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The Little Book of the Holy Spirit

The Little Book of the Holy Spirit
Fr Bede JarrettCode: B2291  Price: £7.99

Meet the Holy Spirit - who dwells within you, loving you, sanctifying you, guarding you, and leading you in the ways of prayer and virtue

The Little Catechism of the Cure of Ars

The Little Catechism of the Cure of Ars
St John Marie-Baptist VianneyCode: B0844  Price: £10.99

Catholic wisdom stated in a simple, sublime, penetrating way. His sage counsel on 36 important topics. Probably the most persuasive exhortation ever ...

The Little Story of My Long Life

The Little Story of My Long Life
Archbishop Marcel LefebvreCode: B2826  Price: £16.50

In January of 1990, Archbishop Lefebvre came to the motherhouse of the Sisters of the Society of Saint Pius X in France to work on writing his book ...

The Living Flame of Love

The Living Flame of Love
Elizabeth Ruth ObbardCode: B1537  Price: £5.95

Those who turn to spiritual classics for guidance and inspiration often find their style daunting. The original texts still have much to offer but ...

The Maid of Orleans

The Maid of Orleans
Sven StolpeCode: B2400  Price: £14.99

This acclaimed work on the life and mysticism of Joan of Arc is considered by historians as one of the most convincing, well researched and best ...

The Mass for Boys and Girls

The Mass for Boys and Girls
Fr Joseph DunneyCode: B2714  Price: £10.50

Written by Fr. Joseph Dunney, the author of the popularly acclaimed "The Mass". This book was penned specifically with young boys and girls in mind

The Mass of the Early Christians

The Mass of the Early Christians
Mike AquilinaCode: B0105  Price: £13.99

In this book, respected author, scholar, and television host Mike Aquilina reveals the Church's most ancient Eucharistic beliefs and practices

The Medal or Cross of St Benedict

The Medal or Cross of St Benedict
Dom Gueranger, OSBCode: B1643  Price: £13.99

Saint Benedict, father of western monasticism, is rather more known for his life and Rule than for a medal cast in his honour

The Miraculous Image of the Madonna of Rimini

The Miraculous Image of the Madonna of RiminiCode: B2393  Price: £9.50

The Mother of Mercy was painted in 1796 by Giuseppe Soleri Brancaleoni as a replica of the miraculous image venerated in the Oratory of St.Girolamo

The Miraculous Medal

The Miraculous Medal
Jean Marie Aladel, CMCode: B1422  Price: £13.99

The principal author of this book, Father Aladel, was a member of the Congregation of the Mission founded by Saint Vincent de Paul

The Miraculous Medal

The Miraculous Medal
Mary Fabyan WindeattCode: B3203  Price: £7.99

The Story of Our Lady's Appearances to Saint Catherine Laboure. Sister, it couldn't have happened! declared the priest. "It was all a dream

The Modern Rite

The Modern Rite
Klaus GamberCode: B0646  Price: £9.95

Collected essays on the reform of the Liturgy. "The following collection of essays by me, almost all of which have appeared in the past two years

The Mystery of Jesus

The Mystery of Jesus
Archbishop Marcel LefebvreCode: B1527  Price: £11.95

In these twenty-nine meditations inspired by Sacred Scripture, spiritual theology, and the fruit of his own years of contemplation and experience

The Mystery of the Divine Paternal Heart of God Our Father

The Mystery of the Divine Paternal Heart of God Our Father
Dr Thomas W PetriskoCode: B3182  Price: £19.20

Why the Time Has Come to Honor the Love of the Father of All Mankind with a Feast. "As I have seen, the whole life and ministry of Dr

The Mystical City of God (abridged)

The Mystical City of God (abridged)
Fr. George BlatterCode: B0628  Price: £27.99

A highly successful abridgement of the monumental 2,676 page, 4 volume life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as seen in mystic vision by Ven

The Nature, Dignity and Mission of Woman

The Nature, Dignity and Mission of Woman
Fr Karl StehlinCode: B2178  Price: £12.95

Women are attacked on all sides. One side of the attack finds its origin in Protestantism, in which women are sub-par creatures

The Path to Rome: Modern Journeys

The Path to Rome: Modern Journeys
Dwight Longenecker (ed.)Code: B2753  Price: £12.99

First published ten years ago, The Path to Rome has since established itself as a classic of its kind. Largely ignored by the mainstream media

The Practice of Contemplation According to John of the Cross

The Practice of Contemplation According to John of the Cross
By James R. KinnCode: B1570  Price: £10.95

This book is for anyone who now meditates regularly or who practiced meditation in the past. As we grow in our prayer life

The Prayer of St Thérèse of Lisieux

The Prayer of St Thérèse of Lisieux
Vernon JohnsonCode: B2923  Price: £3.50

St Thérèse of Lisieux is one of the best-loved of all saints. A renowned spiritual writer explains how she is also a profound teacher of prayer. 1938.

The Prayers of St Thérèse of Lisieux

The Prayers of St Thérèse of Lisieux
A. Kane, trans.Code: B0295  Price: £10.95

A collection of prayers from every period of her life.

The Priest's Way to God

The Priest's Way to God
Dom Eugene Boylan OCSOCode: B3406  Price: £18.45

How can a priest become more like Christ? How can a priest maintain his zeal for holiness as his youthful idealism fades away? Numerous books have ...

The Problem of Evil

The Problem of Evil
Martin D'Arcy SJCode: B2924  Price: £3.50   £2.50

How can belief in an all-powerful, all-loving God be reconciled with the undeniable presence of evil in the world? A Jesuit philosopher offers some ...

The Problem of the  Liturgical Reform

The Problem of the Liturgical Reform
The Society of St. Pius XCode: B2719  Price: £8.50

Do you sometimes wonder what is the best book to give to your Novus Ordo friends and relatives? Do you wonder which book might be the best to ...

The Prophet of Carmel - The Life and Mission of the Prophet Elias

The Prophet of Carmel - The Life and Mission of the Prophet Elias
Rev. Charles B. Garside, M. A.Code: B1544  Price: £13.95

Garnering his material from the last two of the four Books of Kings, Father Charles Garside, M.A., paints a portrait of a thundering visionary

The Queen's Festivals

The Queen's Festivals
Mother Mary St. PeterCode: B2985  Price: £10.75

An Explanation of the Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Do you know the story of Our Lady of Mount Carmel? Can you point to Lepanto on a map? ...

The Reality of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist

The Reality of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist
St John FisherCode: B3400  Price: £49.95

Protestants deny the Real Presence, but we as Catholics can and must defend it.

Did Jesus Christ, the God-man, truly bestow upon humanity the ...

The Rest of the Story

The Rest of the Story
Bernard Tissier de MalleraisCode: B3262  Price: £15.50   £14.95

For nearly two thousand years the Catholic Mass was said in the same manner everywhere in the western world, regardless of nation or nationality

The Rhymed Life of St Patrick

The Rhymed Life of St Patrick
Katharine TynanCode: B3036  Price: £12.50

".in lively recitative ballad verse, Katharine Tynan tells the entire story of St. Patrick, without missing a single incident of any significance or ...

The Rosary of Our Lady

The Rosary of Our Lady
Fr Romano GuardiniCode: B2855  Price: £9.99

If you already say the Rosary, this book will help you pray it with greater devotion. If you don't say the Rosary, you'll discover why you ...

The Rosary with Pope Francis

The Rosary with Pope Francis
Pope FrancisCode: B2436  Price: £3.95

Scriptural Meditations on the Mysteries. One of the first actions of Francis's papacy was a visit to St Mary Major in Rome to present a bouquet of ...

The RSV Bible - Large Print - Leatherbound

The RSV Bible - Large Print - Leatherbound
2nd Edition (Catholic Ed)Code: B3420  Price: £60.00

Beautiful Blue Leather bound, Ignatius Catholic Bible (RSV), 2nd Edition - Large Print Version. The Revised Standard Version of the Bible is ...

The Rule of St Benedict - PB

The Rule of St Benedict - PB
Abbot Parry OSBCode: B0106  Price: £5.99

Written some fifteen centuries ago, The Rule of St Benedict is still read and studied by thousands of men and women throughout the world

The Sacred Heart and Mine in Holy Communion

The Sacred Heart and Mine in Holy Communion
Sister Mary PhilipCode: B2987  Price: £8.95

The Sacred Heart and Mine in Holy Communion is a wonderful set of brief meditations on the titles of the Sacred Heart, suitable for Communion or ...

The Saint of a Thousand Miracles: Handbook of Devotion to St Anthony

The Saint of a Thousand Miracles: Handbook of Devotion to St Anthony
Val ConlonCode: B1406  Price: £5.50

Saint Anthony is not just a finder of lost keys of a lost wallet. He has also been a finder of cures, of jobs, and homes and the finder of many ...

The Secret of La Salette Revealed

The Secret of La Salette Revealed
Val ConlonCode: B2599  Price: £6.50

The original story of the Message of La Salette, approved by Pope Pius IX, published here in modern English. It is a story and a message giving ...

The Secrets of Medjugorje: Handbook of Devotion to Our Lady of Medjugorje

The Secrets of Medjugorje: Handbook of Devotion to Our Lady of Medjugorje
Val ConlonCode: B1366  Price: £6.50

This prayer book was inspired by the Apparitions of Our Lady in Medjugorje. It helps the reader to understand these extraordinary events and ...

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