Holy Face Devotion

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Lived Christianity

Lived Christianity
Dom Francis de Sales PollienCode: B3347  Price: £15.00Sorry, out of stock

A classic on the spiritual life and the quest for holiness. "To what height the saints have risen! Undoubtedly, not all of them have done the full ...

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Lives of the Saints

Lives of the Saints
Fr Alban ButlerCode: B0200  Price: £18.99Sorry, out of stock

For every day of the Year. Butler's Lives of the Saints is the most revered Catholic book after the Bible, the Missal and The Imitation of Christ

Living in Christ Jesus: Bl Mary of Jesus, OCD

Living in Christ Jesus: Bl Mary of Jesus, OCD
W. BushCode: B0881  Price: £2.50Sorry, sold out

Born in 1560 at Tartanedo (Spain) she took the Discalced Carmelite habit at Toledo in 1577 and made her profession the following year

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Lord of the World

Lord of the World
Robert Hugh BensonCode: B2357  Price: £15.45Sorry, out of stock

Recommended by Pope Francis as a must-read book on several occasions, and described by Fulton Sheen as one of the three greatest depictions of the ...

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Manna of the Soul - Large Print Prayerbook

Manna of the Soul - Large Print Prayerbook
Fr LasanceCode: B2787  Price: £36.50Sorry, out of stock

This is a beautiful and very useful prayerbook. Originally put together by the prolific Father Lasance, this book was reccommended by Pope Pius XI

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Mary Day by Day

Mary Day by Day
Rev Charles G. Fehrenback, C.SS.R.Code: B0359  Price: £8.50Sorry, out of stock

Marian Meditations for every day taken from the Holy Bible and the writings of Saints.

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Mary the Queen

Mary the Queen
Mother Mary St. PeterCode: B2967  Price: £11.50   £10.95Sorry, out of stock

Did you know that the Virgin Mary died and was buried before she was Assumed into Heaven? Or that she was raised in the Temple Precinct

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Mass Servers Card - Large Print

Mass Servers Card - Large PrintCode: B3018  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

This Mass servers card for the Traditional Latin Mass includes all the responses of the server with phonetic pronunciation under the Latin

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Medieval Christianity

Medieval Christianity
Christopher DawsonCode: B2918  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

Monks, friars, popes, heresy, the inquisition; what was medieval Christianity really like? Where did it come from, and how did it express itself? ...

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Meditations on the Christ

Meditations on the Christ
Fr Romano GuardiniCode: B2651  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

Model of All Holiness. These pages don't tell you what Jesus did - you know that already! Instead, they take you into the mind and heart of the Son ...

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Message of Walsingham

Message of Walsingham
R W Connelly, SMCode: B0836  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

The Ancient Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, England's national shrine, sits in a tiny village on the north coast of East Anglia

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Moja Mala Ksiazeczka do Nabozenstwa - My Polish Simple Mass Book

Moja Mala Ksiazeczka do Nabozenstwa - My Polish Simple Mass Book
Pierpaolo FinaldiCode: B2808  Price: £3.95Sorry, out of stock

The texts of the Order of Mass newly illustrated in an attractive, modern and child-friendly style, presented with Polish-English text on facing ...

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Morning and Evening Prayer

Morning and Evening PrayerCode: B0351  Price: £30.00Sorry, out of stock

Morning and Evening Prayer (with Night Prayer). From the Divine Office. Imitation leather binding.

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Most Asked Questions of SSPX

Most Asked Questions of SSPX
Society of Saint Pius XCode: B2447  Price: £11.50Sorry, out of stock

Includes a history of the first 40 years of the SSPX and the Most Asked Questions about the SSPX taken from The Angelus Magazine

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Mother Maria Pierina

Mother Maria Pierina
Sr Maria Ildefonsa RigamontiCode: B0532  Price: £7.95Sorry, out of stock

Life and Revelations of Mother Pierina, Missionary of the Holy Face and Sponsor of the Holy Face Medal.

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Mother Maria Pierina Medal

Mother Maria Pierina MedalCode: N0435  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

Picture medal of Blessed Maria Pierina. Gilt-metal medal, with enamel picture. Medal size: 2cm (3/4 inch), 3cm including bale. Made in Italy.

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Mother Maria Pierina Relic Card

Mother Maria Pierina Relic CardCode: N0224  Price: £2.00Sorry, out of stock

Prayer card containing a relic of Mother Maria Pierina.

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Mothers Manual

Mothers Manual
A. Francis Coomes, SJCode: B0462  Price: £8.75Sorry, out of stock

The Original Mothers' Manual contains prayers and directions for the Mother and expectant Mother. This beautiful little book is a true companion

My Little Book of Prayers - Mary

My Little Book of Prayers - MaryCode: B3110  Price: £2.00Sorry, sold out

Little Book of Marian Prayers with beautiful Bonella art. Mini prayer book to carry around with you. Size: 2.75 x 3.5 inches (7 x 9 cm).

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My Prayer Book

My Prayer Book
Fr F X LasanceCode: B1901  Price: £42.95Sorry, out of stock

This book by Fr. Lasance provides counsels and reflections on the pursuit of happiness, prayers and devotions for Holy Mass and throughout the day

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My Simple Prayer Book - Presentation

My Simple Prayer Book - Presentation
Pierpaolo FinaldiCode: B2701  Price: £5.95Sorry, out of stock

Beautifully bound in white leatherette with gilt edges and a satin place-holder ribbon, this simple prayer book for children makes a perfect First ...

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My Very First Christmas Story Sticker Book

My Very First Christmas Story Sticker Book
Alex AyliffeCode: B3134  Price: £2.99Sorry, out of stock

This child-friendly book gives a wonderful retelling of the nativity story, with spaces left for children to fill with the appropriate sticker to ...

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Mysteries of the Divine Infant Jesus

Mysteries of the Divine Infant Jesus
Mary K Steward, OCDSCode: B3282  Price: £27.95Sorry, out of stock

Inspiring artwork complements a beautiful devotion to the Holy Child Jesus called 'The Chaplet of the Divine Infant Jesus'

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New Regulations on Indulgences

New Regulations on Indulgences
Rev Winfrid Herbst, SDSCode: B0847  Price: £1.99Sorry, out of stock

This booklet outlining the nature and value of indulgences and the new regulations thereon is designed to inspire in us the practice of making ...

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Not By Scripture Alone

Not By Scripture Alone
Robert A. SungenisCode: B0439  Price: £16.95Sorry, out of stock

A Catholic critique of the doctrine of Sola Scriptura. This book will set the biblical and historical record straight. But more important

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Novena in Honour of Our Lady of Walsingham

Novena in Honour of Our Lady of Walsingham
Catholic National Shrine and Basilica of Our LadyCode: B3334  Price: £1.00Sorry, out of stock

In this Novena we turn to Our Lady of Walsingham, as untier of knots. Many are the sufferings, entanglements and knots which we face as individuals ...

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Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.Code: B1480  Price: £2.75Sorry, out of stock

Miraculous Medal, novena and prayers. Beautiful new edition with full colour illustrations and gold-embossed cover, size 3.75" x 6".

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On The Problem of Empathy (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 3)

On The Problem of Empathy (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 3)
Edith SteinCode: B0307  Price: £17.50Sorry, out of stock

(Trans. Waltraut Stein, PhD.). Edith Stein's doctoral dissertation under Husserl, with index.

Early in Edith Stein's philosophical output stands ...

Order of Confirmation - Ritual Edition

Order of Confirmation - Ritual Edition
ICELCode: B2697  Price: £35.00

Beautifully produced in full sized format gold blocked red leather with gilt edges, two ribbons and a durable slipcase. This is a new translation of ...

Out of print
Order of Mass Card - New English Translation

Order of Mass Card - New English TranslationCode: B1785  Price: £1.35Sorry, out of print

The new English translation of the Mass printed on a durable laminated card. The text of the new English translation of the Order of Mass is ...

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Ordinary Prayers of the Traditional Latin Mass

Ordinary Prayers of the Traditional Latin Mass
Joseph ShawCode: B2600  Price: £3.75Sorry, out of stock

Missalette for the Traditional Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form, Tridentine Rite), Benediction, Angelus and other prayers and devotions

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Orthodox Icon Holy Card Assorted x 10

Orthodox Icon Holy Card Assorted x 10Code: L0447  Price: £4.95Sorry, out of stock

10 Holy Picture prayercards, blank on reverse, with assorted beautiful Orthodox Icon full colour pictures. Perfect addition to a gift of a book

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Our Holy Faith: 1st Grade: My Father and Mother - Teacher's Manual

Our Holy Faith: 1st Grade: My Father and Mother - Teacher's Manual
VariousCode: B2969  Price: £16.00Sorry, out of stock

My Father and Mother on Earth and in Heaven is the 1st grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is an age-appropriate introduction to the ...

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Our Holy Faith: 2nd Grade: Jesus Comes - Teacher's Manual

Our Holy Faith: 2nd Grade: Jesus Comes - Teacher's Manual
VariousCode: B2970  Price: £8.25Sorry, out of stock

Jesus Comes is the 2nd grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is based on the First Communion Catechism Confraternity Edition

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Our Lady Book

Our Lady Book
Fr F X LasanceCode: B1860  Price: £46.95Sorry, out of stock

This book was Fr. Lasance's effort to "cultivate among the faithful a tender and practical devotion to Our Lady." Part I, Reflections

Our Lady of Grace Laminated Prayer Card

Our Lady of Grace Laminated Prayer CardCode: L0195  Price: £1.00Sorry, sold out

Our Lady of Grace (Miraculous) Laminated Prayer Card. Size 3.5" x 2.5" (9 x 6.5 cm). Single prayer card.

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