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St Vincent de Paul

St Vincent de Paul
F A ForbesCode: B2423  Price: £6.99

A short, popular biography of the famous French Saint Vincent de Paul known as "The Father of his Country" for his remarkable charities

Second hand
The Waters of Silence (SH2070)

The Waters of Silence (SH2070)
Thomas MertonCode: SH2070  Price: £8.00

Second Hand Book: Publisher: Clonmore & Reynolds, Year: 1950. First Edition. Condition: Used - Good. No Dust Jacket. Cloth colour: Blue

Second hand
The Imitation of Christ (SH2107)

The Imitation of Christ (SH2107)
Thomas A KempisCode: SH2107  Price: £45.00

Second Hand Book: Publisher: James Duffy and Co., Year: 1915. Condition: Used - Good. Cloth colour: Black. Remarks: Writing on front flyleaf

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A Textual Concordance of Holy Scripture

A Textual Concordance of Holy Scripture
Rev.Thomas David WilliamsCode: B1246  Price: £39.95Sorry, out of stock

Alphabetical, topic-by-topic selection of passages from the Bible, originally compiled to help priests prepare sermons. Over 1,900 topics and 18

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Potency and Act (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 11)

Potency and Act (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 11)
Translated by Walter RedmondCode: B2595  Price: £25.95Sorry, out of stock

Potency and Act is the second of three works in which Edith Stein said she endeavored to fulfill her "proper mission' in philosophy

Second hand
God's Mother and Ours Too (SH1151)

God's Mother and Ours Too (SH1151)
Thomas TimmonsCode: SH1151  Price: £5.00

Second Hand Book: Publisher: St Paul Publications, Year: 1967. First Edition. Condition: Used - Very Good. No Dust Jacket. Cloth colour: Navy

Second hand
Religio Medici (SH2215)

Religio Medici (SH2215)
Sir Thomas BrowneCode: SH2215  Price: £8.50

Second Hand Book: Publisher: MacMillan and Co, Year: 1950. Condition: Used - Very Good. No Dust Jacket. Cloth colour: Blue

Second hand
A Catholic Dictionary (SH2177-2)

A Catholic Dictionary (SH2177-2)
Willian Addis and Thomas ArnoldCode: SH2177-2  Price: £25.00

Second Hand Book: Publisher: Virtue and Co Ltd, Year: 1928. Condition: Used - Very Good. No Dust Jacket. Cloth colour: Burgundy

Padre Pio - A Holy Priest

Padre Pio - A Holy Priest
Jim GallagherCode: B2561  Price: £3.50

Canonised on the 16th June 2002, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, better known as Padre Pio, had already become one of the saints whose intercession is ...

A Day of Grace

A Day of Grace
Thomas BartramCode: GB0105  Price: £9.50   £7.60Sorry, sold out

Your friends will be glad to receive into their homes "A Day of Grace" and share with you the beauty and wisdom of its pages

Second hand
Of the Imitation of Christ  (SH2016)

Of the Imitation of Christ (SH2016)
Thomas a KempisCode: SH2016  Price: £95.00

Second Hand Book: Publisher: Chatto and Windus, Year: 1908. Condition: Used - Very Good. No Dust Jacket. Cloth colour: Blue and Gold

Out of stock
Set: The Davies Liturgical Revolution Series

Set: The Davies Liturgical Revolution Series
Michael DaviesCode: B3218  Price: £86.85   £80.00Sorry, out of stock

Michael Davies' monumental Mass Trilogy.

CRANMER'S GODLY ORDER: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. I

Michael Davies shows that Henry VIII and Thomas ...

The Imitation of Christ - leatherbound

The Imitation of Christ - leatherbound
Thomas a KempisCode: B1138  Price: £20.95

The most popular religious book - after the Bible - ever written, is presented here in its best known English translation: that of the Venerable ...

While the Kettle Boils

While the Kettle Boils
Edited by Thomas BartramCode: GB0103  Price: £12.50   £10.00Sorry, sold out

Readers over the past 40 years share their experiences and ideas. Doctors are over-worked. The National Health Service is stretched to its limit

Not Made by Hands

Not Made by Hands
Thomas SennottCode: B0234  Price: £6.99

This is the only book of its kind on the two most famous and controversial images in existence-the holy image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the tilma ...

Second hand
Saints and Ourselves -Third Series (SH0007)

Saints and Ourselves -Third Series (SH0007)
Philip Caraman S.J., EditorCode: SH0007  Price: £8.50

Second Hand Book: Publisher: Hollis and Carter/ Catholic Book Club Edition, Year: 1958. First Edition. Condition: Used - Good. Dust Jacket

Memorize the Faith

Memorize the Faith
Kevin VostCode: B2480  Price: £16.50

"They laughed when I said I could name all 27 books of the New Testament . . . but after I named them all in order, plus the 46 books of the Old ...

The Life of Little Saint Placid

The Life of Little Saint Placid
Mother Genevieve GalloisCode: B2965  Price: £10.50

Mother Genevieve Gallois began life as a violently anti-clerical artist in turn-of-the-century Paris, but after a spritual crisis

Padre Pio: The True Story

Padre Pio: The True Story
C Bernard RuffinCode: B0192  Price: £23.50

A bestseller since its release, this is a unique account of the life and times of St Pio of Pietrelcina. Intriguing, mysterious

Autobiography of St Margaret Mary

Autobiography of St Margaret Mary
St Margaret MaryCode: B0195  Price: £12.50

Intimate insights from the saint to whom Our Lord gave the Sacred Heart revelations. Includes Our Lord's own words to her and tells how she sought ...

The Two Stigmatists Padre Pio and Teresa Neumann

The Two Stigmatists Padre Pio and Teresa Neumann
Fr. Charles M. CartyCode: B2625  Price: £11.50

Containing the Autobiography of Teresa Neumann, a Critical Account of Phenomena in her Life and a Comparison with Padre Pio

Memories of Pope Pius X

Memories of Pope Pius X
Cardinal Merry del ValCode: B3401  Price: £12.95

Memories of St. Pius X is a charming eye-witness account of a great Pope in action. It provides a fascinating behind-thescenes look at the Vatican ...

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Saint Patrick: Apostle of Ireland

Saint Patrick: Apostle of Ireland
Notre Dame SeriesCode: B2988  Price: £11.50   £10.50Sorry, out of stock

The enigmatic Saint Patrick is perhaps the most widely known saint...about whom very little is widely known. This, then

Kolbe: Saint of the Immaculate

Kolbe: Saint of the Immaculate
Ed. Bro Francis M Kalvelage, FICode: B0238  Price: £10.99

The most in-depth book yet on the life and work of the great modern martyr of charity and Marian Saint, Maximilian Kolbe

Like a Dove in the Cleft of the Rock

Like a Dove in the Cleft of the Rock
Matthew ManintCode: B3329  Price: £10.95

According to a French tradition, St. Mary Magdalene spent the final decades of her life in reclusion and prayer. Alone in a mountain grotto

From Atheism to Catholicism

From Atheism to Catholicism
Marcus Grodi, Brandon McGinleyCode: B2857  Price: £12.50

This collection of testimonies by nine former atheists who found new life in the Catholic Church is one of the most helpful tools for cultivating ...

The Immaculata Our Ideal

The Immaculata Our Ideal
Fr. Karl Stehlin, FSSPXCode: B2676  Price: £20.95

What is the first thing you think of when you hear "St. Maximilian Kolbe"? If it's "holocaust" or "concentration camp" then you're a victim of the ...

Out of stock
Catholic Prayers [Small edition]

Catholic Prayers [Small edition]
Thomas A NelsonCode: B1239  Price: £6.99Sorry, out of stock

Catholic Prayers (small edition). This is probably the greatest little Catholic prayerbook you will ever encounter because it has over 100 ...

Confession - DVD

Confession - DVD
Christian HoldenCode: M0354  Price: £7.95

The Forgotten Sacrament. This short but powerful film begins by explaining the reality and gravity of sin and the effect it has on our lives and the ...

Marian Missal for the Mass of the Ages

Marian Missal for the Mass of the AgesCode: B3353  Price: £5.50

This attractive Latin Mass booklet is dedicated to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. The propers included within the Mass are for the Feast of the ...

Marian Sunday Missal for the Mass of the Ages

Marian Sunday Missal for the Mass of the AgesCode: B3352  Price: £13.50

This attractive and great value Sunday missal for the Traditional Latin Mass is dedicated to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Out of stock
St Albert the Great: Champion of Faith & Reason

St Albert the Great: Champion of Faith & Reason
Kevin VostCode: B1906  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

Even while he was still alive, Dominican friar Albert of Cologne was widely called Magnus the Great. His contemporaries said Saint Albert simply ...

A Mind at Peace

A Mind at Peace
Christopher O. Blum, Joshua P. HochschildCode: B2858  Price: £12.95

Reclaiming an Ordered Soul in the Age of Distraction. These past two decades, modern technology has brought into being scores of powerful challenges ...

Faith of Our Fathers - DVD

Faith of Our Fathers - DVD
Fr Marcus Holden & Fr Nicholas SchofieldCode: M0350  Price: £9.95   £8.95

In Search of the English Martyrs. During the English Reformation, hundreds of brave men and women suffered all manner of persecution in order to ...

Vincent de Paul and Louis de Marillac

Vincent de Paul and Louis de Marillac
Rev John E RyboltCode: B3058  Price: £19.95

Rules, conferences and writings.

This volume presents the principal spiritual teachings of Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac

Out of stock
The Interior Castle - Leatherbound

The Interior Castle - Leatherbound
Saint Teresa of JesusCode: B2583  Price: £21.95Sorry, out of stock

"I began to think of the soul as a castle made of a single diamond [.] in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions

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