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Children's Books for Lent and Easter
Via Lucis: The Way of the Light from Easter to PentecostMonika ArnoldCode: B3305 Price: £2.50
A delightful mini picture book offering 14 Easter encounters with the risen Jesus. Translated by Anthony Tromp. Illustrations by Petra Lefin
Stations of the Cross Colouring BookCode: B3403 Price: £2.99
A 32 page colouring book based on the story of Easter that will entertain and educate children to the age of 7.
The Way of the Cross: Holy Week, the Stations of the Cross and the ResurrectionInos BiffiCode: B1681 Price: £4.99
A children's guide to the celebration of Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday and ending with Easter Day. Strong and lively illustrations ...
Every Day of Lent and EasterRedemptorist Pastoral PublicationCode: B3309 Price: £2.95Sorry, out of stock
The perfect tool for teaching youngsters to learn what Lent is about and how they can practise penance, prayer and almsgiving