The Seven Big Myths about MarriageChristopher Kaczor and Jennifer KaczorCode: B2310 Price: £14.99
This work explores some of the most interesting and vexing problems in contemporary life. Appealing to reason rather than religious authority
Seven Deadly SinsKevin Vost Psy. D.Code: B2523 Price: £15.50Sorry, out of stock
The seven deadly sins are generals leading a vast and deadly army. The soldiers are a variety of sins and misdeeds, and the capital sins are the ...
Meet Brother Martin!Norbert Georges, OPCode: B3140 Price: £5.95
A Little Life of Saint Martin de Porres, Patron of Social Justice. Adapted from the French.
Preface to the 1940 Edition: When this little book ...
Pope Pius IX: The Man And The MythYves ChironCode: B2716 Price: £18.95
Is the 19th century a blank century to you? Let Yves Chiron connect the dots from the viewpoint of the longest pontificate in the history of the ...
The Last Mass of Padre PioAlessandro Gnocchi & Mario PalmaroCode: B3165 Price: £14.50 £13.95
On September 23, 1968 after having borne the stigmata for exactly 50 years, the saintly Padre Pio died. This holy mystic spent his life as a living ...
Witnesses to the Holy MassDom Bede Camm, OSBCode: B2764 Price: £8.95
During the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I of England, many Catholics suffered death rather than give up their faith
Little Book of Holy GratitudeFr Frederick FaberCode: B2739 Price: £12.50
Sharp penance for remembered sins helps stouthearted Christians seize heaven, but gentler souls like Our Blessed Lady and scores of her saints have ...
Treason: A Catholic Novel of Elizabethan EnglandDena HuntCode: B2219 Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock
As Stephen Long steps ashore in England one grey dawn in May 1581, he wonders how many more Catholics will have to die to make Queen Elizabeth feel ...
The Sacramentary: Complete set of 5 VolumesCode: B3181 Price: £125.00 £115.00Sorry, out of stock
This is a modern-day reprint of Blessed Ildefonso Schuster's five volume work, The Sacramentary (Liber Sacramentorum) Historical and Liturgical ...
St Clare of Assisi: Light from the CloisterBret Thoman, OFSCode: B3358 Price: £14.99
Just as with his stirring narrative of the life of St. Francis, Saint Francis of Assisi: Passion, Poverty, and the Man Who Transformed the Church
St Francis of Assisi: Passion, PovertyBret Thoman, OFSCode: B3273 Price: £13.99
Passion, Poverty and the Man Who Transformed the Church. All Christians know his name. Few truly know the man. Francis of Assisi was not even five ...