Holy Face Devotion

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All Lent and Easter

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The Way of the Cross: A Treasury of Stations

The Way of the Cross: A Treasury of StationsCode: B1936  Price: £21.95

The thirteen methods of the Way of the Cross found in these pages will enable the follower of Christ to weep and atone for his sins

Easter Card pack - Risen Christ (Pack of 6)

Easter Card pack - Risen Christ (Pack of 6)Code: E0154  Price: £6.95

Pack of 6 Easter Cards, Gold Foil, Embossed, 4.5 x 6.75 inches (11.5 x 17 cm). Featuring 2 Designs: Risen Christ Ascended and Risen Christ with ...

Easter Card pack - Blessings (Pack of 12 small cards)

Easter Card pack - Blessings (Pack of 12 small cards)Code: E0411  Price: £5.75

Packet of 12 small religious Easter Cards with Gold Foil, 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm). Featuring three Floral Designs. Inside text: Design 1: Wishing ...

Toward Easter

Toward Easter
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3188  Price: £13.95

Fr. Troadec's best-selling series continues in this third book Toward Easter. Father uses the liturgy of the Lenten season to assist us in our daily ...

Easter Card pack - Floral (Pack of 6)

Easter Card pack - Floral (Pack of 6)Code: E0153  Price: £6.95

Pack of 6 Easter Cards, Gold Foil, Embossed, 4.5 x 6.75 inches (11.5 x 17 cm). Featuring Floral/Ecclesiastical designs. Inside text: To wish you ...

Deluxe Easter Mass Bouquet Card - Last Supper

Deluxe Easter Mass Bouquet Card - Last SupperCode: E0152  Price: £2.75

Deluxe Easter Mass bouquet card, featuring Last Supper and Eucharist design, printed on white card, gold-embossed, with insert page with large ...

Easter Card - I Lit a Candle for You at Easter

Easter Card - I Lit a Candle for You at EasterCode: E0418  Price: £2.50

Easter Cross and candle image and 'I Lit a Candle for You at Easter' on front. Inside text: I lit a Candle for you. Thoughts and Prayers are with ...

Easter Card pack - Last Supper/Good Shepherd (Pack of 12)

Easter Card pack - Last Supper/Good Shepherd (Pack of 12)Code: E0146  Price: £4.50

Packet of 12 small Easter Cards, Gold Foil, Embossed, 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm). Featuring 2 Designs: Last Supper and Christ the Good Shepherd

Easter Card pack - Easter Blessings (Pack of 6)

Easter Card pack - Easter Blessings (Pack of 6)Code: E0147  Price: £6.95

Pack of 6 Easter Cards, Gold Foil, Embossed, 4.5 x 6.75 inches (11.5 x 17 cm). Featuring 2 Designs: Christ the Good Shepherd and Christ Knocking ...

Easter Card - Benedictine - Pax Vobis (Pack of 4)

Easter Card - Benedictine - Pax Vobis (Pack of 4)Code: P0419  Price: £6.50

Set of four Easter Cards. Inside: "Easter Greetings". Four beautiful greetings cards, designed and printed by English Benedictine monks.

Easter Card pack - Christ the Good Shepherd/Risen Christ (Pack of 12 small cards)

Easter Card pack - Christ the Good Shepherd/Risen Christ (Pack of 12 small cards)Code: E0422  Price: £5.75

Packet of 12 small religious Easter Cards with Gold Foil, 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm). Featuring two Christ the Good Shepherd

How to Resist Temptation

How to Resist Temptation
Bishop Jacques-Bénigne BossuetCode: B2228  Price: £10.99

No matter how devoted to Christ you are, temptations are going to come to you. That's why How to Resist Temptation is essential reading for every ...

Stations of the Cross: Newman

Stations of the Cross: Newman
John Henry NewmanCode: B2069  Price: £2.50

Among the various texts that have been used for The Stations of the Cross, John Henry Newman's words stand out as one of the most enduring versions

The 14 Stations of the Cross Prints - 8 x 10 inch

The 14 Stations of the Cross Prints - 8 x 10 inchCode: P0136  Price: £16.25

Set of 14 Italian prints, by Vincenti. 8 x 10 inch (20 x 25 cm). Lithographed in 8 colours.

Eastertide Day by Day

Eastertide Day by Day
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3189  Price: £13.95

"His resurrection gives meaning to our own life. From now on, death is no longer an ending, but the entry into life, true life: that eternal life ...

Easter Card - Benedictine - Agnus Dei (Pack of 3)

Easter Card - Benedictine - Agnus Dei (Pack of 3)Code: P0325  Price: £4.50

Set of three Easter Cards. Inside: "Easter Greetings". Three beautiful greetings cards, designed and printed by English Benedictine monks.

Easter Mass Bouquet Card - Prayer book (Pack of 6)

Easter Mass Bouquet Card - Prayer book (Pack of 6)Code: E0155  Price: £6.95

Easter Mass bouquet card, featuring Cross with draped cloth, bible and chalice, gold-embossed, with insert page. Inside text: The Holy Sacrifice of ...

Large Print Stations of the Cross

Large Print Stations of the Cross
St AlphonsusCode: B0762  Price: £3.50

The best known meditations on the Stations of the Cross in a handy format with large type and pictures for the visually impaired.

Via Lucis: The Way of the Light from Easter to Pentecost

Via Lucis: The Way of the Light from Easter to Pentecost
Monika ArnoldCode: B3305  Price: £2.50

A delightful mini picture book offering 14 Easter encounters with the risen Jesus. Translated by Anthony Tromp. Illustrations by Petra Lefin

A Simple Penance Book

A Simple Penance Book
Revised by Mgr Paul GroganCode: B0763  Price: £3.95

Pope Francis says "God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy". The practice of Confession

Aquinas's Lenten Meditations - 40 Days with the Angelic Doctor

Aquinas's Lenten Meditations - 40 Days with the Angelic Doctor
Saint Thomas AquinasCode: B3423  Price: £14.99

There's a multitude of Lenten meditation books but only one that's packed with the wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas. Journey through Lent with the ...

Cross and Crown

Cross and Crown
Fr Robert MaederCode: B2760  Price: £12.95

Three excellent, easy to read, sets of meditations by the famous preaching priest and Catholic newspaper editor, Fr. Robert Mader

Easter Card pack - Peace (Pack of 6)

Easter Card pack - Peace (Pack of 6)Code: E0421  Price: £6.95

Pack of 6 Easter Cards, Gold Foil, Embossed, 4.5 x 6.75 inches (11.5 x 17 cm). Featuring Floral/Risen Christ designs.Inside text: Design 1: To wish ...

Lenten Devotions: Stations and Meditations from the Rosary Shrine

Lenten Devotions: Stations and Meditations from the Rosary Shrine
Fr Lawrence Lew OPCode: B3369  Price: £4.95

Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P. offers three powerful devotions from the Lenten practices of the faithful at St Dominic's Priory church

Saint Faustina's Way of the Cross

Saint Faustina's Way of the CrossCode: B1190  Price: £6.50

Traditional stations of the cross, with biblical readings - meditations provided by extracts from St Faustina's Diary, plus Divine Mercy preparatory ...

The 14 Stations of the Cross Prints - 12 x 16 inch

The 14 Stations of the Cross Prints - 12 x 16 inchCode: P0156  Price: £37.95

Set of 14 Italian prints, by Vincenti. Large size 12 x 16 inch (30 x 40 cm) Art prints with matt finish. Lithographed in 8 colours.

The 14 Stations of the Cross Prints - 6 x 8 inch

The 14 Stations of the Cross Prints - 6 x 8 inchCode: P0106  Price: £11.95

Set of 14 Italian prints, by Vincenti. 6 x 8 inch (15 x 20 cm). Lithographed in 8 colours.

The Meaning of Lent - Booklet

The Meaning of Lent - Booklet
Fr Ivano MillicoCode: L0408  Price: £0.35

Lent is more than forty days of repentance.
Lent is a journey full of meanings and graces, projecting us to the joy of Pentecost

The Way of the Cross (St Alphonsus)

The Way of the Cross (St Alphonsus)
St Alphonsus LiguoriCode: B0156  Price: £4.99

The Stations of the Cross, according to the Method of St Alphonsus Liguori. Easily the most popular and best-loved Way of the Cross ever

The Way of the Cross for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

The Way of the Cross for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
Susan TassoneCode: B0977  Price: £7.99

"Sacred Scripture and our faith in the Communion of Saints encourage us to remember the dead. What better way to prayer for the departed than by ...

Unveiling the Sixth Station of the Cross

Unveiling the Sixth Station of the CrossCode: B3421  Price: £15.50

"Convert us, O God; and shew us thy face, and we shall be saved" (Psalm 80:3).

Although many are familiar with the Holy Face Devotion

Calvary through the eyes of Mary

Calvary through the eyes of Mary
Helen PepperCode: B3112  Price: £3.50

It has been a Catholic tradition through the centuries to meditate on the Stations of the Cross so that it becomes our way of life

Leaflet: Lent

Leaflet: LentCode: L0255  Price: £0.40

Making Space for God. Practical suggestions for observing the season of Lent. CTS Essentials 4 fold DL leaflet.

Lenten Meditations

Lenten Meditations
Peter StravinskasCode: B3206  Price: £7.99

Daily meditations for the Season of Lent to guide you through each day to help you prepare for the celebration of our redemption through Christ's ...

Liber Hebdomadae Sanctae: Holy Week Gregorian Chant

Liber Hebdomadae Sanctae: Holy Week Gregorian Chant
Ed. Fr. Reginald Walsh, O.P.Code: B1940  Price: £14.50

The most important week for any Catholic is Holy Week. During that time, the Church wants us to reflect upon one of the greatest mysteries of our ...

Mary, Mother of Sorrows

Mary, Mother of Sorrows
E Mary ChristieCode: B3212  Price: £14.95

Suffering with Glorious Purpose. How do you pull virtue from sorrow? The Blessed Virgin Mary is our preeminent example

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