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Holy Face Devotion

Sophia Institute Press

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Forty Anti-Catholic Lies

Forty Anti-Catholic Lies
Gerard Vershuuren, PhDCode: B3129  Price: £16.50

A Mythbusting Apologist Sets the Record Straight. Tired of being stumped when false claims are made about the Catholic Church? Want to be armed ...

From Star Wars to Superman

From Star Wars to Superman
James PapandreaCode: B2864  Price: £7.95

Christ Figures in Science Fiction and Superhero Films. When cultures such as ours toss Jesus out one door, He comes in - albeit disguised - through ...

God's Healing Mercy

God's Healing Mercy
Kathleen BeckmanCode: B2633  Price: £12.50

Finding Your Path to Forgiveness, Peace, and Joy. A perfect companion for the Year of Mercy. "Do we believe that Jesus can heal us and bring us back ...

How to Pray Always

How to Pray Always
Fr Raoul Plus SJCode: B0959  Price: £9.50

Helps us become better Christians by showing us how to know, to love, and to serve God, and to live prayerfully and constantly in His loving ...

In Heaven We'll Meet Again

In Heaven We'll Meet Again
François René BlotCode: B2791  Price: £12.50

The Saints and Scripture on our Heavenly Reunion. In wise and consoling letters written to a mother sorrowing over the death of her child, Fr

Little Book of Holy Gratitude

Little Book of Holy Gratitude
Fr Frederick FaberCode: B2739  Price: £12.50

Sharp penance for remembered sins helps stouthearted Christians seize heaven, but gentler souls like Our Blessed Lady and scores of her saints have ...

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Little Book of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Little Book of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Fr Raoul Plus SJCode: B2222  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

Watching Jesus grow daily in wisdom and grace, the Blessed Virgin Mary pondered in her heart the secrets of her divine Son

Meditations on Mary

Meditations on Mary
Jacques-Bénigne BossuetCode: B2652  Price: £13.99

Edited and translated by Christopher O Blum. Spiritual meditation is the surest way to grow in holiness, and Our Lady is truly an example of ...

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Meditations on the Christ

Meditations on the Christ
Fr Romano GuardiniCode: B2651  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

Model of All Holiness. These pages don't tell you what Jesus did - you know that already! Instead, they take you into the mind and heart of the Son ...

Memorize the Faith

Memorize the Faith
Kevin VostCode: B2480  Price: £16.50

"They laughed when I said I could name all 27 books of the New Testament . . . but after I named them all in order, plus the 46 books of the Old ...

Nothing Short of a Miracle

Nothing Short of a Miracle
Patricia TreeceCode: B2207  Price: £16.50

In these pages, you'll learn of countless miraculous healings that have occurred in our lifetime through the intercession of the saints

Rebuilding Catholic Culture

Rebuilding Catholic Culture
Ryan ToppingCode: B2208  Price: £16.50

Rarely does a book come along that so succinctly explains the decline of modern culture, articulates a defense of the Church's teachings

Relics from the Crucifixion

Relics from the Crucifixion
J Charles WallCode: B2636  Price: £12.50

Where They Went and How They Got There. The Jews usually burned the crosses used by the Romans after executions but following Jesus' crucifixion ...

Saint Catherine of Siena and Her Times

Saint Catherine of Siena and Her Times
Margaret RobertsCode: B3106  Price: £13.99

The Holy Father, forced to leave Rome, battled rebel forces, killing thousands, splitting Christendom, and spawninganti-Popes who joined the rebel ...

Single and Catholic

Single and Catholic
Judy KeaneCode: B2744  Price: £9.95

Finding Meaning in your state of Life. Living the single life - and choosing to live it in accord with our Catholic Faith - is no easy task

Surprised by Life

Surprised by Life
Patrick MadridCode: B3088  Price: £10.95

10 Converts Explain How Catholic Teachings on Life Led Them to the Church. Here you'll read the eye-opening, often heartrending life stories of ten ...

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Rev. P.J. MichelCode: B2790  Price: £9.99Sorry, out of stock

Where they Come From, What They Mean, and How to Defeat Them.
This modest book is by Fr. P.J. Michel, S.J., a savvy professor of theology whose ...

The Aquinas Catechism

The Aquinas Catechism
Saint Thomas AquinasCode: B2217  Price: £16.50

The essentials of the Catholic Faith, clearly, comprehensively, and beautifully explained by one of the Church's greatest thinkers! Although St

The Art of Praying

The Art of Praying
Fr Romano GuardiniCode: B2290  Price: £12.99

This remarkable book offers practical ways you can improve your prayers today and grow closer to God. The topics include:
- How to pray well even ...

The Church Under Attack

The Church Under Attack
Diane MoczarCode: B2221  Price: £15.50

Five Hundred Years that Split the Church and Scattered the Flock. Here's an unabashedly Catholic history that documents scores of sustained and ...

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The Father of the Family

The Father of the Family
Clayton C BarbeauCode: B2211  Price: £9.99Sorry, out of stock

Here's the award-winning classic that for over forty years has shown Christian men how to be the loving husbands and gentle fathers that Christ ...

The Little Book of the Holy Spirit

The Little Book of the Holy Spirit
Fr Bede JarrettCode: B2291  Price: £7.99

Meet the Holy Spirit - who dwells within you, loving you, sanctifying you, guarding you, and leading you in the ways of prayer and virtue

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The Little Oratory

The Little Oratory
David Clayton, Leila LawlerCode: B2288  Price: £16.50Sorry, out of stock

With simplicity and holy wisdom, authors David Clayton and Leila Marie Lawler show you how to bring peace to your home by integrating your family ...

The Rosary of Our Lady

The Rosary of Our Lady
Fr Romano GuardiniCode: B2855  Price: £9.99

If you already say the Rosary, this book will help you pray it with greater devotion. If you don't say the Rosary, you'll discover why you ...

The Truth about Saint Joseph

The Truth about Saint Joseph
Fr. Maurice MeschlerCode: B2866  Price: £12.50

Encountering the Most Hidden of Saints. Joseph is the most hidden of the saints - a simple, retiring, and humble man of Nazareth

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Thy Will Be Done!

Thy Will Be Done!
Saint Francis de SalesCode: B2482  Price: £13.99Sorry, out of stock

How to do God's will joyfully . . . regardless of your circumstances!

Three centuries ago, people flocked to St. Francis de Sales

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Treason: A Catholic Novel of Elizabethan England

Treason: A Catholic Novel of Elizabethan England
Dena HuntCode: B2219  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

As Stephen Long steps ashore in England one grey dawn in May 1581, he wonders how many more Catholics will have to die to make Queen Elizabeth feel ...

True or False Possession?

True or False Possession?
Jean LhermitteCode: B2209  Price: £12.50

How to Distinguish the Demonic from the Demented. Unhinged or unholy? Fiend or fraud? That's what authorities had to decide about the French nun ...

What went wrong with Vatican II

What went wrong with Vatican II
Dr Ralph McInernyCode: B2287  Price: £12.50

Crisis magazine called this book:
"The clearest and most comprehensive argument against the theological dissenters ever written

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Young Peoples Book of Saints

Young Peoples Book of Saints
Hugh Ross WilliamsonCode: B2524  Price: £12.99Sorry, out of stock

Saints are the men and women who best love Christ and His Church. They may be kings or queens, statesmen or soldiers, scholars, visionaries

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