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Holy Face Devotion

The Holy Face of Jesus Christ: Discovery, Journey, Destination

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The Holy Face of Jesus Christ: Discovery, Journey, Destination
Our Price:  £19.50(VAT Free)
Author: Gordon Deery

Product Code:  B1601
ISBN:  9781896048154
Publisher:  HFA
Format  Paperback
Pages  153
Condition  New



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The founder of the Holy Face Association Canada tells the story of his personal journey, giving up his successful secular lifestyle (but also a problem with alcoholism), to devote his whole life and resources to the setting up and the work of the Holy Face Association. Contains fascinating stories and information about the devotion to the Holy Face, about Mother Pierina, and the Holy Shroud of Turin (from someone who has taken a Holy Shroud Exhibition to many churches in Canada. Only in Christ, therefore, can we fulfil our highest vocation, and thus satisfy our deepest desire and find an adequate answer to the many questions which lie in our heart. Precisely for this reason, the human person, and particularly contemporary man, wants to see Christ. "For Christians, truth has a name: God. And goodness has a face: Jesus Christ" - Pope Benedict XVI.

Publisher: HFA
Pages: 153
ISBN: 9781896048154
More by this Author: Gordon Deery
[/IF] Keywords: Holy Face gifts Holy Face Books

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