The Catholic Enlightenment - DVDFr Marcus Holden & Fr Andrew PinsentCode: M0223 Price: £19.95
Gifts of Catholicism to Civilisation. From England's National Shrine of St Augustine, Ramsgate, Fr Andrew Pinsent and Fr Marcus Holden explore ...
Saint Mildred and Minster Abbey - DVDFr Marcus HoldenCode: M0459 Price: £6.95
Minster is a town on the Isle of Thanet in Kent. This town grew up around a monastery founded by saints - St Domneva and St Mildred
Lead Kindly Light - DVDFr Nicholas Schofield & Fr Marcus HoldenCode: M0458 Price: £12.95 £10.95
An influential teacher, a distinguished theologian, a man who endured many trials, a father of souls - Blessed John Henry Newman (1801 - 1890) ...
Saint Augustine - DVDFr Marcus HoldenCode: M0351 Price: £6.95
Apostle of England. In the year 597AD on the island of Thanet in Kent, a landing took place which would change the course of English history
Keys of the Kingdom - DVDSteve Ray, Fr Marcus Holden, Joanna Bogle, et al.Code: M0370 Price: £7.95 £5.95
This exciting and inspiring film begins by outlining the foundations of the Papacy, when Jesus announces Simon Peter as "The Rock
The Woman - DVDFr Marcus Holden, Fr Andrew Pinsent, Joanna Bogle, et alCode: M0467 Price: £9.95 £8.95Sorry, out of stock
In the Gospels we hear Jesus refer to his mother Mary as "Woman". This reference should draw our attention to the woman mentioned in Genesis
Prayer: A Surge of the HeartBishop Mark Davies, Fr Marcus Holden, etcCode: M0456 Price: £7.95
Finding time to pray can be difficult. Modern life is very busy with so many distractions at every turn and there's always another job to be done
Powers and Dominions - DVDChristian HoldenCode: M0352 Price: £8.95
Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare. In all of God's creation we see such splendour and beauty, mystery and wonder. Within this creation there are ...
Faith of Our Fathers - DVDFr Marcus Holden & Fr Nicholas SchofieldCode: M0350 Price: £9.95 £8.95
In Search of the English Martyrs. During the English Reformation, hundreds of brave men and women suffered all manner of persecution in order to ...
Credo: The Catholic Faith ExplainedFr Marcus Holden, Fr Andrew PinsentCode: B1295 Price: £7.95
This new, illustrated, pocket catechism offers a succinct and reliable introduction into the fullness of the Catholic faith
Confession - DVDChristian HoldenCode: M0354 Price: £7.95
The Forgotten Sacrament. This short but powerful film begins by explaining the reality and gravity of sin and the effect it has on our lives and the ...
Apologia: Catholic answers to today's questionsFr Marcus Holden, Fr Andrew PinsentCode: B2927 Price: £4.95
A positive and reasoned response to some of the most common accusations against the Catholic faith. The rise of secularism and the new atheists has ...
Marriage: God's Design for Life and Love - DVDCode: M0386 Price: £9.95
From the dawn of human history, mankind has understood the value of a lifelong, faithful, procreative union of one man and one woman in marriage
Why? Course DVDCode: M0368 Price: £32.95
As part of the Why? Course, a new way of reaching those who know little or nothing about the Catholic Faith, this DVD looks at some of the most ...
In Persona Christi - DVDCode: M0486 Price: £10.50
In Persona Christi: The Catholic Priesthood
The Catholic priesthood comes to us from Jesus Christ. He is the High Priest
The Stations of the Cross: A Via DolorosaFr Marcus HoldenCode: B3290 Price: £3.95
With meditations inspired by and written along the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, these meditations will enable you too to walk the route where Our Lord ...
A Time to Revive - DVDCardinal Burke, Bishop Mark DaviesCode: M0388 Price: £9.95
Rebuilding the Catholic Faith Today. Our world is troubled: wars, terrorism, political and social unrest, family breakdown, mass migrations
Hostia - DVDFr Nicholas Schofield, Fr Tim Finigan, Fr Andrew Pinsent, et al.Code: M0369 Price: £8.95
The Power and Presence of the Eucharist. This powerful and inspiring film begins with the Gospel accounts of how Jesus Christ instituted the ...
Grace - DVDFr Marcus Holden & Fr Andrew PinsentCode: M0469 Price: £9.95
What is grace? What is its purpose? How do we receive it? Who can receive it? Are there different types of grace? Are there mistaken or erroneous ...
The Why? Course BookCode: B2234 Price: £4.95
Welcome to the WHY? Course, a three-part introduction to the Catholic Faith from the Catholic Truth Society. It is a new exciting