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In a Great and Noble Tradition: The Autobiography of Dom Prosper Gueranger

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In a Great and Noble Tradition: The Autobiography of Dom Prosper Gueranger
Our Price:  £12.99(VAT Free)
Author: Br David Hayes, OSB and Sr Hyacinthe Defos du Rau, OP, trans.

Product Code:  B1514
ISBN:  9780852443095
Publisher:  Gracewing
Format  Paperback
Pages  257
Condition  New



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The Benedictine Abbey of Solesmes in France is famous for the quailty of its Gregorian chant, recordings of which are appreciated throughout the world. Nevertheless, the life of its founder, Dom Prosper Gueranger (1805-1875) is still relatively unknown. This highly personal account of his early life and events surrounding the foundation of Solesmes in 1833, provides the historical context of his project to re-found Benedictine life in Nineteenth Century France, after its disappearance in the wake of the French Revolution, and includes first-hand accounts of political events, and an insight into the currents of religious thought and monastic tradition of the time. Those interested in monastic life and liturgical sprituality will draw inspiration from Gueranger's narration of the human relationships and mystical experiences that inspired his Benedictine vocation and subsequent life's work. Gueranger's lively text is also enjoyable in its own right. His optimism, determination, creativity, unwavering trust in divine providence, and humour give charm and colour to his writing.

Publisher: Gracewing
Pages: 257
ISBN: 9780852443095
More by this Author: Br David Hayes, OSB and Sr Hyacinthe Defos du Rau, OP, trans.
[/IF] Keywords: Tradition books Hymns and Gregorian Chant

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