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The Life of Catherine of Siena

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The Life of Catherine of Siena
Our Price:  £19.99(VAT Free)
Author: Bl Raymond of Capua

Product Code:  B0862
ISBN:  9780895557612
Publisher:  Tan
Format  Paperback
Pages  384
Condition  New



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This is the classic life of St Catherine by her spiritual director. He tells of her only what he experienced firsthand, or of what he learned firsthand from her mother, her sisters, her family members and friends. An incredible life, told simply and straightforwardly, without embellishment and without dodging her many miracles, and miraculous conversions. This book puts you squarely in the presence of one of Holy Mother Church's greatest saints.

Publisher: Tan
Pages: 384
ISBN: 9780895557612
More by this Author: Bl Raymond of Capua
[/IF] Keywords: Saints Angels Mystics books Saints: A-F: St Albert - St Francis

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