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True or False Possession?

True or False Possession?
Jean LhermitteCode: B2209  Price: £12.50

How to Distinguish the Demonic from the Demented. Unhinged or unholy? Fiend or fraud? That's what authorities had to decide about the French nun ...


Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2992  Price: £8.50

This last of Mother Mary Loyola's full-length works is an object lesson in learning to trust implicitly in God for all things

Twelve Types of Chesterton

Twelve Types of Chesterton
G K ChestertonCode: B2090  Price: £9.95

Twelve Types is a collection of short biographical essays, by one of 20th-century England's greatest essayists. In keeping with the spirit of IHS ...

Two Conversion Stories

Two Conversion Stories
James Britten & Ronald KnoxCode: B2917  Price: £3.50   £2.50

Two prominent former Anglicans explain why they became Catholic. 1893, 1918.

Under Angel Wings

Under Angel Wings
Sr.Maria AntoniaCode: B0600  Price: £10.99

This is the true story of a young girl in Brazil who saw and heard her Guardian Angel during most of her life. The book is filled with real-life ...

Understanding Mary: 2000 years of Apparitions: Zaragoza to Medjugorje

Understanding Mary: 2000 years of Apparitions: Zaragoza to Medjugorje
Val ConlonCode: B3366  Price: £6.95

Down through the history of the world Our Lady has continually returned to earth, to ask us to pray for peace and to help bring people to God

Upon this Rock

Upon this Rock
Fr Edwin GordonCode: B0995  Price: £7.99

This book represents the fruits of many years of prayer, work, and meditation by Fr Edwin Gordon. The first part, Upon This Rock - with a foreword ...

Via Dolorosa: A Contemplative Journey to Calvary

Via Dolorosa: A Contemplative Journey to Calvary
E Mary ChristieCode: B3211  Price: £15.50

Follow Christ's Footsteps from the time of His unjust sentencing by Pilate to His Crucifixion, Death, and burial on Calvary

Vincent de Paul and Louis de Marillac

Vincent de Paul and Louis de Marillac
Rev John E RyboltCode: B3058  Price: £19.95

Rules, conferences and writings.

This volume presents the principal spiritual teachings of Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac

Way of the Cross (Fulton Sheen)

Way of the Cross (Fulton Sheen)
Archbishop Fulton J SheenCode: B3278  Price: £4.50

The author of these meditations on the Way of the Cross has a two-fold purpose in offering them in printed form. The first is that they may enkindle ...

Welcome!  Holy Communion Before and After

Welcome! Holy Communion Before and After
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2994  Price: £14.95   £13.95

Readers of The King of the Golden City will appreciate the theme of preparing a fitting welcome for the King, and in making those visits as fruitful ...

What is Contemplation?

What is Contemplation?
Thomas MertonCode: B0716  Price: £7.99

" The only way to find out anything about the joys of contemplation is by experience," writes Merton. "We must taste and see that the Lord is sweet

What is Opus Dei

What is Opus Dei
Dominique le TourneauCode: B0721  Price: £7.99

Opus Dei, founded in 1928 by Blessed Josemaria Escriva, proclaims that lay people can and ought to seek holiness in the context of their ordinary ...

What went wrong with Vatican II

What went wrong with Vatican II
Dr Ralph McInernyCode: B2287  Price: £12.50

Crisis magazine called this book:
"The clearest and most comprehensive argument against the theological dissenters ever written

Where is That in the Bible?

Where is That in the Bible?
Patrick MadridCode: B2138  Price: £12.99

Know Exactly What Scripture Means. Noted Catholic apologist Patrick Madrid helps you: Be absolutely certain your interpretation of Scripture is ...

Where We Got the Bible: Our Debt to the Catholic Church

Where We Got the Bible: Our Debt to the Catholic Church
Rev Henry G GrahamCode: B0842  Price: £10.99

This short treatise outlines the history of the Bible in complete, yet simple terms. Shows how the Catholic Church has determined and proclaimed ...

Who Are You, O Immaculata?

Who Are You, O Immaculata?
Father Karl StehlinCode: B1620  Price: £11.50

Father Stehlin quotes extensively from Saint John Eudes, Cornelius a'Lapidé, Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Who is Padre Pio?

Who is Padre Pio?
bookletCode: B1516  Price: £5.99

Who is Padre Pio?. A remarkable life sketch of the famous saintly priest who bore the stigmata, or wounds of Christ. (Padre Pio died in 1968

Who is St Joseph?

Who is St Joseph?
Herbert Cardinal VaughanCode: B2925  Price: £3.50

Whenever Cardinal Vaughan met problems or worries, he turned first to St Joseph. Here he tells us why, and how to do the same. 1911.

Why Go to Confession?

Why Go to Confession?
Fr John FladerCode: B1578  Price: £3.95

Read about the benefits and practice of the sacrament. The purpose of this booklet is to help those who make use of the sacrament to appreciate it ...

Wife, Mother and Mystic

Wife, Mother and Mystic
Albert Bessieres, S.J.Code: B0233  Price: £11.50

Translated by Rev Stephen Rigby. The story of Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi, a woman singled out at the age of twenty-one, to receive revelations from ...

Wisdom from Above: A Primer in the Theology of Father Sergei Bulgakov

Wisdom from Above: A Primer in the Theology of Father Sergei Bulgakov
Aidan Nichols, OPCode: B1279  Price: £17.99

Sergei Bulgakov, born in Russia in 1871, was one of the principal Eastern theologians of the twentieth century. His theology has been called

Witnesses to the Holy Mass

Witnesses to the Holy Mass
Dom Bede Camm, OSBCode: B2764  Price: £8.95

During the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I of England, many Catholics suffered death rather than give up their faith

Women of Hope

Women of Hope
Terry PolakovicCode: B3242  Price: £14.99

Throughout the history of the Catholic Church, in her most troubled and turbulent times, God has raised up great saints as beacons of hope in the ...

Wonder Stories of God's People

Wonder Stories of God's People
Rev. P. Henry MatimoreCode: B3157  Price: £15.95   £14.95

This second volume in the Madonna Series, intended for the fourth grade, follows on from the Bible stories found in its predecessor

Words of Wisdom from the Church Fathers

Words of Wisdom from the Church Fathers
Jimmy AkinCode: B2811  Price: £2.50

In the history of Christianity, the age of the apostles gave way to the age of the Church Fathers - which is the hinge connecting the New Testament ...

Working Together: A Handbook for Co-operation

Working Together: A Handbook for Co-operation
Margaret MelicharovaCode: B2190  Price: £6.50

Working Together breaks new ground in providing a highly readable and accessible introduction to co-operative skills. It argues that

YouCat Confirmation Course Handbook (for Catechists)

YouCat Confirmation Course Handbook (for Catechists)Code: B2440  Price: £24.95

The teacher/catechists book for the new YouCat Confirmation Course. The course is made up of 12 key steps or lessons:
1. Getting Started 2

Youcat: Confession

Youcat: ConfessionCode: B2877  Price: £9.95

"It simply does not work any other way: When you want to give Jesus room in your life, you cannot do without reconciliation ("Confession")

Youcat: Youth Prayer Book

Youcat: Youth Prayer BookCode: B2091  Price: £11.95

A special prayer book for young people from the same team who wrote the internationally bestselling Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church, YouCat

Your Labor of Love: A Spiritual Companion for Expectant Mothers

Your Labor of Love: A Spiritual Companion for Expectant Mothers
Agnes PennyCode: B0624  Price: £11.95

The author shares the Catholic solutions she found to the problems and struggles of pregnancy, with 36 short chapters on everything the expectant ...

Your Mass and Your Life

Your Mass and Your Life
Fr Richer-Marie Beaubien, OFMCode: B3227  Price: £44.95

"Your Mass and Your Life" is a deluxe five-volume box set by Fr. Beaubien. The purpose of the book is to provide an easy-to-read explanation of the ...

Your Vocation of Love: A Spiritual Companion for Catholic Mothers

Your Vocation of Love: A Spiritual Companion for Catholic Mothers
Agnes PennyCode: B1221  Price: £12.95

Your Vocation of Love is a book by the mother of four young children, who has written this little manual to encourage mothers of young children in ...

Your word is a light for my steps

Your word is a light for my steps
Michel de VerteuilCode: B0336  Price: £2.50

Introduction to Lectio Divina, which is a contemplative way of reading the Bible, not just a study of the text, but a personal conversation with God ...

Yourself & Your House Wonderful

Yourself & Your House Wonderful
Helene Adeline GuerberCode: B2998  Price: £12.95

Tired of cringing at what's included in children's "health education" nowadays? It's good to learn about our bodies, but whatever happened to ...

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Stations of the Cross for Children

Stations of the Cross for Children
Julianne M WillCode: B0994  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

Walk with Jesus as He shows us how very much He loves us. Follow Jesus through fourteen stations - fourteen moments - on His journey with the cross

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