum Concilium: On the Sacred Liturgy
Vatican Council IICode: B2051  Price: £3.95Sorry, out of stock

Key liturgical reform text of the Second Vatican Council. Vatican II was one of the most significant events in the life of the modern Church

Marcel Lefebvre: The Biography

Marcel Lefebvre: The Biography
Bishop Bernard Tissier de MalleraisCode: B2438  Price: £29.95

Marcel Lefebvre's (1905-91) life is fascinating. After attending the French Seminary in Rome he joined his brother in the African missions

Lumen Gentium: On the Church

Lumen Gentium: On the Church
Vatican Council IICode: B2048  Price: £4.95

The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) was one of the most significant events in the life of the modern Church. Between October 1962 and December ...

God's Healing Mercy

God's Healing Mercy
Kathleen BeckmanCode: B2633  Price: £12.50

Finding Your Path to Forgiveness, Peace, and Joy. A perfect companion for the Year of Mercy. "Do we believe that Jesus can heal us and bring us back ...

The Pilgrims Guide to Romes Principal Churches

The Pilgrims Guide to Romes Principal Churches
Rev. Father TylendaCode: B1738  Price: £29.50   £27.95

Back in print after 15 years! The Definitive Catholic Tour guide to Rome. Can't afford to go to Rome? Discover the Holy City from the comfort of ...

For the Insertion of the the Name of St. Joseph in the Prayers of Mass

For the Insertion of the the Name of St. Joseph in the Prayers of MassCode: B3145  Price: £11.50

An invaluable resource about St. Joseph, Patron and Protector of the Universal Church, this studies booklet was originally published in 1961 by the ...

Fatima for Today

Fatima for Today
Fr Andrew Apostoli, CFRCode: B1752  Price: £15.50

The Urgent Marian Message of Hope. Though the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima took place almost a hundred years ago, Our Lady's call to prayer and ...

Witnesses to the Holy Mass

Witnesses to the Holy Mass
Dom Bede Camm, OSBCode: B2764  Price: £8.95

During the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I of England, many Catholics suffered death rather than give up their faith

A Bishop Speaks

A Bishop Speaks
Archbishop Marcel LefebvreCode: B2827  Price: £19.95   £18.95

Writings and Addresses 1963-1976. Back in print after 13 years, this new, expanded edition includes those parts unpublished in the original English ...

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The Sinner's Guide

The Sinner's Guide
Venerable Louis Of GrenadaCode: B1043  Price: £15.50Sorry, out of stock

In the Sinner's Guide, Venerable Louis de Granada proves himself a masterful spiritual director, showing how life in Christ is a beautiful way of ...

What went wrong with Vatican II

What went wrong with Vatican II
Dr Ralph McInernyCode: B2287  Price: £12.50

Crisis magazine called this book:
"The clearest and most comprehensive argument against the theological dissenters ever written

Surprised by Life

Surprised by Life
Patrick MadridCode: B3088  Price: £10.95

10 Converts Explain How Catholic Teachings on Life Led Them to the Church. Here you'll read the eye-opening, often heartrending life stories of ten ...

Pope Paul's New Mass: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. III

Pope Paul's New Mass: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. III
Michael DaviesCode: B1592  Price: £28.95

Pope Paul's New Mass is the third and final book of the Liturgical Revolution trilogy. It is the unparalleled history of how the New Mass was ...

Set: The Davies Liturgical Revolution Series

Set: The Davies Liturgical Revolution Series
Michael DaviesCode: B3218  Price: £86.85   £80.00

Michael Davies' monumental Mass Trilogy.

CRANMER'S GODLY ORDER: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. I

Michael Davies shows that Henry VIII and Thomas ...

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