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Carmelite Studies IX: The Heirs of St Teresa of Avila

Carmelite Studies IX: The Heirs of St Teresa of Avila
ed. Christopher C Wilson, PhDCode: B1280  Price: £11.95   £10.95Sorry, out of stock

... Defenders and Disseminators of the Founding Mother's Legacy. This issue of Carmelite Studies presents new insights into the lives and writings ...

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Catechesis and Ritual for the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Catechesis and Ritual for the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Carmelite Provincials in North AmericaCode: B0327  Price: £9.95Sorry, out of stock

A handy guide to the authentic teaching behind the Brown Scapular devotion. Prepared by the North American Provincials of the Carmelite Orders

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Catechism of the Catholic Church (Paperback Edition)

Catechism of the Catholic Church (Paperback Edition)Code: B2694  Price: £19.95Sorry, out of stock

The CTS Definitive and Complete Edition. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a unique treasure intended for all the faithful

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Catholic Architecture

Catholic Architecture
Steve SchloederCode: B2101  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

An exploration of what the design of a Catholic Church means, and why it matters. The church building has always been intended to express and ...

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Catholic Book of Novenas

Catholic Book of Novenas
Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, SVDCode: B2844  Price: £11.50Sorry, out of stock

Spend quality time in private prayer with this portable book of novenas! The deluxe version enhances your devotion with highly legible large print ...

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Catholic Guide to Depression

Catholic Guide to Depression
Dr. Aaron KheriatyCode: B2153  Price: £16.50Sorry, out of stock

How the saints, the sacraments, and psychiatry can help you break depression's grip and find happiness again. Countless Christians-including scores ...

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Celtic Advent: 40 days of devotions to Christmas

Celtic Advent: 40 days of devotions to Christmas
David ColeCode: B3343  Price: £8.99Sorry, out of stock

This inspirational book takes the reader through Advent to the celebration of Christmas through the eyes and beliefs of Celtic Christianity

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Celtic Daily Prayer: Book 1

Celtic Daily Prayer: Book 1
The Northumbria CommunityCode: B3085  Price: £20.00Sorry, out of stock

The Journey Begins. A revised edition of this classic compendium of readings and prayers for every day of the year, with Celtic themes and ...

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Christian Community Bible - Red - leatherette

Christian Community Bible - Red - leatheretteCode: B2373-RD0  Price: £22.95Sorry, out of stock

Christian Community Bible - Catholic Pastoral Edition. Revised edition. Born in 1971 as a result of the pastoral concern of the French priest ...

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Christian Self-Mastery

Christian Self-Mastery
Fr. Basil W. MaturinCode: B2156  Price: £12.99Sorry, out of stock

How to resist temptation, strengthen your will, govern your thoughts, and find balance of soul! This is the book you need for those times in your ...

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Christian Warfare - Pocket Edition

Christian Warfare - Pocket EditionCode: B2135  Price: £26.00Sorry, out of stock

Prayers, Hymns, Doctrine and Spiritual Exercises, many in Latin and English side-by-side. Includes: Daily Prayers and Indulgences

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Clementine Novum Testamentum: New Testament

Clementine Novum Testamentum: New TestamentCode: B1376  Price: £37.95Sorry, out of stock

A truly unique edition of the New Testament in Latin (Clementine Vulgate/Clementina Vulgata) and English (Douay-Rheims)

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Come Rack! Come Rope!

Come Rack! Come Rope!
Robert Hugh BensonCode: B1381  Price: £13.95Sorry, out of stock

Some years before this book was written, H. Belloc wrote that R. Benson would be "the man to write some day a book to give us some sort of idea what ...

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Commentary on the Gospel of St Matthew

Commentary on the Gospel of St Matthew
St Thomas AquinasCode: B2392  Price: £29.95Sorry, out of stock

The Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Matthew is a translation of Saint Thomas Aquinas' lectures on the Gospel of Saint Matthew given in ...

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Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Pope Benedict XVICode: B1058  Price: £7.95Sorry, out of stock

A true summary of the teachings contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992) and an authoritative and authentic guide to the Catholic ...

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Complete order of Celebrating Matrimony

Complete order of Celebrating Matrimony
ICELCode: B2699  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

The Complete Order of Celebrating Matrimony has been revised in accordance with the new Order of Celebrating Matrimony (mandatory for use in England ...

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Complete Works of Elizabeth of The Trinity, Volume 1: Major Spiritual Writings

Complete Works of Elizabeth of The Trinity, Volume 1: Major Spiritual Writings
A. Kane, trans.Code: B0300  Price: £13.95Sorry, out of stock

Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity (Elizabeth Catez), who died in 1906 at the age of 26 in the Carmel of Dijon, is a mystic for our times

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Constitutions of the Secular Order of the Discalced (Teresian) Carmel

Constitutions of the Secular Order of the Discalced (Teresian) CarmelCode: B2801  Price: £7.50Sorry, out of stock

Spiral bound book containing The Rule of St Albert, Constitutions, Local Statutes for England & Wales and Ritual. Revised 2016.

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Contemplative Rosary

Contemplative Rosary
Dan Burke, Connie RossiniCode: B2862  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

with St. John Paul II and St. Teresa of Avila. You know that in an Apostolic Letter in 2002, Pope John Paul II added five Luminous Mysteries

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Daily Prayers Folding Prayer Card (pack of 25)

Daily Prayers Folding Prayer Card (pack of 25)Code: L0339-25  Price: £7.99Sorry, out of stock

This laminated fold-out card is designed to make it easier and simpler to pray throughout the day. Whether you are travelling, at work

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Death & Resurrection

Death & Resurrection
Leonard Cheshire VC and Bede Jarrett OPCode: B2904  Price: £3.50   £2.50Sorry, out of stock

We may imagine death will not happen to us. How should we prepare for death? How can we accompany the dying? Why do Christians look for life after ...

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Discovering the Old Testament

Discovering the Old Testament
Fr Adrian GraffyCode: B2300  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

Pope Francis urges Christians to be nourished by the Word of God. Fr Graffy gives an overview of all the books of the Old Testament

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Edith Stein, Marcel Callo, Titus Brandsma: Victims of the Nazis

Edith Stein, Marcel Callo, Titus Brandsma: Victims of the Nazis
Monk Matthew, Couve MNL de Murville, Hugh ClarkeCode: B0704  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

Three stories of Catholics who suffered for their faith at the hands of the Nazis. Truly inspiring accounts of three victims of the Nazi regime ...

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Edith Stein: Letters to Roman Ingarden

Edith Stein: Letters to Roman Ingarden
Translated by Hugh Candler HuntCode: B2596  Price: £19.95Sorry, out of stock

(Edith Stein: Self-Portrait in Letters) The Collected Works volume 12. Edith Stein and Roman Ingarden, both students of Edmund Husserl

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Edith Stein: The Life of a Philosopher and Carmelite

Edith Stein: The Life of a Philosopher and Carmelite
Teresia Renata Posselt, OCDCode: B2825  Price: £25.95Sorry, out of stock

Edited by Susanne M. Batzdorff, Josephine Koeppel, OCD and John Sullivan, OCD. Having been out of print for half a century

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Edmund Arrowsmith

Edmund Arrowsmith
Fr John S. HoganCode: B2703  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

Edmund Arrowsmith, born in Lancashire of a Catholic family, chose to serve Christ and the people of England by becoming a Jesuit priest

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Elijah Prophet of Carmel

Elijah Prophet of Carmel
Jane AckermanCode: B0950  Price: £12.75   £11.95Sorry, out of stock

Elijah is considered the legendary founder and traditional patron of all Carmelites. He is considered to be one of their greatest spiritual models

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Elizabeth of the Trinity

Elizabeth of the Trinity
Jennifer MoorcroftCode: B2770  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

Today, many people are searching for greater depth in their lives and searching for inspiration. St Elizabeth of the Trinity reminds us of the rich ...

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Elizabeth of the Trinity: Volume 1

Elizabeth of the Trinity: Volume 1
Joanne MosleyCode: B2194  Price: £12.00Sorry, out of stock

The Unfolding of her Message. In the World and In Community. Elizabeth's life in Dijon and in her Carmelite community, and the unfolding of her ...

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Elizabeth of the Trinity: Volume 2

Elizabeth of the Trinity: Volume 2
Joanne MosleyCode: B2195  Price: £12.00Sorry, out of stock

The Unfolding of her Message. In the Infirmary and After her Death. Elizabeth during the final months of her life; the books she has inspired; the ...

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Essays On Woman (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 2)

Essays On Woman (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 2)
Edith SteinCode: B0306  Price: £14.95Sorry, out of stock

(Trans. F. M. Oben, PhD, 2nd. ed.) Eight essays on the theme of woman and her vocation, with index. With reason Edith Stein has been called "the ...

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Eucharist Holy Card Assorted x 10

Eucharist Holy Card Assorted x 10Code: L0403  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

10 Holy Picture prayercards, blank on reverse, with assorted beautiful Catholic full colour pictures of Our Lord, Our Lady and the Saints

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Eucharistic Adoration - Leatherette

Eucharistic Adoration - Leatherette
Catholic Truth SocietyCode: B0770  Price: £7.95Sorry, out of stock

Reprinted for the Year of Faith in an attractive leatherette binding, this classic prayer book will help with prayer before the Blessed Sacrament

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Evangelium: Participant's Guide

Evangelium: Participant's GuideCode: B1165  Price: £9.95Sorry, out of stock

This A4 book accompanies the Evangelium course (one per participant). It contains 2-page summaries of the content of each presentation

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Every Day of Lent and Easter

Every Day of Lent and Easter
Redemptorist Pastoral PublicationCode: B3309  Price: £2.95Sorry, out of stock

The perfect tool for teaching youngsters to learn what Lent is about and how they can practise penance, prayer and almsgiving

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Extraordinary Form of the Mass - Standard Edition

Extraordinary Form of the Mass - Standard EditionCode: B1432  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

The Traditional Latin Mass with English translation on facing page. Responding to the Holy Father's recent instruction to allow all Latin-Rite ...

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