Holy Face Devotion

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Protect Your Home: Enthronement to the Divine Mercy

Protect Your Home: Enthronement to the Divine Mercy
Val ConlonCode: B0920  Price: £5.50

The Prayers to Enthrone the image of Divine Mercy into your home.

Sacred Heart: Prayers and Devotions

Sacred Heart: Prayers and DevotionsCode: B3389  Price: £3.95

The statues and paintings in Catholic churches and chapels are an aid to prayer and devotion for everyone. This booklet explains the origin of ...

Scapular Facts

Scapular FactsCode: B2348  Price: £4.50

Many Catholics come in time to forget what they learned in their childhood about Mary's Scapular. This booklet is intended to refresh the memory ...

Shrines of Our Lady in England

Shrines of Our Lady in England
Anne VailCode: B0899  Price: £9.99

Anne Vail spent a year visiting 29 of the 60 main English shrines, dating mostly from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries

The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Fr John Croiset, S.J.Code: B0138  Price: £16.50

How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion. Written by the spiritual director of St. Margaret Mary(1647-1690), a man intimately familiar with every ...

The Holy Shroud

The Holy Shroud
Antonio CassanelliCode: B3207  Price: £5.99

A thorough and far-reaching survey of the history, the scientific challenges that it presents, and of its religious significance

The How to book of Catholic Devotions

The How to book of Catholic Devotions
Aquilina/FlahertyCode: B0373  Price: £17.99

Everything you need to know but no one ever taught you. This is the only book to-date that not only provides the who, what

The Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Fr Peter J Arnoudt, S.J.Code: B0142  Price: £17.99

This incredible though little-know classic of Catholic spirituality presents before the reader the entire school of true Christian holiness and ...

The Infant Jesus of Prague

The Infant Jesus of Prague
Rev Ludvik NemecCode: B0358  Price: £4.95

Prayers to the Infant Jesus of Prague for all occasions with a short history of the devotion.

The Medal or Cross of St Benedict

The Medal or Cross of St Benedict
Dom Gueranger, OSBCode: B1643  Price: £13.99

Saint Benedict, father of western monasticism, is rather more known for his life and Rule than for a medal cast in his honour

The Medal or Cross of St Benedict - booklet

The Medal or Cross of St Benedict - booklet
Rev Martin Veth, OSBCode: B3378  Price: £5.95

Saint Benedict, father of western monasticism, is rather more known for his life and Rule than for a medal cast in his honour

The Two Divine Promises

The Two Divine Promises
Fr. HoppeCode: B1148  Price: £3.99

Two powerful private revelations of Our Lord. Says that anyone who receives Holy Communion worthily 30 consecutive days and says certain prayers

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Devotion to the Precious Blood

Devotion to the Precious Blood
AnonymousCode: B1446  Price: £4.99Sorry, out of stock

This small but powerful book gives a whole new appreciation for the Precious Blood of Christ. Readers will see why the Precious Blood is a treasure ...

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The Story of Sister Maria Pierina de Micheli

The Story of Sister Maria Pierina de Micheli
By Sister Maria Ildefonsa RigamontiCode: B1760  Price: £22.95Sorry, out of stock

Sister Maria Pierina di Michaeli was a holy nun who died in 1945, was urged in many visions by the Blessed Mother and Jesus Himself to spread the ...

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My Daily Bread

My Daily Bread
Rev. Fr. Anthony J. Paone, S.J.Code: B3084  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

Confraternity of the Precious Blood. Hear Christ speak to you like never before.
My Daily Bread is a series of short, daily reflections on the ...

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A Book of Martyrs

A Book of Martyrs
Fr John S. HoganCode: B2777  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

Devotions to the Martyrs of England, Scotland and Wales. Veneration of martyrs is one of the earliest devotions in the Church

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Heart of Jesus Families Novena

Heart of Jesus Families NovenaCode: B2756  Price: £8.95Sorry, out of stock

According to the revelations of the Sacred Heart and with prayers composed by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque. This novena also serves as the ...

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Message of Walsingham

Message of Walsingham
R W Connelly, SMCode: B0836  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

The Ancient Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, England's national shrine, sits in a tiny village on the north coast of East Anglia

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Mother Maria Pierina

Mother Maria Pierina
Sr Maria Ildefonsa RigamontiCode: B0532  Price: £7.95Sorry, out of stock

Life and Revelations of Mother Pierina, Missionary of the Holy Face and Sponsor of the Holy Face Medal.

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Mysteries of the Divine Infant Jesus

Mysteries of the Divine Infant Jesus
Mary K Steward, OCDSCode: B3282  Price: £27.95Sorry, out of stock

Inspiring artwork complements a beautiful devotion to the Holy Child Jesus called 'The Chaplet of the Divine Infant Jesus'

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The Importance of the Holy Face Devotion in the 21st Century

The Importance of the Holy Face Devotion in the 21st Century
Mrs Kathleen M HeckenhampCode: B2475  Price: £2.95Sorry, out of stock

Little booklet containing brief history of the Holy Face Devotion, including its saints, and prayers.

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The Scapular of Mount Carmel

The Scapular of Mount Carmel
A Monk of St Joseph AbbeyCode: B0386  Price: £4.95Sorry, out of stock

What is the Scapular of Mount Carmel and its origin? Did Our Lady really promise Heaven to anyone who dies wearing this garment? This book tries to ...

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