Minor Works of St Teresa (SH2253)St Teresa of Jesus. Revised with notes and an Introduction by the Reverend Father Benedict Zimmerman O.C.D of Wincanton AbbeyCode: SH2253 Price: £9.50
Second Hand Book: Publisher: Thomas Baker, Year: 1913. Condition: Used - Good. No Dust Jacket. Cloth colour: Brown, Jacket colour: n/a
The Interior Castle - LeatherboundSaint Teresa of JesusCode: B2583 Price: £21.95Sorry, out of stock
"I began to think of the soul as a castle made of a single diamond [.] in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions
The Way of Perfection (SH2250)St Teresa of Jesus. Revised, with notes and an introduction, by Father Benedict Zimmerman O.C.D.Code: SH2250 Price: £8.50One only
Second Hand Book: Publisher: Burns and Oates, Year: 1961. Condition: Used - Good. Dust Jacket. Cloth colour: Green, Jacket colour: Green/gold
The Way of Perfection (SH2251)St Teresa of Jesus. Revised, with notes and an introduction, by Father Benedict Zimmerman O.C.D.Code: SH2251 Price: £8.50
The Way of Perfection (SH2252)St Teresa of Jesus. Revised, with notes and an introduction, by Father Benedict Zimmerman O.C.D.Code: SH2252 Price: £9.50
Second Hand Book: Publisher: Thomas Baker, Year: 1935. Condition: Used - Very Good. No Dust Jacket. Cloth colour: Brown, Jacket colour: n/a