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A Brief Life of Christ

A Brief Life of Christ
Rev. Dr. Leslie RumbleCode: B0528  Price: £3.50

A perfect, short rendition of the main events in the life of Our Lord. Designed to be an introduction or refresher study

A City Set on a Hill

A City Set on a Hill
Robert Hugh BensonCode: B2907  Price: £3.50

What could attract a famous clergyman and bestselling author to become a Catholic, and a Catholic priest? In this book, he tells us. 1904.

A Divine Gift - The Consecrated Life

A Divine Gift - The Consecrated Life
Sr Mary David TotahCode: B2434  Price: £2.50

This unique booklet explains the origins in the Gospel and the continuing value of the Consecrated life as a sign of God's love to the Church and to ...

A Holy Year in Rome

A Holy Year in Rome
Joan LewisCode: B2634  Price: £11.50

The Complete Pilgrim's Guide for the Year of Mercy. In this definitive guide to the Jubilee of Mercy, EWTN's Rome Correspondent, Joan Lewis

A Shorter Summa

A Shorter Summa
Ed. Peter KreeftCode: B1972  Price: £15.50

The Essential Philosophical Passages of St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica Edited and Explained for Beginners. A shortened version of Kreeft's ...

Annibale Bugnini: Reformer of the Liturgy?

Annibale Bugnini: Reformer of the Liturgy?
Yves ChironCode: B3122  Price: £14.50

Foreword by Alcuin Reid. In this book, French historian Yves Chiron turns his attention to one of the most influential figures of 20th-century ...

Anti-Catholic Myths Debunked

Anti-Catholic Myths Debunked
Bishop Patrick John RyanCode: B2788  Price: £9.99

Five Common Misconceptions Answered and Explained. Many good people reject the Catholic Church for what they consider to be its absurd teachings

Apologia: Catholic answers to today's questions

Apologia: Catholic answers to today's questions
Fr Marcus Holden, Fr Andrew PinsentCode: B2927  Price: £4.95

A positive and reasoned response to some of the most common accusations against the Catholic faith. The rise of secularism and the new atheists has ...

At the Service of Truth: Priesthood and Ascetic Life

At the Service of Truth: Priesthood and Ascetic Life
Robert Cardinal SarahCode: B3375  Price: £12.95

Drawn from a retreat given to priests, Cardinal Robert Sarah speaks with his trademark clarity and directness to confront some of the most burning ...

At Your Ease in the Catholic Church

At Your Ease in the Catholic Church
Mary PerkinsCode: B2763  Price: £13.99

This is, we believe, the first "book of etiquette for Catholics" ever published. At first glance it may seem absurd that we should need one

Baltimore Catechism No. 2

Baltimore Catechism No. 2Code: B2079  Price: £8.45

This book contains 37 lessons, more in depth than Baltimore Catechism No.1, and is appropriate for grades 6-9. (ages 10-13)

Baltimore Catechism No. 3

Baltimore Catechism No. 3Code: B2080  Price: £11.95

This book is intended for students who have received their confirmation, includes 37 lessons, and is appropriate for grades 10-12 (ages 14-16)

Baltimore Catechism No. 4

Baltimore Catechism No. 4Code: B2590  Price: £20.95

An Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism of Christian Doctrine, also known as Baltimore Catechism No. 4, provides teachers

Be Firm in Your Faith

Be Firm in Your Faith
Pope Benedict XVICode: B1924  Price: £2.50

Apostolic Journey to Madrid on the occasion of the 26th World Youth Day. Pope Benedict's homilies and addresses from World Youth Day 2011, Madrid

Benedict XV and World War I

Benedict XV and World War I
Fr Ashley BeckCode: B3244  Price: £2.50

This booklet examines how Benedict XV and so many others worked courageously to stop the carnage during the First World War against all the odds.

Benedict XVI: Light of the World

Benedict XVI: Light of the World
Benedict XVI, with Peter SeewaldCode: B1679  Price: £14.95

The Pope, the Church, and the Signs of the Times. An interview with Peter Seewald. The first ever book-length interview with a Pope

Bleeding Hands, Weeping Stone

Bleeding Hands, Weeping Stone
Elizabeth FicocelliCode: B1626  Price: £10.50

True Stories of Divine Wonders, Miracles, and Messages. Miracles are real! Popular Catholic author and speaker, Elizabeth Ficocelli reveals signs of ...

Canon Law Explained

Canon Law Explained
Fr Laurence J SpiteriCode: B2289  Price: £16.50

The Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church contains over 1,752 rules (or canons). Among them, you'll find fascinating canons that lay out the ...

Catherine of Siena: Dialogue

Catherine of Siena: Dialogue
Sister Susan NoffkeCode: B3062  Price: £23.95

Catherine of Siena (1347-1380), Saint, Mystic and Doctor of the Church, wrote The Dialogue, her crowning spiritual work

Catholic and Christian

Catholic and Christian
Alan ShreckCode: B3256  Price: £13.99

This best-selling book provides the answers you need. It is a readable and concise summary of commonly misunderstood Catholic beliefs: the teachings ...

Christ upon the Waters

Christ upon the Waters
Cardinal John Henry NewmanCode: B2903  Price: £3.50

When the Catholic hierarchy in England was restored in 1850, Dr Newman preached at the installation of the first Bishop of Birmingham

Christus Vivit

Christus Vivit
Pope FrancisCode: B3120  Price: £5.95

For young people today, trying to find a path to holiness in a hostile world is increasingly difficult. Last year, the Church held a Synod on Young ...

Communion Prayers

Communion Prayers
Arranged by Rev John A KalvelageCode: B2668  Price: £4.50

Compiled from approved sources. The great Doctor of Prayer, St. Alphonsus, assures us that the minutes immediately preceding and following the ...

Confession and Communion

Confession and Communion
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2943  Price: £11.95

For Religious and Those who Communicate Frequently. Those who frequently avail themselves of these Sacraments will appreciate this devotional aid ...

Confession of a Roman Catholic

Confession of a Roman Catholic
Paul WhitcombCode: B1128  Price: £2.50

A former Protestant minister's own gripping story - how he was led to the Catholic Church by reading his Bible. Many Bible quotes. Don't miss it.

Corporal Works of Mercy

Corporal Works of Mercy
Mgr Richard AthertonCode: B2631  Price: £2.50

Feeding the hungry and thirsty, clothing the naked, housing the homeless, visiting the imprisoned, the sick, and burying the dead - Pope Francis ...

Credo: The Catholic Faith Explained

Credo: The Catholic Faith Explained
Fr Marcus Holden, Fr Andrew PinsentCode: B1295  Price: £7.95

This new, illustrated, pocket catechism offers a succinct and reliable introduction into the fullness of the Catholic faith

CTS: A Handbook for Catechists

CTS: A Handbook for CatechistsCode: B3022  Price: £9.95

A Handbook for Catechists covers the essential skills, knowledge and understanding you need to become an inspiring and effective catechist

Dangers to the Faith

Dangers to the Faith
Al KrestaCode: B2139  Price: £12.50

Recognizing Catholicism's 21st Century Opponents. A storm has been brewing in society and its treatment, views, and activities toward the Catholic ...

Discerning and Preparing for Religious Life: A guide for women

Discerning and Preparing for Religious Life: A guide for women
Rachael Marie CollinsCode: B2728  Price: £2.50

It can take a long time to discern a call to religious life. Part of the problem is that we haven't been told how to discern


YOUCATCode: B2725  Price: £12.95

DOCAT is the latest title in the international best-selling YOUCAT series for young people. With its focus on the social teaching of the Catholic ...

Evangelii Gaudium - The Joy of the Gospel

Evangelii Gaudium - The Joy of the Gospel
Pope FrancisCode: B2224  Price: £6.95

Pope Francis encourages every Christian to rediscover the joy of a personal encounter with Jesus and then to engage with renewed vigour in the ...

Father Damien & Where All Roads Lead

Father Damien & Where All Roads Lead
G K Chesterton and Robert Louis StevensonCode: B2901  Price: £3.50

Fr Damien de Veuster - or, as he is now known, St Damien of Molokai - is one of the better-known examples of practical Christianity

Finding the Way Back

Finding the Way Back
Francis RipleyCode: B2908  Price: £3.50   £2.50

Many people stop going to church, for all sorts of reasons. A well-known preacher here asks us to think about coming back. 1959, 1963.

Forgive us our Trespasses

Forgive us our Trespasses
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2949  Price: £10.95

Mother Loyola's work on the subject of Confession is not merely groundbreaking, but seems to form one of the most crucial of her strengths

From Atheism to Catholicism

From Atheism to Catholicism
Marcus Grodi, Brandon McGinleyCode: B2857  Price: £12.50

This collection of testimonies by nine former atheists who found new life in the Catholic Church is one of the most helpful tools for cultivating ...

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