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 Search for:    Pope Francis        Compare Selected        Show First Page
Pope Francis Prayer Card x 10

Pope Francis Prayer Card x 10Code: L0321  Price: £2.50

Prayer card with picture of Pope Francis, and Prayer for Pope Francis on reverse. Dimensions: 12.5 x 8 cm (3 1/8 x 4 5/8 inches)

The Rosary with Pope Francis

The Rosary with Pope Francis
Pope FrancisCode: B2436  Price: £3.95

Scriptural Meditations on the Mysteries. One of the first actions of Francis's papacy was a visit to St Mary Major in Rome to present a bouquet of ...

Leaflet: Pope Francis

Leaflet: Pope FrancisCode: L0322  Price: £0.50

Get to know Pope Francis in this helpful pamphet. Includes information about his background, his motto, his choice of the name Francis, and more.

Pope Francis Prayer Card

Pope Francis Prayer CardCode: L0328  Price: £0.55

Prayer leaflet with picture of Pope Francis, and Prayer of St Francis of Assisi on reverse. Dimensions: 2.75 x 4.75 inches

Finding Forgiveness with Pope Francis

Finding Forgiveness with Pope Francis
Rev Nick DonnellyCode: B3296  Price: £3.50

What can Pope Francis' personal experience of God's forgiveness teach us? Through his characteristically straight-talking language

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Pope Francis - Light Wood Framed Print - small

Pope Francis - Light Wood Framed Print - smallCode: P0186  Price: £5.95Sorry, out of stock

Light wood Framed Picture of Pope Francis, with glass. Frame: 6 3/4" x 4 3/4", Print: 5 1/2" x 3 1/2". With Stand and Hanger, Singly Boxed.

Pope Francis - Wood Framed Print - medium

Pope Francis - Wood Framed Print - mediumCode: P0160  Price: £13.95

Dark wood Framed Picture of Pope Francis, with gold inner rim, and glass. Frame: 8.5" x 10.5", Print: 6" x 8". With Stand and Hanger, Singly Boxed.

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Pope Francis Picture Medal with Prayer Card

Pope Francis Picture Medal with Prayer CardCode: L0290  Price: £1.75Sorry, out of stock

Pope Francis Picture Medal in plastic wallet with Prayer Card with foil stamping.

Pope Francis

Pope Francis
Dr Matthew BunsonCode: B2125  Price: £12.99

Written by the author of the first English-language biography of Benedict XVI, Dr Matthew Bunson - senior correspondent for Our Sunday Visitor

Pope Francis - booklet

Pope Francis - booklet
Dushan Croos SJCode: B2108  Price: £1.95

A short biography of the new Holy Father. Amidst the many media reports on the newly elected bishop of Rome and his possible effect on the Church

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Francis of Assisi

Francis of Assisi
Jennifer MoorcroftCode: B2574  Price: £2.95Sorry, out of stock

Life of the famous 'poor man' of Assisi and his Franciscan brothers. This excellent introduction details the life and spirituality of Francis

Second hand
John XXIII: The Pope from the Fields (SH2061)

John XXIII: The Pope from the Fields (SH2061)
Francis X MurphyCode: SH2061  Price: £9.50

Second Hand Book: Publisher: The Catholic Book Club, Year: 1959. First Edition. Condition: Used - Very Good. Dust Jacket

Rejoice - Letter for the Year of Consecrated Life

Rejoice - Letter for the Year of Consecrated Life
CICLSALCode: B2309  Price: £4.95

A Message from the Teachings of Pope Francis. A Letter to Consecrated People on the Occasion of the Year of Consecrated Life from the Magisterium of ...

The Door of Mercy

The Door of Mercy
Fr Ivano MillicoCode: B2618  Price: £2.50

in the words and life of Pope Francis. The new 'Jubilee of Mercy' announced by Pope Francis is of great significance. Drawing from his biography

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Amoris Laetitia: The Joy of Love

Amoris Laetitia: The Joy of Love
Pope FrancisCode: B2691  Price: £4.95Sorry, out of stock

In this eagerly awaited response to the Family Synod, Pope Francis extends an invitation to Christian families to value the gifts of marriage and ...

Lumen Fidei - The Light of Faith

Lumen Fidei - The Light of Faith
Pope FrancisCode: B2136  Price: £3.50

Lumen Fidei, the first Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis comes at the end of the Year of Faith which has been a great moment of reflection for all ...

Leaflet: Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Leaflet: Our Lady Undoer of KnotsCode: L0327  Price: £0.75

Millions of Catholics everywhere are learning about the devotion to "Mary Undoer of Knots" -- and like Pope Francis, are growing in faith as they ...

Leaflet: Our Lady Undoer of Knots x 10

Leaflet: Our Lady Undoer of Knots x 10Code: L0327-10  Price: £2.95

Millions of Catholics everywhere are learning about the devotion to "Mary Undoer of Knots" -- and like Pope Francis, are growing in faith as they ...

Misericordiae Vultus

Misericordiae Vultus
Pope FrancisCode: B2493  Price: £2.50

Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Year of Mercy. From the beginning of his Pontificate, Pope Francis has made it his priority to carry God's ...

Daily Prayers Folding Prayer Card

Daily Prayers Folding Prayer CardCode: L0339  Price: £0.50

Pope Francis invites us all in this 'Year of Mercy' 2015-16 to invoke Mary, our Mother, and the Mother of Mercy. Here are prayers to carry with you ...

Our Lady Untier of Knots Candle

Our Lady Untier of Knots CandleCode: C0250  Price: £4.50

Tall pillar candle in heat-resistant holder, with removable wind-proof top. 6.5" x 2.5" (16 x 7 cm), with Our Lady Untier of Knots/Pope Francis ...

Mary Mother of Mercy Folding Prayer Card

Mary Mother of Mercy Folding Prayer CardCode: L0338  Price: £0.50

Pope Francis invites us all in this 'Year of Mercy' 2015-16 to invoke Mary, our Mother, and the Mother of Mercy. Here are prayers to carry with you ...

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Corporal Works of Mercy

Corporal Works of Mercy
Mgr Richard AthertonCode: B2631  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

Feeding the hungry and thirsty, clothing the naked, housing the homeless, visiting the imprisoned, the sick, and burying the dead - Pope Francis ...

A Simple Penance Book

A Simple Penance Book
Revised by Mgr Paul GroganCode: B0763  Price: £3.95

Pope Francis says "God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy". The practice of Confession

Our Lady Untier of Knots Prayer Card

Our Lady Untier of Knots Prayer CardCode: L0334  Price: £0.55

Prayer leaflet with picture of Our Lady Untier of Knots (Our Lady Undoer of Knots), and Pope Francis's Prayer to Our Lady Untier of Knots on reverse

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Gaudete et Exsultate - Rejoice and Be Glad

Gaudete et Exsultate - Rejoice and Be Glad
Pope FrancisCode: B3023  Price: £5.95Sorry, out of stock

On the Call to Holiness in Today's World.

'Holiness is a gift that is offered to everyone, no one is excluded; it constitutes the distinctive ...

Our Lady Untier of Knots

Our Lady Untier of Knots
Miguel Cuartero SamperiCode: B2410  Price: £3.95

During his studies in Germany, Pope Francis encountered a local devotion centred on an image of Our Lady in the Church of St Peter in Augsburg

Unfailing Novena to Our Lady Untier (Undoer) of Knots

Unfailing Novena to Our Lady Untier (Undoer) of Knots
Val ConlonCode: B2145  Price: £5.50

A devotion dear to Pope Francis, this novena is linked with the daily Rosary and it invites you to bring to Our Lady, for nine days, each day

Evangelii Gaudium - The Joy of the Gospel

Evangelii Gaudium - The Joy of the Gospel
Pope FrancisCode: B2224  Price: £6.95

Pope Francis encourages every Christian to rediscover the joy of a personal encounter with Jesus and then to engage with renewed vigour in the ...

Laudato Si'

Laudato Si'
Pope FrancisCode: B2503  Price: £7.50

Encyclical Letter on Care for our Common Home. Pope Francis's eagerly awaited second encyclical letter addressed to all of humanity on ...

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Discovering the Old Testament

Discovering the Old Testament
Fr Adrian GraffyCode: B2300  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

Pope Francis urges Christians to be nourished by the Word of God. Fr Graffy gives an overview of all the books of the Old Testament

Christus Vivit

Christus Vivit
Pope FrancisCode: B3120  Price: £5.95

For young people today, trying to find a path to holiness in a hostile world is increasingly difficult. Last year, the Church held a Synod on Young ...

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Lord of the World

Lord of the World
Robert Hugh BensonCode: B2357  Price: £15.45Sorry, out of stock

Recommended by Pope Francis as a must-read book on several occasions, and described by Fulton Sheen as one of the three greatest depictions of the ...

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Youcat: Bible

Youcat: BibleCode: B2876  Price: £18.95Sorry, out of stock

The newest title in the internationally best-selling "YOUCAT" series for youth and young adults, this outstanding Bible features the creative ...

The New Roman Missal - Fr Lasance

The New Roman Missal - Fr Lasance
Father LasanceCode: B1933  Price: £82.95

The Father Lasance New Roman Missal is one of the best traditional missals available. By Rev. F. X. Lasance and Rev. Francis Augustine Walsh, O.S.B


YOUCATCode: B2725  Price: £12.95

DOCAT is the latest title in the international best-selling YOUCAT series for young people. With its focus on the social teaching of the Catholic ...

Fatima The Great Sign

Fatima The Great Sign
Francis JohnstonCode: B1046  Price: £16.50

The story, the message, and the meaning. Penetrates deeply into the theology of Fatima: the Rosary, daily duty, Eucharistic reparation

Mercy Works

Mercy Works
Mark P. SheaCode: B2620  Price: £2.50

The spiritual and corporal works of mercy are not a list to be learnt but actions to be lived. Mark Shea gives great examples of people who have ...

The Message of Bernadette

The Message of Bernadette
Mgr Vernon Johnson & Donal FoleyCode: B1352  Price: £3.95

Mgr Vernon Johnson's classic text on what St Bernadette has to teach us about suffering has been expanded here by Donal Foley

My Simple Prayer Book

My Simple Prayer Book
Pierpaolo FinaldiCode: B2700  Price: £4.95

This simple prayer book for children brings to life well-known Catholic prayers in an attractive and child-friendly style

The Way of the Cross: A Lenten Devotion

The Way of the Cross: A Lenten Devotion
John Bradburne Memorial SocietyCode: B3169  Price: £4.95

This Way of the Cross booklet supports the work of the John Bradburne Memorial Society, and is based on the Vatican sponsored initiative

God's Healing Mercy

God's Healing Mercy
Kathleen BeckmanCode: B2633  Price: £12.50

Finding Your Path to Forgiveness, Peace, and Joy. A perfect companion for the Year of Mercy. "Do we believe that Jesus can heal us and bring us back ...

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My Simple Prayer Book - Presentation

My Simple Prayer Book - Presentation
Pierpaolo FinaldiCode: B2701  Price: £5.95Sorry, out of stock

Beautifully bound in white leatherette with gilt edges and a satin place-holder ribbon, this simple prayer book for children makes a perfect First ...

Kolbe: Saint of the Immaculate

Kolbe: Saint of the Immaculate
Ed. Bro Francis M Kalvelage, FICode: B0238  Price: £10.99

The most in-depth book yet on the life and work of the great modern martyr of charity and Marian Saint, Maximilian Kolbe

Saint Catherine of Siena and Her Times

Saint Catherine of Siena and Her Times
Margaret RobertsCode: B3106  Price: £13.99

The Holy Father, forced to leave Rome, battled rebel forces, killing thousands, splitting Christendom, and spawninganti-Popes who joined the rebel ...

Dewi Sant: Saint David Patron of Wales

Dewi Sant: Saint David Patron of Wales
J B MidgleyCode: B1927  Price: £6.99

March 1st is St David's Day, the national day of Wales and has been celebrated as such since the twelfth century. Descended from Welsh royalty

Catholic Family Bible - Presentation - Wedding

Catholic Family Bible - Presentation - WeddingCode: B3014  Price: £75.00

Large format Catholic 'Family Heirloom' bible - 11.75" x 8.75" (30 x 22 cm), with words of Christ printed in Red. White Wedding Gift Edition of ...

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The Sinner's Guide

The Sinner's Guide
Venerable Louis Of GrenadaCode: B1043  Price: £15.50Sorry, out of stock

In the Sinner's Guide, Venerable Louis de Granada proves himself a masterful spiritual director, showing how life in Christ is a beautiful way of ...

Catherine of Siena: A Passionate Life

Catherine of Siena: A Passionate Life
Don BrophyCode: B2709  Price: £16.99

This is a full and comprehensive study of the life and works of Saint Catherine of Siena. This fourteenth century saint is renowned as an ...

Dialogue of St Catherine of Siena

Dialogue of St Catherine of Siena
Saint Catherine of SienaCode: B2582  Price: £21.95

St. Catherine of Siena is recognized as one of the most remarkable mystical theologians of the Middle Ages. She was also a stigmatist

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St Albert the Great: Champion of Faith & Reason

St Albert the Great: Champion of Faith & Reason
Kevin VostCode: B1906  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

Even while he was still alive, Dominican friar Albert of Cologne was widely called Magnus the Great. His contemporaries said Saint Albert simply ...

Surprised by Life

Surprised by Life
Patrick MadridCode: B3088  Price: £10.95

10 Converts Explain How Catholic Teachings on Life Led Them to the Church. Here you'll read the eye-opening, often heartrending life stories of ten ...

Holy Communion - Communion in the Hand

Holy Communion - Communion in the Hand
Most Rev. Juan Rodolfo LaiseCode: B3119  Price: £17.00

Documents and History. Some Reflections on Spiritual Communion and the State of Grace.

Bishop Laise was born on February 22, 1926

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