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Leaflet: How to PrayCode: L0326 Price: £0.40
Contemplative Prayer. Some practical steps to form a habit of prayer. Leaflets explaining ways of praying.
Leaflet: Life Offering x 10Code: L0304 Price: £2.95
A Call to be a quiet modern Apostle. To The Sacred Heart of Jesus Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Introduces this devotion based on messages
Leaflet: What is the Society of Saint Pius X?Society of Saint Pius XCode: B2449 Price: £0.85
Tri-fold Leaflet describing the position of the Society of St. Pius X.
Learning the VirtuesFr Romano GuardiniCode: B2274 Price: £12.50
There's more to goodness than keeping the Commandments: you've got to cultivate virtue, too, so that you please God in what you do - not merely in ...
Legends & Stories of ItalyAmy SteedmanCode: B2964 Price: £10.95
The stories of saints and sinners alike populate the pages of this unique book for children. Under the author's loving touch
Lenten Devotions: Stations and Meditations from the Rosary ShrineFr Lawrence Lew OPCode: B3369 Price: £4.95
Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P. offers three powerful devotions from the Lenten practices of the faithful at St Dominic's Priory church
Liber BreviorCode: B1904 Price: £44.00
This book is essentially exactly the same as the 1954 "Liber Usualis" (used by priests, monks, sisters and seminarians) except that it has been ...
Libretto di Preghiere Comuni (Italian Simple Prayer Book)Code: B1781 Price: £3.50
Basic prayers and the Order of Mass in Italian and English on facing pages. CTS's classic compilation of Catholic prayers
Life OfferingBookletCode: B0363 Price: £6.50
To the Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart - a call to be a quiet modern apostle.
Light Love Life: Elizabeth of the TrinityFr. Conrad De Meester, OCDCode: B2213 Price: £33.95
This marvellous book - back in print after an absence of twenty-five years - invites the reader to meet Elizabeth of the Trinity in selections from ...
Like a Dove in the Cleft of the RockMatthew ManintCode: B3329 Price: £10.95
According to a French tradition, St. Mary Magdalene spent the final decades of her life in reclusion and prayer. Alone in a mountain grotto
Living the Little Office: Reflections on the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin MaryCode: B1736 Price: £12.50
The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the liturgical treasures of the Catholic Church. With a history of over one thousand years
Manual of Episcopal CeremoniesRt Rev. Aurelius Stehle, OSBCode: B1954 Price: £44.00
Guide to the 1962 Pontificale Romanum. Two volumes in one. This rubrical work for various pontifical ceremonies according to the traditional Roman ...
Marian Sunday Missal for the Mass of the AgesCode: B3352 Price: £13.50
This attractive and great value Sunday missal for the Traditional Latin Mass is dedicated to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart
Martyrs of the English ReformationDr. Malcolm BrennanCode: B1510 Price: £12.95
This is the bloody chronicle of twenty-four English saints who laid down their lives as a testimony to the truth of the Catholic Faith during the ...
Mary Help of ChristiansRev. Bonaventure HammerCode: B2966 Price: £15.95
This timeless classic, originally published by Benziger Brothers in 1909, is the sort of book every Catholic should have on the family bookshelf
Mary Mother of Mercy Folding Prayer CardCode: L0338 Price: £0.50
Pope Francis invites us all in this 'Year of Mercy' 2015-16 to invoke Mary, our Mother, and the Mother of Mercy. Here are prayers to carry with you ...
Mediator Dei: On the Sacred LiturgyPope Pius XIICode: B2374 Price: £4.95
English Version of The Encyclical Mediator Dei of Pope Pius XII, May 15, 1956: On the Sacred Liturgy. A reprimand to innovators
Meditations before MassFr Romano GuardiniCode: B2276 Price: £10.99
With an Introduction by Archbishop Samuel J Aquila. The profound wisdom found in this Romano Guardini classic will help you to quiet your soul
Meditations on Mary, Our MotherSt John Henry NewmanCode: B3374 Price: £13.99
Most Catholics who know anything at all about Saint John Henry Newman are familiar with his journey from Anglicanism to Rome
Moments Divine before the Blessed SacramentFr Frederick A Reuter, K.C.B.S.Code: B0144 Price: £15.50
This pious book is especially suited for use any time before the Blessed Sacrament. Each of the 30 chapters contain true stories, various prayers
More Catholic Tales for Boys and GirlsCaryll HouselanderCode: B2164 Price: £9.50
Charming Catholic tales. Here are stories of princes and gypsies, bishops and bears - tales of Catholic boys and girls that remind us that ...
Mothers of PriestsFr. Robert Quardt, S.C.J.Code: B1528 Price: £5.95
This book praises mothers responsible for their sons' priestly vocation: the mothers of Saint Bernard and Saint John Bosco; Alice Rolls
My Simple Prayer BookPierpaolo FinaldiCode: B2700 Price: £4.95
This simple prayer book for children brings to life well-known Catholic prayers in an attractive and child-friendly style
Novena to St JosephCode: B2515 Price: £4.50
Saint Joseph is patron of the Universal Church. He therefore has a special interest in the needs of all. In Nazareth, the Son of God was subject to ...
Novena to the Holy GhostHoly Ghost FathersCode: B1694 Price: £3.99
This famous Novena guides the Catholic day by day in obtaining an increase of the priceless 7 Gifts of the Holy Ghost. In 7 different ways these ...
Novena to the Holy SpiritFr Philip G BochanskiCode: B1183 Price: £3.50
After Jesus's ascension into heaven, his apostles remained nine days in Jerusalem, praying for the coming of the Holy Spirit
Old Testament RhymesRobert Hugh BensonCode: B3035 Price: £12.50
"A book intended to give to children a general idea of the course of Old Testament history from the Fall to the Redemption
On the Immaculate ConceptionDom Prosper GuerangerCode: B1493 Price: £13.95
Four years before the Solemn Definition of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854, Dom Guéranger published his monumental work
Our First CommunionRev William R KellyCode: B2322 Price: £9.50
This First Communion book imparts the necessary knowledge in a simple and attractive way, and makes it easier for the teachers and parents to reach ...
Our Lady of Quito Prayer card x 10Code: L0333-10 Price: £2.50
Prayercard: Gives a brief history of the miraculous picture of Our Lady of Quito and ends in a short prayer: "Queen of Catholic Education
Overcoming Sinful AngerFr. T. MorrowCode: B2469 Price: £9.99
When St. Jane Francis de Chantal encouraged St. Francis de Sales to be a bit angrier over the opposition they were facing in starting their ...
Patron Saint of First Communicants: The Story of Blessed Imelda LambertiniMary Fabyan WindeattCode: B3090 Price: £7.50
Gifts were piled high for 5-year-old Imelda's birthday. Imelda was delighted, but still she asked, "I was wondering if I could have just one more ...
Pocket book of Catholic Prayers - St Joseph EditionRev Lawrence G Lovasik, SVDCode: B1127 Price: £6.50
Illustrated in full colour, including photographs illustrating the Order of Mass, includes prayers confession and communion, for Morning and Evening
Pope John's Council: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. IIMichael DaviesCode: B1591 Price: £28.95
This second edition of Pope John's Council contains new material, selected and edited by Michael Davies shortly before his death
Prayer Card: Mysteries of the Rosary x 10Code: L0351 Price: £3.00
Mysteries of the Rosary Prayer leaflet with prayer on reverse. (Price for 10)