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The Spirit of the Liturgy

The Spirit of the Liturgy
Romano GuardiniCode: B3283  Price: £12.50

Originally written in 1918, this profound reflection on the nature of liturgical worship still stands as a guiding light for today's renewal of ...

The Spiritual Life

The Spiritual Life
Archbishop Marcel LefebvreCode: B2504  Price: £42.00

The writings of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. After the posthumous books of Archbishop Lefebvre, The Mass of All Time and Priestly Holiness

The Story of Mary

The Story of Mary
Bettina Hermann and Sybille WittmanCode: B3306  Price: £2.50

The story of Mary from the Annunciation to Pentecost in a beautifully illustrated, colourful mini book. Translated by Sarah Seddon

The Story of Mary - Mother of Love

The Story of Mary - Mother of Love
E Mary ChristieCode: B1558  Price: £15.95

May this tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary fire your imagination, dear Reader, so that you may more readliy become caught up in the magic of those ...

The Story of the Birth of Jesus

The Story of the Birth of Jesus
Rev. Jude Winkler, OFM Conv.Code: B0885  Price: £2.99

Illustrated booklet from the St Joseph Bible Story Book series. From the Annunciation, through the birth Jesus, and on as far as Jesus lost in the ...

The Story of the Mass

The Story of the Mass
Gerald Ellard, S.J. and Aloysius Heeg, S.J.Code: B2547  Price: £8.50

An invaluable resource for helping little children understand not only the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass but also the entire idea of offering a gift

The Story of the Nativity

The Story of the Nativity
Elena PasqualiCode: B3137  Price: £5.99

A traditional retelling of the first Christmas with echoes of the gospels and a gentle storytelling style. Sophie Windham (a Kate Greenaway Medal ...

The True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin - HB

The True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin - HB
Saint Louis-Marie De MontfortCode: B1413  Price: £21.95

True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin is one of the greatest and most celebrated books ever written about Our Lady. Praised by popes

The Voyage of the PAX

The Voyage of the PAX
Dom Bede Camm, O.S.B.Code: B2993  Price: £8.95

In writing this allegory to help explain the religious life to the boy oblates in his charge, Dom Bede drew upon the struggles he experienced during ...

The Wonder of Guadalupe

The Wonder of Guadalupe
Francis JohnstonCode: B0573  Price: £13.99

Considered the best book on the apparition of Our Lady in 1531 in Mexico City. It shows that the picture is not a painting

The Wonder Series

The Wonder Series
Marion Ames TaggartCode: B3030-S  Price: £25.95

Set of four sweet children's books by the same author, which we have lovingly restored from the 1920s originals. Intended for little hands

The Wonders of the Holy Name

The Wonders of the Holy Name
Fr Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.Code: B0157  Price: £4.99

Urges us to invoke the name of Jesus often to obtain all God's graces. Remarkable little book!

Uniformity with God's Will

Uniformity with God's Will
St Alphonsus LiguoriCode: B0859  Price: £6.99

Explains how God is glorified by our resignation to His will even more than by our acts. An easy way to become not only holy but enjoy serenity in ...


VespersCode: B2759  Price: £35.95   £34.95

Vespers, the traditional evening prayer of the Church, has spiritually sustained the faithful for nearly two millennia. Although painfully absent ...

Vesting Prayer Card for Altar Servers - Laminated

Vesting Prayer Card for Altar Servers - LaminatedCode: B3053-L  Price: £4.00

Altar boys who serve the Traditional Latin Mass (1962 Missale Romanum) will appreciate having this special card with the vesting prayers for the ...

Visits to the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary

Visits to the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary
St Alphonsus LiguoriCode: B0148  Price: £9.99   £7.99

One of the most famous, best loved Catholic books ever! A "visit" to the blessed sacrament for each of the 31 days of the month

War at Home and at the Front

War at Home and at the Front
"A Chaplain" & Mrs Blundell of CrosbyCode: B2921  Price: £3.50   £2.50

An army chaplain offers practical advice to Catholic soldiers; Catholic mothers are encouraged to set the difficulties of the Home Front in a wider ...

White Presentation Bible

White Presentation Bible
Rev. Lawrence Lovasik, S.V.D.Code: B0113  Price: £25.00

White Gift Bible in Presentation Box - beautiful gift for First Communion, Baptism etc. White imitation leather binding for this classic Catholic ...

Why Catholics Cannot be Masons

Why Catholics Cannot be Masons
John SalzaCode: B1513  Price: £10.99

Many good Catholic men have been deceived into becoming Masons. In this powerful little book, a Catholic attorney and former 32nd degree Mason

Will You Help Me? Handbook of devotion to the Divine Mercy

Will You Help Me? Handbook of devotion to the Divine MercyCode: B0180  Price: £6.50

Super handbook containing background to the devotion, plus all the popular prayers and devotions to the Divine Mercy in a handy pocket sized book

With the Church Vol. 1

With the Church Vol. 1
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2995  Price: £15.95

Now for the first time in nearly a century, this classic set of meditations on the Liturgical Year are back in print! Written while Mother Loyola ...

With the Church Vol. 2

With the Church Vol. 2
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2996  Price: £15.95

The second and final volume of Mother Loyola's meditations on the Church Year!

When writing the first volume of With the Church

YouCat Confirmation Book (for candidates)

YouCat Confirmation Book (for candidates)Code: B2439  Price: £9.95

An excellent new Course for Catechists and Confirmation candidates.
All the topics are explained here for the students in an entertaining and ...

100 Ideas for Catechism - Vol 1

100 Ideas for Catechism - Vol 1
Silvia Vecchini. Illustrations by Studio Il Sualzo.Code: B3418  Price: £15.00

This photocopiable book of worksheets provides a rich repertoire of ideas covering the seasons of the liturgical year and the main Christian feasts

100 Ideas for Catechism - Vol 2

100 Ideas for Catechism - Vol 2
Silvia Vecchini. Illustrations by Studio Il Sualzo.Code: B3419  Price: £15.00

This photocopiable book of worksheets provides a rich repertoire of ideas covering the seasons of the liturgical year and the main Christian feasts

101 Saints and Special People

101 Saints and Special People
Kathleen PearceCode: B1206  Price: £14.00

This large format hardback gives a fresh and interesting look at the lives of people who trusted in God, and showed courage in adversity

20 Answers: Jehovah's Witnesses

20 Answers: Jehovah's Witnesses
Trent HornCode: B2698  Price: £2.50

When discussing Christianity with Jehovah's Witnesses we might be presented with 'facts' or asked questions which we are uncertain about answering

7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Fr Richard Conrad, OPCode: B2926  Price: £3.50

An introduction to living with the Holy Spirit and the gifts it brings. Every Christian who has been confirmed has received the fullness of the ...

A Biblical Defense of Catholicism

A Biblical Defense of Catholicism
Dave ArmstrongCode: B0742  Price: £19.99

This exciting book shows that, far from straying from the Bible, Catholicism is eminently and thoroughly biblical. Indeed

A Biblical Search for the Church Christ Founded

A Biblical Search for the Church Christ Founded
Linus F ClovisCode: B1929  Price: £9.99

After Confirmation, many children cease to practice their faith or, particularly in the Caribbean, South America and Africa end up joining one of ...

A Book of Angels

A Book of Angels
Marigold HuntCode: B2517  Price: £12.50

Modern believers may be tempted to look upon angels as one of the more fanciful elements of Scripture, but this illuminating and entertaining ...

A Brief Life of Christ

A Brief Life of Christ
Rev. Dr. Leslie RumbleCode: B0528  Price: £3.50

A perfect, short rendition of the main events in the life of Our Lord. Designed to be an introduction or refresher study

A Catechism of Christian Doctrine: Penny Catechism

A Catechism of Christian Doctrine: Penny CatechismCode: B0554  Price: £3.95

The original "Penny Catechism". This excellent pocket catechism provides a wealth of detailed guidance on, and explanation of, the Catholic faith

A Catholic Patient's Guide to Hospital

A Catholic Patient's Guide to Hospital
Fr Peter Michael Scott (Ed.)Code: B3008  Price: £2.50

This booklet responds to pressing questions that can arise when being admitted to hospital, whether suddenly or planned

A Child's Rule of Life

A Child's Rule of Life
Robert Hugh BensonCode: B3034  Price: £13.50

"It is not every one that can keep his childhood. Father Benson has, and speaks to children bout the great, big eternal things in a child's way

A City Set on a Hill

A City Set on a Hill
Robert Hugh BensonCode: B2907  Price: £3.50

What could attract a famous clergyman and bestselling author to become a Catholic, and a Catholic priest? In this book, he tells us. 1904.

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