| | | | | | Saint Faustina's Way of the CrossCode: B1190 Price: £6.50 Traditional stations of the cross, with biblical readings - meditations provided by extracts from St Faustina's Diary, plus Divine Mercy preparatory ... | | | |
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Toward Easter Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3188 Price: £13.95 Fr. Troadec's best-selling series continues in this third book Toward Easter. Father uses the liturgy of the Lenten season to assist us in our daily ... | | | | | | | | | Easter Card pack - Risen Christ (Pack of 6)Code: E0154 Price: £6.95 Pack of 6 Easter Cards, Gold Foil, Embossed, 4.5 x 6.75 inches (11.5 x 17 cm). Featuring 2 Designs: Risen Christ Ascended and Risen Christ with ... |
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Eastertide Day by Day Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3189 Price: £13.95 "His resurrection gives meaning to our own life. From now on, death is no longer an ending, but the entry into life, true life: that eternal life ... | | | | | | | | | |
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| | | | | | | | | A Blessed Lent Fr Philip G Bochanski, COCode: B2872 Price: £3.50 Meditations on the Readings and Prayers of the Mass. Lent is a time of spiritual combat for the Christian, to whom the Church reaches out with ... |
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A Novena to St Columba Fr Ross SJ CrichtonCode: B3292 Price: £3.95 This Novena and Litany were composed to mark the 1500th anniversary of Saint Columba's birth. The trilingual format reconnects the Irish | | | | | | | | | Cross and Crown Fr Robert MaederCode: B2760 Price: £12.95 Three excellent, easy to read, sets of meditations by the famous preaching priest and Catholic newspaper editor, Fr. Robert Mader |
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Deluxe Easter Mass Bouquet Card - Last SupperCode: E0152 Price: £2.75 Deluxe Easter Mass bouquet card, featuring Last Supper and Eucharist design, printed on white card, gold-embossed, with insert page with large ... | | | | | | Easter Card pack - Floral (Pack of 6)Code: E0153 Price: £6.95 Pack of 6 Easter Cards, Gold Foil, Embossed, 4.5 x 6.75 inches (11.5 x 17 cm). Featuring Floral/Ecclesiastical designs. Inside text: To wish you ... | | | Easter Card pack - He is Risen! (Pack of 6)Code: E0115 Price: £6.95 Pack of 6 Easter Cards. Size: 4.5 x 6.25 inches (12 x 16 cm). Inside Verse: In Christ all shall be made alive. 1 Corinthians 15:22 Rejoice in the ... |
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| | | | | | Good Friday Plinio Correa de OliveiraCode: B2467 Price: £3.95 Reflections on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Translated from varous excerpts of meetings given by Prof Correa de Oliveira without his ... | | | |
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Leaflet: LentCode: L0255 Price: £0.40 Making Space for God. Practical suggestions for observing the season of Lent. CTS Essentials 4 fold DL leaflet. | | | | | | | | | |