Holy Face Devotion

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Fifty Meditations on the Passion

Fifty Meditations on the Passion
Archbishop Alban Goodier, S.J.Code: B1619  Price: £6.95Sorry, out of stock

Archbishop Goodier published these 50 Meditations in 1925. In his author's preface he wrote "These notes were written a long time ago in Lent, 1909

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First Prayers for Little Children

First Prayers for Little Children
Maite RocheCode: B1371  Price: £5.95Sorry, out of stock

An illustrated book of daily prayers for children. A warmly illustrated prayer book for little ones. Includes prayers for every evening

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Footprints of the Northern Saints

Footprints of the Northern Saints
Cardinal Basil Hume, OSBCode: B1897  Price: £11.95Sorry, out of stock

In 'Footprints Of The Norther Saints', Cardinal Basil Hume invites us to journey with him in the footsteps of the early saints of Northumbria

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Francis of Assisi

Francis of Assisi
Jennifer MoorcroftCode: B2574  Price: £2.95Sorry, out of stock

Life of the famous 'poor man' of Assisi and his Franciscan brothers. This excellent introduction details the life and spirituality of Francis

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Gaudete et Exsultate - Rejoice and Be Glad

Gaudete et Exsultate - Rejoice and Be Glad
Pope FrancisCode: B3023  Price: £5.95Sorry, out of stock

On the Call to Holiness in Today's World.

'Holiness is a gift that is offered to everyone, no one is excluded; it constitutes the distinctive ...

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Gaudium et Spes: On the Church in the Modern World

Gaudium et Spes: On the Church in the Modern World
Vatican Council IICode: B2050  Price: £4.95Sorry, out of stock

Key text on Church - World relations of the Second Vatican Council. Vatican II was one of the most significant events in the life of the modern ...

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Going to Confession

Going to Confession
Rev. Lawrence Lovasik, S.V.D.Code: B0567  Price: £2.75Sorry, out of stock

Colour illustrated booklet on going to confession, giving clear instruction for children.

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Gospel According to Mark

Gospel According to MarkCode: B0698  Price: £3.95Sorry, out of stock

Handy pocket-size Gospel of Mark, using the Jerusalem Bible translation as used in the Catholic Liturgy.

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Great Orders of the Catholic Church

Great Orders of the Catholic Church
Harry SchnitkerCode: B2302  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

From very early in her history the Church has been filled with men and women who have dedicated themselves exclusively to God in the religious life

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Handbook of Prayers

Handbook of Prayers
ed. Rev James SociasCode: B1348  Price: £12.95Sorry, out of stock

A comprehensive treasury of Catholic prayers, beautifully illustrated and bound in leatherette. Over 500 pages of prayers and devotions

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Heart of Jesus Families Novena

Heart of Jesus Families NovenaCode: B2756  Price: £8.95Sorry, out of stock

According to the revelations of the Sacred Heart and with prayers composed by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque. This novena also serves as the ...

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Holy Face - wallet size - single card

Holy Face - wallet size - single cardCode: N0205-1  Price: £1.00Sorry, out of stock

Sepia image of the Holy Face of Jesus as depicted in the Turin Shroud. 2" x 2.75" (5 x 7 cm). Single card. Limited stocks.

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Holy Face Golden Arrow Prayer Card x 10

Holy Face Golden Arrow Prayer Card x 10Code: N0212  Price: £1.00Sorry, out of stock

Prayer leaflet with Golden Arrow Prayer on one side and Promises on reverse. (Price for 10)

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Holy Face Golden Arrow Prayer Card x 100

Holy Face Golden Arrow Prayer Card x 100Code: N0212-100  Price: £7.50Sorry, out of stock

Prayer leaflet with Golden Arrow Prayer on one side and Promises on reverse. (Price for 100)

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Holy Face Image

Holy Face ImageCode: N0201  Price: £14.50   £11.50Sorry, out of stock

Print of the Holy Face of Jesus as depicted in the Holy Shroud of Turin. for framing (sepia) 12" x 16" (30 x 41 cm)

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Holy Face Image - Large

Holy Face Image - LargeCode: N0341  Price: £17.50Sorry, out of stock

Print of the Holy Face of Jesus as depicted in the Holy Shroud of Turin. for framing (sepia) 16" x 20" (41 x 50 cm)

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Holy Face key ring - bronze

Holy Face key ring - bronzeCode: N0227  Price: £11.95Sorry, out of stock

Heavy brass keying with the Holy Face of Jesus (Turin Shroud) relief image, 1.75 inches diameter. In the back: John 1:29.

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Holy Hours

Holy Hours
Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS. CCCode: B1937  Price: £44.95Sorry, out of stock

The Holy Hour is a very dear devotion to many Catholics. Contained in this book are 21 different Holy Hours for every First Friday of the year

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Holy Picture Card Assorted x 10

Holy Picture Card Assorted x 10Code: L0404  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

10 Holy Picture prayercards, blank on reverse, with assorted beautiful Catholic full colour pictures of Our Lord, Our Lady and the Saints

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Holy Rosary Folding Prayer Card

Holy Rosary Folding Prayer CardCode: L0336  Price: £0.60Sorry, out of stock

Folding laminated How to Pray the Rosary leaflet, Complete Rosary prayers, with all the mysteries and some practical instructions

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Holy Rosary Folding Prayer Card (pack of 25)

Holy Rosary Folding Prayer Card (pack of 25)Code: L0336-25  Price: £9.95Sorry, out of stock

Folding laminated How to Pray the Rosary leaflet, Complete Rosary prayers, with all the mysteries and some practical instructions

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Holy Souls Book

Holy Souls Book
Father LasanceCode: B2747  Price: £19.95Sorry, out of stock

A Complete Prayer-book including special Prayers and Devotions on Behalf of the Poor Souls in Purgatory. It is hoped that this book will cultivate a ...

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I am a Catholic - Call a Priest Card x 10

I am a Catholic - Call a Priest Card x 10Code: L0501-10  Price: £1.10Sorry, out of stock

Credit card size Cenacle business card so you always have our details to hand, with Holy Face Shroud Image and I'm a Catholic - Call a Priest on ...

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Illustrated Lives of the Saints

Illustrated Lives of the Saints
Ed. Fr Michael SullivanCode: B2355  Price: £13.95Sorry, out of stock

Full colour book of saints, featuring Saints Biographies and Prayers - each Saint (male and female) has a two-page spread which includes biography

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In a Great and Noble Tradition: The Autobiography of Dom Prosper Gueranger

In a Great and Noble Tradition: The Autobiography of Dom Prosper Gueranger
Br David Hayes, OSB and Sr Hyacinthe Defos du Rau, OP, trans.Code: B1514  Price: £12.99Sorry, out of stock

The Benedictine Abbey of Solesmes in France is famous for the quailty of its Gregorian chant, recordings of which are appreciated throughout the ...

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In Search of Julian of Norwich

In Search of Julian of Norwich
Sheila UpjohnCode: B0629  Price: £8.95Sorry, out of stock

A Spiritual detective story. Who is Julian? Why has she suddenly become so famous? Why did her writings disappear for centuries? Why is everyone ...

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Introduction to the Devout Life - Leatherbound

Introduction to the Devout Life - Leatherbound
Saint Francis De SalesCode: B2584  Price: £19.95Sorry, out of stock

Since its first publication in 1609 this book has never gone out of print. It has always occupied a privileged position in the Church: no guide ever ...

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Joy to the World: Christmas Counting Book

Joy to the World: Christmas Counting Book
Jesslyn DeBoerCode: B3251  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

Children love Christmas, and children love learning to count. Make both even more exciting with this fun rhyme and these bright scenes from the ...

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Key of Heaven - deluxe - black

Key of Heaven - deluxe - blackCode: B1495  Price: £18.50Sorry, out of stock

The Key of Heaven Catholic Prayer book has helped nourish the faith of countless Catholics over the past 150 years. Contains: Statement of Christian ...

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Knowledge and Faith (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 8)

Knowledge and Faith (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 8)
Edith SteinCode: B0310  Price: £22.95Sorry, out of stock

(Trans. W. Redmond). An anthology from the final 12 years of her life and reveals her efforts to integrate the Christian faith she had embraced at ...

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Leaflet: Being a Godparent

Leaflet: Being a GodparentCode: L0215  Price: £0.40Sorry, out of stock

Explaining the role and responsibilities of godparents. CTS Essentials 4 fold DL leaflet.

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Leaflet: How to Pray the Rosary for Children

Leaflet: How to Pray the Rosary for ChildrenCode: L0210  Price: £0.65Sorry, out of stock

Whether the Rosary is prayed with the family at home, in a classroom setting, or as a "living Rosary" during a school/parish activity

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Leaflet: Prayer of Recollection

Leaflet: Prayer of RecollectionCode: L0405  Price: £0.45Sorry, out of stock

In the 16th century, St. Teresa of Avila offered a wise and practical means for growing in prayer. She called it the prayer of recollection

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Lectio Divina and the Practice of Teresian Prayer

Lectio Divina and the Practice of Teresian Prayer
Sam Anthony Morello, OCDCode: B0502  Price: £4.50Sorry, out of stock

The author shows us how the tradition of Lectio can assist us in following the way of prayer of St. Teresa of Avila.

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Life in a Jewish Family (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 1)

Life in a Jewish Family (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 1)
Edith SteinCode: B0305  Price: £27.95Sorry, out of stock

An Autobiography, 1891-1916. Translated by Josephine Koeppel, OCD. This initial volume of the Collected Works of Edith Stein offers

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Little Book of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Little Book of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Fr Raoul Plus SJCode: B2222  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

Watching Jesus grow daily in wisdom and grace, the Blessed Virgin Mary pondered in her heart the secrets of her divine Son

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