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The Seven Big Myths about Marriage

The Seven Big Myths about Marriage
Christopher Kaczor and Jennifer KaczorCode: B2310  Price: £14.99

This work explores some of the most interesting and vexing problems in contemporary life. Appealing to reason rather than religious authority

The Shroud of Turin: A Case for Authenticity

The Shroud of Turin: A Case for Authenticity
Fr Vittorio GuerreraCode: B0166  Price: £13.99

All the evidence indicating the Shroud is the burial cloth of Our Lord: Evidence from pollen, how it matches the head cloth

The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius

The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius
St Ignatius LoyolaCode: B0212  Price: £16.50

Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. Is it time to take your spiritual pulse, re-orient yourself to your Creator, and seek His guidance to live your ...

The Spiritual Life

The Spiritual Life
Archbishop Marcel LefebvreCode: B2504  Price: £42.00

The writings of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. After the posthumous books of Archbishop Lefebvre, The Mass of All Time and Priestly Holiness

The Spiritual Life of the Priest

The Spiritual Life of the Priest
Dom Eugene Boylan OCSOCode: B3407  Price: £17.45

First published in 1949, The Spiritual Life of the Priest was written as a guide for busy priests working in the U.S., specifically with American ...

The Stations of the Cross: A Via Dolorosa

The Stations of the Cross: A Via Dolorosa
Fr Marcus HoldenCode: B3290  Price: £3.95

With meditations inspired by and written along the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, these meditations will enable you too to walk the route where Our Lord ...

The Storm Novena

The Storm Novena
St Benedict the Moor MissionCode: B1553  Price: £4.50

The Storm Novena, what an unusual name. The story of this novena and the instructions for offering it are to be found inside this priceless little ...

The Story of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus: Doctor of the Church, Patroness of the Missions

The Story of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus: Doctor of the Church, Patroness of the MissionsCode: B0867  Price: £1.50

Illustrated booklet introducing St Therese of Lisieux, produced by Carmelite Monastery, Glenvale.

The Story of the Nativity

The Story of the Nativity
Elena PasqualiCode: B3137  Price: £5.99

A traditional retelling of the first Christmas with echoes of the gospels and a gentle storytelling style. Sophie Windham (a Kate Greenaway Medal ...

The Suppression of the Society of Jesus

The Suppression of the Society of Jesus
Sydney F Smith, SJCode: B1011  Price: £17.99

Sydney F Smith (1843-1922), the son of a well-to-do Anglican vicar, became a convert to Catholicism, and a Jesuit. While reflecting the nineteenth ...

The Teachings of the Church Fathers

The Teachings of the Church Fathers
John Willis SJCode: B0961  Price: £17.99

This compendium of texts from the Church Fathers is divided into more than 250 doctrinal topics, to form a comprehensive selection and useful ...

The Tertiaries Manual

The Tertiaries ManualCode: B2333  Price: £10.95

A Franciscan Father designed this prayer book for the members of the Third Order secular of St. Francis of Assisi; it contains information on the ...

The Tiara and the Test Tube

The Tiara and the Test Tube
Paul HaffnerCode: B2363  Price: £14.99

The Pope and Science from the Medieval Period to the Present. A popular myth put about by secularists is that between the Church and science the ...

The Truth about Saint Joseph

The Truth about Saint Joseph
Fr. Maurice MeschlerCode: B2866  Price: £12.50

Encountering the Most Hidden of Saints. Joseph is the most hidden of the saints - a simple, retiring, and humble man of Nazareth

The Twelve

The Twelve
E Mary ChristieCode: B3317  Price: £11.95

Journey through the gospels with author E. Mary Christie as she creates a narrative for each apostle explaining the places in which they lived and ...

The Two Divine Promises

The Two Divine Promises
Fr. HoppeCode: B1148  Price: £3.99

Two powerful private revelations of Our Lord. Says that anyone who receives Holy Communion worthily 30 consecutive days and says certain prayers

The Two Stigmatists Padre Pio and Teresa Neumann

The Two Stigmatists Padre Pio and Teresa Neumann
Fr. Charles M. CartyCode: B2625  Price: £11.50

Containing the Autobiography of Teresa Neumann, a Critical Account of Phenomena in her Life and a Comparison with Padre Pio

The Unending Conflict

The Unending Conflict
Hilaire BellocCode: B2902  Price: £3.50

A renowned historian considers three instances where the Church comes into conflict with forces opposed to her, and explains what is at stake

The Way of Simplicity

The Way of Simplicity
Esther De WaalCode: B0774  Price: £8.95

The Cistercian Tradition. Anyone wishing to explore Cistercian spirituality will find this book an illuminating and practical guide.

The Way of the Cross (Franciscan)

The Way of the Cross (Franciscan)
Msgr M A Schumacher, M.A.Code: B0155  Price: £3.99

The Stations of the Cross, according to the Method of St Francis of Assisi, from the text published by Msgr M A Schumacher

The Way of the Cross with the Carmelite Saints

The Way of the Cross with the Carmelite Saints
Sister Joseph Marie, CHTCode: B0773  Price: £8.95

Compiled and Illustrated by Sister Joseph Marie, CHT, Carmelite Hermit of the Trinity. Make the Way of the Cross with five inspiring Carmelite ...

The Way of the Cross with the Saints

The Way of the Cross with the Saints
John CollinsCode: B3208  Price: £3.50

A fruitful way to walk the dark steps to Calvary with Jesus. In this unique Way of the Cross (Stations of the Cross), we pray each station with a ...

The Way of the Cross: A Lenten Devotion

The Way of the Cross: A Lenten Devotion
John Bradburne Memorial SocietyCode: B3169  Price: £4.95

This Way of the Cross booklet supports the work of the John Bradburne Memorial Society, and is based on the Vatican sponsored initiative

The Way of the Cross: Holy Week, the Stations of the Cross and the Resurrection

The Way of the Cross: Holy Week, the Stations of the Cross and the Resurrection
Inos BiffiCode: B1681  Price: £4.99

A children's guide to the celebration of Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday and ending with Easter Day. Strong and lively illustrations ...

The Way of Transformation

The Way of Transformation
Mark O'Keefe, OSBCode: B2823  Price: £14.95

Saint Teresa of Avila on the Foundation and Fruit of Prayer. Offering a fresh perspective on St. Teresa's thought in her classic

The Why? Course Book

The Why? Course BookCode: B2234  Price: £4.95

Welcome to the WHY? Course, a three-part introduction to the Catholic Faith from the Catholic Truth Society. It is a new exciting

The Wonder Days

The Wonder Days
Marion Ames TaggartCode: B3031  Price: £6.95

This sweet book for children is just one of a set of four by the same author, lovingly restored from the 1920s originals

The World is our Cloister

The World is our Cloister
Jennifer KavanaghCode: B1364  Price: £11.99

The dedicated religious life of monks and nuns has a fascination for many of us-at a distance. We live in the world we have

The World's Religions

The World's Religions
Huston SmithCode: B0418  Price: £8.95

Explores the essential elements and teachings of the world's predominant faiths. Emphasises the inner, rather than institutional dimensions of ...

The Young Man's Guide

The Young Man's Guide
Rev. F.X. LasanceCode: B2997  Price: £18.50   £17.95

Father Lasance's Catholic Girl's Guide, published in 1906, found immediate success among Catholic readers, and the natural demand for a companion ...

Therese of Lisieux

Therese of Lisieux
Monica FurlongCode: B0604  Price: £9.95

This distinguished biographer strips away the layers of sentimentality to reveal a startlingly unfamiliar and surprising Therese: no less attractive

Therese of Lisieux, CTS

Therese of Lisieux, CTS
Msgr Vernon JohnsonCode: B0710  Price: £3.50

Classic biography of St Therese of Lisieux. 'I do not repent of having surrendered myself to love'. Born in 1873 at Alençon in France

This Tremendous Lover

This Tremendous Lover
Dom Eugene Boylan OCSOCode: B3172  Price: £24.45

"This book is an attempt to outline that love story of God and man, which achieves its consummation in the unity of the whole Christ; and to show ...

Thomas Merton's Struggle with Peacemaking

Thomas Merton's Struggle with Peacemaking
James H ForestCode: B2247  Price: £5.95

Booklet on the pacifism of Thomas Merton, by one who was inspired by it. Black&white illustrations and photographs.

Three Pillars of Faith in the Real Presence

Three Pillars of Faith in the Real Presence
Edward SnyderCode: B2644  Price: £11.95

Ordination, Offertory, Consecration.
Since the introduction of the Novus Ordo liturgy in the 1960s, Catholic belief in the Real Presence and the ...

Treasures of the Mass

Treasures of the Mass
Benedict Sisters of Perpetual AdorationCode: B2762  Price: £9.95

A devotional explanation of the prayers, ceremonies, and mysteries of the Holy Sacrifice, and of the benefits to be derived from devout ...

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