Holy Face Devotion
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Saint Gerard Majella

Saint Gerard Majella
Our Price:  £10.99(VAT Free)
Author: Fr Edward Saint-Omer, C.SS.R

Product Code:  B0205
ISBN:  9780895556301
Publisher:  Tan
Format  Paperback
Pages  258



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St. Gerard Majella, the Wonder-Worker and "Patron of Expectant Mothers," is a major Saint of the Catholic Church. Though he died of tuberculosis at only 29 and though he was only a lay brother, he achieved great sanctity, such that his religious superiors attested that he had not only not committed any mortal sins, but that they could not detect that he had ever been guilty of any sin at all! A tailor by profession before he entered the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer- the Redemptorists - at age 26, St. Gerard became famous for his miracles, cures, charities, ecstasies, mortifications, prayers, purity, obedience, zeal for souls, discernment of spirits, penetration of hearts, infused knowledge, prophecies, knowledge of distant events, bilocations, and power over nature and over human hearts-and even over the devil. This book also describes his death, funeral, miracles after his death, and his beatification and canonization, plus, the widespread devotion to him that soon sprang up everywhere.

Publisher: Tan
Pages: 258
ISBN: 9780895556301
More by this Author: Fr Edward Saint-Omer, C.SS.R
Keywords: Saints Angels Mystics books Saints: G-L: St Gemma - Elizabeth Leseur

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