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Apologetics is the name for a field of theology, which presents a rational basis for the Catholic faith, defending the Faith against objections. These books will help to strengthen the Faith of Catholics, as well as providing a wealth of information and arguments for Catholics who wish to discuss their faith with non-believers, non-Christians and those belonging to other Christian denominations. Books by great Catholic Apologists to help inspire you and strengthen your Faith, beginning with St Thomas Aquinas, and including modern day apologetics, such as Catholic convert Dr Scott Hahn, famous converts such as G K Chesterton, John Henry Newman, and English writers such as Hilaire Belloc.

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The Lamb's Supper

The Lamb's Supper
Scott HahnCode: B0108  Price: £12.99

The Mass as Heaven on Earth. The Lamb's Supper reveals a long lost secret of the Church: the early Christians' key to understanding the mysteries of ...

The Path to Rome: Modern Journeys

The Path to Rome: Modern Journeys
Dwight Longenecker (ed.)Code: B2753  Price: £12.99

First published ten years ago, The Path to Rome has since established itself as a classic of its kind. Largely ignored by the mainstream media

The Tiara and the Test Tube

The Tiara and the Test Tube
Paul HaffnerCode: B2363  Price: £14.99

The Pope and Science from the Medieval Period to the Present. A popular myth put about by secularists is that between the Church and science the ...

Twelve Types of Chesterton

Twelve Types of Chesterton
G K ChestertonCode: B2090  Price: £9.95

Twelve Types is a collection of short biographical essays, by one of 20th-century England's greatest essayists. In keeping with the spirit of IHS ...

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An Exorcist Tells His Story

An Exorcist Tells His Story
Fr. Gabriele AmorthCode: B1918  Price: £14.99Sorry, out of stock

In this powerful book, the renowned exorcist of Rome tells of his many experiences in his ministry as an exorcist doing battle with Satan to relieve ...

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Aquinas's Shorter Summa

Aquinas's Shorter Summa
Saint Thomas AquinasCode: B3380  Price: £18.99Sorry, out of stock

Saint Thomas's Own Concise Version of His Summa Theologica. The essentials of Catholic doctrine - clearly and succinctly presented

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Cube and the Cathedral

Cube and the Cathedral
George WeigelCode: B1009  Price: £9.99Sorry, out of stock

Europe, America, and Politics without God. Contrasting the civilization that produced the starkly modernist 'cube' of the Great Arch of La Defence ...

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God's World and Our Place in it

God's World and Our Place in it
Archbishop Fulton J SheenCode: B2161  Price: £10.99Sorry, out of stock

God and the world explained - by Bishop Sheen, the T.V. personality who captivated the nation and won countless converts. In the 1950s, Fulton J

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Mary Crushes the Serpent

Mary Crushes the Serpent
Rev Theodore Geiger, ed.Code: B2630  Price: £8.50Sorry, out of stock

30 Years' Experience of an Exorcist Told In His Own Words - Sequel to "Begone Satan". Sections include: 1. Possession in general & its ...

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Lord of the World

Lord of the World
Robert Hugh BensonCode: B2357  Price: £15.45Sorry, out of stock

Recommended by Pope Francis as a must-read book on several occasions, and described by Fulton Sheen as one of the three greatest depictions of the ...

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Not By Scripture Alone

Not By Scripture Alone
Robert A. SungenisCode: B0439  Price: £16.95Sorry, out of stock

A Catholic critique of the doctrine of Sola Scriptura. This book will set the biblical and historical record straight. But more important

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Fr. Frederick FaberCode: B0527  Price: £6.99Sorry, out of stock

All you need to know about Purgatory as revealed by the Catholic Church and her Saints. How to help those in Purgatory and most of all how to avoid ...

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Purgatory: A Mystery of Love

Purgatory: A Mystery of Love
Fr Donncha Ó hAodhaCode: B2621  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

Does purgatory exist? If so, where, and why? What does the Bible say? What does the Church teach? What sense can be made of indulgences? This ...

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The Essential Belloc - A Prophet for Our Times

The Essential Belloc - A Prophet for Our Times
Scott Bloch, et alCode: B1624  Price: £14.95Sorry, out of stock

Hilaire Belloc was a poet, polemicist, and prose stylist without peer, but above all, an entire generation's mighty champion for the Catholic faith

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The Screwtape Letters

The Screwtape Letters
C S LewisCode: B2142  Price: £8.99Sorry, out of stock

Letters from a Senior to a Junior Devil. A masterpiece of satire, this classic has entertained and enlightened readers the world over with its sly ...

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