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Chloe and Jack visit the Vatican

Chloe and Jack visit the Vatican
Kathleen PearceCode: B1205  Price: £7.00   £6.00

Chloe is visiting the Vatican with her family. She is fortunate to meet an excellent young guide in the person of Jack

Christ and the Young Man

Christ and the Young Man
Bishop Tihamer TothCode: B2506  Price: £9.50

In The Young Man of Character Monsignor Toth invites boys to take up the challenge of conquering their soul with their eyes set on an ideal that has ...

Christ upon the Waters

Christ upon the Waters
Cardinal John Henry NewmanCode: B2903  Price: £3.50

When the Catholic hierarchy in England was restored in 1850, Dr Newman preached at the installation of the first Bishop of Birmingham

Christian Community Bible - Compact - red

Christian Community Bible - Compact - redCode: B0807-RD  Price: £16.50   £15.00

Christian Community Bible - Catholic Pastoral Edition. Revised edition. Born in 1971 as a result of the pastoral concern of the French priest ...

Christian Community Bible - Red

Christian Community Bible - RedCode: B2373-RD  Price: £20.50

Christian Community Bible - Catholic Pastoral Edition. Revised edition. Born in 1971 as a result of the pastoral concern of the French priest ...

Christus Vivit

Christus Vivit
Pope FrancisCode: B3120  Price: £5.95

For young people today, trying to find a path to holiness in a hostile world is increasingly difficult. Last year, the Church held a Synod on Young ...

Church Linens: A Guide for Altar Societies

Church Linens: A Guide for Altar Societies
Dom Matthew Britt, OSBCode: B3002  Price: £6.00

Very informative booklet with descriptions on each Altar Linen, its use, how it should be made, what it should be made of, how to fold it

Clementine Vetus Testamentum: Old Testament - Volume One

Clementine Vetus Testamentum: Old Testament - Volume OneCode: B3327  Price: £46.95

A truly unique edition of the Old Testament in Latin (Clementine Vulgate/Clementina Vulgata) and English (Douay-Rheims)

Climbing the Mountain: The Journey of Prayer

Climbing the Mountain: The Journey of Prayer
James TolhurstCode: B2428  Price: £7.99

The Journey of Prayer. In this book we find a sure companion for the journey of prayer, showing us how to begin to pray

Cloud of Unknowing

Cloud of Unknowing
James WalshCode: B3065  Price: £21.99

Written by an anonymous English monk during the late fourteenth century, The Cloud of Unknowing holds an important place in the history of both ...

Collected Poems of St Therese of Lisieux

Collected Poems of St Therese of Lisieux
Alan Bancroft, translatorCode: B0241  Price: £12.99

Seventy two poems of this remarkable nun, translated into English. Scholarly and sensitive in his interpretation, Alan Bancroft captures the ...

Colouring Book - about Jesus

Colouring Book - about Jesus
Emma C McKeanCode: B2420  Price: £3.75

This colouring book about Jesus explained in Pictures and Rhymes. 32 pages of line drawings for colouring with stories of Jesus in Rhyme. 8

Colouring Book - about the Saints

Colouring Book - about the Saints
Emma C McKeanCode: B2418  Price: £3.75

This colouring book about the Saints explained in Pictures and Rhymes. 32 pages of line drawings for colouring with Saints stories in Rhyme. 8

Colouring Book - The Holy Bible

Colouring Book - The Holy Bible
Emma C McKeanCode: B2417  Price: £3.75

This colouring book about the Holy Bible explained in Pictures and Rhymes. 32 pages of line drawings for colouring with Bible stories in Rhyme. 8

Communion Prayers

Communion Prayers
Arranged by Rev John A KalvelageCode: B2668  Price: £4.50

Compiled from approved sources. The great Doctor of Prayer, St. Alphonsus, assures us that the minutes immediately preceding and following the ...

Communion to the Sick Liturgical Card

Communion to the Sick Liturgical CardCode: B3021  Price: £0.50

A portable liturgical card for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in bringing the Eucharist to the sick, using the revised text from The ...

Complete Works of Elizabeth of The Trinity, Volume 2: Letters From Carmel

Complete Works of Elizabeth of The Trinity, Volume 2: Letters From Carmel
A. E. Nash, trans.Code: B0301  Price: £19.95

This second of three volumes of her Complete Works contains all of Elizabeth's surviving letters from Carmel, along with 8 photos

Confession and Communion

Confession and Communion
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2943  Price: £11.95

For Religious and Those who Communicate Frequently. Those who frequently avail themselves of these Sacraments will appreciate this devotional aid ...

Confession of a Roman Catholic

Confession of a Roman Catholic
Paul WhitcombCode: B1128  Price: £2.50

A former Protestant minister's own gripping story - how he was led to the Catholic Church by reading his Bible. Many Bible quotes. Don't miss it.

Consecration of a Child to the Virgin Mary

Consecration of a Child to the Virgin MaryCode: B1735  Price: £1.45

This booklet gives the parents' consecration formula with a brief explanation of the importance of the act on the back. The booklet also serves as a ...

Consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart of JesusCode: B2394  Price: £12.95

Read about how the Consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart by President Garcia Moreno fulfilled the prophecy of Our Lady of Good Success that it ...

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative Prayer
Thomas MertonCode: B3040  Price: £9.99

Thomas Merton's classic study of monastic prayer and contemplation brings a tradition of spirituality alive for the present day. But, as A. M

Conversion Prayer x10

Conversion Prayer x10Code: B0644  Price: £3.00

Divine Mercy prayer card for conversion with 'Jesus I Trust in You' image. (Price for 10)

Coram Sanctissimo

Coram Sanctissimo
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2944  Price: £8.50

Forty Hours.
One Guide.
In these meditations before the Blessed Sacrament, Mother Mary Loyola's distinctive style skillfully guides the reader ...

Credo: The Catholic Faith Explained

Credo: The Catholic Faith Explained
Fr Marcus Holden, Fr Andrew PinsentCode: B1295  Price: £7.95

This new, illustrated, pocket catechism offers a succinct and reliable introduction into the fullness of the Catholic faith

Crib to Cross: The Life of Christ

Crib to Cross: The Life of ChristCode: B3167  Price: £13.99

Crib to Cross is a collection of beautiful meditations written over a hundred years ago with the young Catholic in mind

Cross in my Pocket Prayer Card

Cross in my Pocket Prayer CardCode: L0143  Price: £1.25

Cross in my Pocket prayer card. 7.5 x 11 cm card, blank on reverse, laminated. Many people carry a cross in their pocket - here is a prayer to ...

CTS: A Handbook for Catechists

CTS: A Handbook for CatechistsCode: B3022  Price: £9.95

A Handbook for Catechists covers the essential skills, knowledge and understanding you need to become an inspiring and effective catechist

Daily Breviary Meditations

Daily Breviary Meditations
Bishop AngrisaniCode: B3230  Price: £95.00

Meditations for Every Day on the Scriptural Lessons of the Roman Breviary, in accordance with the Encyclical "Divino Afflante

Daily Companion for Young Catholics

Daily Companion for Young Catholics
Allan F WrightCode: B2845  Price: £9.50

Add this small book to the mix of smartphones and tablets that are daily accessories in every teen's life. The author, a father of 4 and a veteran ...

Dangers to the Faith

Dangers to the Faith
Al KrestaCode: B2139  Price: £12.50

Recognizing Catholicism's 21st Century Opponents. A storm has been brewing in society and its treatment, views, and activities toward the Catholic ...

Devotional Manual for Soldiers, Sailors and Aviators

Devotional Manual for Soldiers, Sailors and AviatorsCode: B2347  Price: £4.95

For God and Country. Pocket size prayer book filled with prayers for the morning, day, and evening. Special prayers are included for those in the ...

Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour

Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour
Preface by Cardinal Vincent NicholsCode: B2299  Price: £3.50

From the cross, Christ gave his mother to be mother of all Christians and of the whole Church. Her tender care and intercession in turn have long ...

Dewi Sant: Saint David Patron of Wales

Dewi Sant: Saint David Patron of Wales
J B MidgleyCode: B1927  Price: £6.99

March 1st is St David's Day, the national day of Wales and has been celebrated as such since the twelfth century. Descended from Welsh royalty

Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin

Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin
Leo F SteltonCode: B1512  Price: £29.95

Anyone with a basic knowledge of Latin knows of the need for an up to date ecclesiastical dictionary of the Church's lingua materna. Here it is

Discerning and Preparing for Religious Life: A guide for women

Discerning and Preparing for Religious Life: A guide for women
Rachael Marie CollinsCode: B2728  Price: £2.50

It can take a long time to discern a call to religious life. Part of the problem is that we haven't been told how to discern

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