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The Interior Castle - Leatherbound

The Interior Castle - Leatherbound
Saint Teresa of JesusCode: B2583  Price: £21.95Sorry, out of stock

"I began to think of the soul as a castle made of a single diamond [.] in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions

CD:  Hymns for All Seasons

CD: Hymns for All Seasons
VariousCode: M0227  Price: £12.50

A selection of hymns for the church's year, from Advent to harvest festival, recorded in the churches and chapels of the city of Oxford and in some ...

How to Serve

How to Serve
Dom Matthew Britt, O.S.B.Code: B1503  Price: £16.50

In Simple, Solemn and Pontifical Functions. The ever increasing interest in the Liturgical Traditions of the Church gives rise to the need for ...

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Catholic Guide to Depression

Catholic Guide to Depression
Dr. Aaron KheriatyCode: B2153  Price: £16.50Sorry, out of stock

How the saints, the sacraments, and psychiatry can help you break depression's grip and find happiness again. Countless Christians-including scores ...

Biblical Symbolism and the Third Secret of Fatima

Biblical Symbolism and the Third Secret of FatimaCode: B2734  Price: £3.00

When the Holy See published the Third Secret of Fatima on June 26, 2000, many became skeptical and were disappointed because it did not meet with ...

Mary in Our Life

Mary in Our Life
Fr William G MostCode: B2507  Price: £15.50   £14.95

For the first time in the history of Marian writing, here is a book that co-ordinates and integrates the dogmatic truths underlying devotion to Mary ...

Holy Communion - Communion in the Hand

Holy Communion - Communion in the Hand
Most Rev. Juan Rodolfo LaiseCode: B3119  Price: £17.00

Documents and History. Some Reflections on Spiritual Communion and the State of Grace.

Bishop Laise was born on February 22, 1926

Canon Law Explained

Canon Law Explained
Fr Laurence J SpiteriCode: B2289  Price: £16.50

The Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church contains over 1,752 rules (or canons). Among them, you'll find fascinating canons that lay out the ...

Butler's Irish Catechism

Butler's Irish Catechism
Rev Dr James ButlerCode: B3228  Price: £12.95

Revised, Enlarged, Approved, and Recommended by the Four R. C. Archbishops of Ireland as a General Catechism for the Kingdom

Rev. Dr

Pope Paul's New Mass: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. III

Pope Paul's New Mass: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. III
Michael DaviesCode: B1592  Price: £28.95

Pope Paul's New Mass is the third and final book of the Liturgical Revolution trilogy. It is the unparalleled history of how the New Mass was ...

Set: The Davies Liturgical Revolution Series

Set: The Davies Liturgical Revolution Series
Michael DaviesCode: B3218  Price: £86.85   £80.00

Michael Davies' monumental Mass Trilogy.

CRANMER'S GODLY ORDER: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. I

Michael Davies shows that Henry VIII and Thomas ...

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