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The Way of the Cross: A Lenten Devotion

The Way of the Cross: A Lenten Devotion
John Bradburne Memorial SocietyCode: B3169  Price: £4.95

This Way of the Cross booklet supports the work of the John Bradburne Memorial Society, and is based on the Vatican sponsored initiative

The Way of the Cross: Holy Week, the Stations of the Cross and the Resurrection

The Way of the Cross: Holy Week, the Stations of the Cross and the Resurrection
Inos BiffiCode: B1681  Price: £4.99

A children's guide to the celebration of Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday and ending with Easter Day. Strong and lively illustrations ...

The Way of Transformation

The Way of Transformation
Mark O'Keefe, OSBCode: B2823  Price: £14.95

Saint Teresa of Avila on the Foundation and Fruit of Prayer. Offering a fresh perspective on St. Teresa's thought in her classic

The Why? Course Book

The Why? Course BookCode: B2234  Price: £4.95

Welcome to the WHY? Course, a three-part introduction to the Catholic Faith from the Catholic Truth Society. It is a new exciting

The Wonder Days

The Wonder Days
Marion Ames TaggartCode: B3031  Price: £6.95

This sweet book for children is just one of a set of four by the same author, lovingly restored from the 1920s originals

The World is our Cloister

The World is our Cloister
Jennifer KavanaghCode: B1364  Price: £11.99

The dedicated religious life of monks and nuns has a fascination for many of us-at a distance. We live in the world we have

The World's Religions

The World's Religions
Huston SmithCode: B0418  Price: £8.95

Explores the essential elements and teachings of the world's predominant faiths. Emphasises the inner, rather than institutional dimensions of ...

The Young Man's Guide

The Young Man's Guide
Rev. F.X. LasanceCode: B2997  Price: £18.50   £17.95

Father Lasance's Catholic Girl's Guide, published in 1906, found immediate success among Catholic readers, and the natural demand for a companion ...

Therese of Lisieux

Therese of Lisieux
Monica FurlongCode: B0604  Price: £9.95

This distinguished biographer strips away the layers of sentimentality to reveal a startlingly unfamiliar and surprising Therese: no less attractive

Therese of Lisieux, CTS

Therese of Lisieux, CTS
Msgr Vernon JohnsonCode: B0710  Price: £3.50

Classic biography of St Therese of Lisieux. 'I do not repent of having surrendered myself to love'. Born in 1873 at Alençon in France

This Tremendous Lover

This Tremendous Lover
Dom Eugene Boylan OCSOCode: B3172  Price: £24.45

"This book is an attempt to outline that love story of God and man, which achieves its consummation in the unity of the whole Christ; and to show ...

Thomas Merton's Struggle with Peacemaking

Thomas Merton's Struggle with Peacemaking
James H ForestCode: B2247  Price: £5.95

Booklet on the pacifism of Thomas Merton, by one who was inspired by it. Black&white illustrations and photographs.

Three Pillars of Faith in the Real Presence

Three Pillars of Faith in the Real Presence
Edward SnyderCode: B2644  Price: £11.95

Ordination, Offertory, Consecration.
Since the introduction of the Novus Ordo liturgy in the 1960s, Catholic belief in the Real Presence and the ...

Treasures of the Mass

Treasures of the Mass
Benedict Sisters of Perpetual AdorationCode: B2762  Price: £9.95

A devotional explanation of the prayers, ceremonies, and mysteries of the Holy Sacrifice, and of the benefits to be derived from devout ...

True or False Possession?

True or False Possession?
Jean LhermitteCode: B2209  Price: £12.50

How to Distinguish the Demonic from the Demented. Unhinged or unholy? Fiend or fraud? That's what authorities had to decide about the French nun ...


Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2992  Price: £8.50

This last of Mother Mary Loyola's full-length works is an object lesson in learning to trust implicitly in God for all things

Twelve Types of Chesterton

Twelve Types of Chesterton
G K ChestertonCode: B2090  Price: £9.95

Twelve Types is a collection of short biographical essays, by one of 20th-century England's greatest essayists. In keeping with the spirit of IHS ...

Two Conversion Stories

Two Conversion Stories
James Britten & Ronald KnoxCode: B2917  Price: £3.50   £2.50

Two prominent former Anglicans explain why they became Catholic. 1893, 1918.

Under Angel Wings

Under Angel Wings
Sr.Maria AntoniaCode: B0600  Price: £10.99

This is the true story of a young girl in Brazil who saw and heard her Guardian Angel during most of her life. The book is filled with real-life ...

Understanding Mary: 2000 years of Apparitions: Zaragoza to Medjugorje

Understanding Mary: 2000 years of Apparitions: Zaragoza to Medjugorje
Val ConlonCode: B3366  Price: £6.95

Down through the history of the world Our Lady has continually returned to earth, to ask us to pray for peace and to help bring people to God

Unfailing Novena to Our Lady Untier (Undoer) of Knots

Unfailing Novena to Our Lady Untier (Undoer) of Knots
Val ConlonCode: B2145  Price: £5.50

A devotion dear to Pope Francis, this novena is linked with the daily Rosary and it invites you to bring to Our Lady, for nine days, each day

Uniformity with God's Will

Uniformity with God's Will
St Alphonsus LiguoriCode: B0859  Price: £6.99

Explains how God is glorified by our resignation to His will even more than by our acts. An easy way to become not only holy but enjoy serenity in ...

Upon this Rock

Upon this Rock
Fr Edwin GordonCode: B0995  Price: £7.99

This book represents the fruits of many years of prayer, work, and meditation by Fr Edwin Gordon. The first part, Upon This Rock - with a foreword ...


VespersCode: B2759  Price: £35.95   £34.95

Vespers, the traditional evening prayer of the Church, has spiritually sustained the faithful for nearly two millennia. Although painfully absent ...

Via Dolorosa: A Contemplative Journey to Calvary

Via Dolorosa: A Contemplative Journey to Calvary
E Mary ChristieCode: B3211  Price: £15.50

Follow Christ's Footsteps from the time of His unjust sentencing by Pilate to His Crucifixion, Death, and burial on Calvary

Via Lucis: The Way of the Light from Easter to Pentecost

Via Lucis: The Way of the Light from Easter to Pentecost
Monika ArnoldCode: B3305  Price: £2.50

A delightful mini picture book offering 14 Easter encounters with the risen Jesus. Translated by Anthony Tromp. Illustrations by Petra Lefin

Vincent de Paul and Louis de Marillac

Vincent de Paul and Louis de Marillac
Rev John E RyboltCode: B3058  Price: £19.95

Rules, conferences and writings.

This volume presents the principal spiritual teachings of Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac

War at Home and at the Front

War at Home and at the Front
"A Chaplain" & Mrs Blundell of CrosbyCode: B2921  Price: £3.50   £2.50

An army chaplain offers practical advice to Catholic soldiers; Catholic mothers are encouraged to set the difficulties of the Home Front in a wider ...

Way of the Cross (Fulton Sheen)

Way of the Cross (Fulton Sheen)
Archbishop Fulton J SheenCode: B3278  Price: £4.50

The author of these meditations on the Way of the Cross has a two-fold purpose in offering them in printed form. The first is that they may enkindle ...

What is Contemplation?

What is Contemplation?
Thomas MertonCode: B0716  Price: £7.99

" The only way to find out anything about the joys of contemplation is by experience," writes Merton. "We must taste and see that the Lord is sweet

What is Opus Dei

What is Opus Dei
Dominique le TourneauCode: B0721  Price: £7.99

Opus Dei, founded in 1928 by Blessed Josemaria Escriva, proclaims that lay people can and ought to seek holiness in the context of their ordinary ...

What went wrong with Vatican II

What went wrong with Vatican II
Dr Ralph McInernyCode: B2287  Price: £12.50

Crisis magazine called this book:
"The clearest and most comprehensive argument against the theological dissenters ever written

Who Are You, O Immaculata?

Who Are You, O Immaculata?
Father Karl StehlinCode: B1620  Price: £11.50

Father Stehlin quotes extensively from Saint John Eudes, Cornelius a'Lapidé, Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Who is Padre Pio?

Who is Padre Pio?
bookletCode: B1516  Price: £5.99

Who is Padre Pio?. A remarkable life sketch of the famous saintly priest who bore the stigmata, or wounds of Christ. (Padre Pio died in 1968

Who is St Joseph?

Who is St Joseph?
Herbert Cardinal VaughanCode: B2925  Price: £3.50

Whenever Cardinal Vaughan met problems or worries, he turned first to St Joseph. Here he tells us why, and how to do the same. 1911.

Why Go to Confession?

Why Go to Confession?
Fr John FladerCode: B1578  Price: £3.95

Read about the benefits and practice of the sacrament. The purpose of this booklet is to help those who make use of the sacrament to appreciate it ...

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