Holy Face Devotion

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Carol Byrne, Joseph ShawCode: B1707  Price: £15.00Sorry, out of stock

Latin Course. An entirely new approach to learning the Latin of the Traditional Roman Missal. 2018 3rd Edition. The Latin Mass Society's ...

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Sounding the Silence

Sounding the Silence
John SkinnerCode: B1016  Price: £7.99Sorry, out of stock

Here is an invitation to us all to step outside time, and join ourselves to the Silence that lies at the heart of the world

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St Albert the Great: Champion of Faith & Reason

St Albert the Great: Champion of Faith & Reason
Kevin VostCode: B1906  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

Even while he was still alive, Dominican friar Albert of Cologne was widely called Magnus the Great. His contemporaries said Saint Albert simply ...

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St Gerard Majella Prayer Book

St Gerard Majella Prayer Book
L G Carroll, CSsR, F J Toner, CSsRCode: B0939  Price: £1.75Sorry, out of stock

This booklet contains a brief life story, and various prayers, hymns and devotions in honour of St Gerard - "The Mother's Saint"

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St Gregory the Great and his Spiritual Legacy

St Gregory the Great and his Spiritual Legacy
Dom Benedict Hardy, OSBCode: B3153  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

An essay on the life, achievement and legacy of this much neglected spiritual master, whose teaching was regarded as normative especially among the ...

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St Jude Novena and Prayers

St Jude Novena and Prayers
Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.Code: B1474  Price: £2.75Sorry, out of stock

Saint Jude, novena and prayers. Beautiful new edition with full colour illustrations and gold-embossed cover, size 3.75" x 6".

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St Peregrine Novena and Prayers

St Peregrine Novena and Prayers
Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.Code: B1486  Price: £2.75Sorry, out of stock

Saint Peregrine novena and prayers. Beautiful new edition with full colour illustrations and gold-embossed cover, size 3.75" x 6".

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St Therese Little Flower Novena

St Therese Little Flower Novena
Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.Code: B1488  Price: £2.95Sorry, out of stock

Saint Therese of Lisieux novena and prayers. Beautiful new edition with full colour illustrations and gold-embossed cover, size 3.75" x 6".

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Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St Thérèse of Lisieux

Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St Thérèse of Lisieux
J. Clarke, trans.Code: B0290  Price: £11.95Sorry, out of stock

Third edition of the autobiography of this gigantic soul. This book changed our way of prayer and devotion, a beautiful classic showing her little ...

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Story of St Elizabeth of Hungary

Story of St Elizabeth of Hungary
William CantonCode: B2991  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

Those who delight in Canton's other well-loved children's books, A Child's Book of Saints and A Child's Book of Warriors

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Tagalog Simple Prayer book

Tagalog Simple Prayer bookCode: B1778  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

Filipino Language. CTS's classic compilation of Catholic prayers, including the Order of Mass in its new English translation

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Rev. P.J. MichelCode: B2790  Price: £9.99Sorry, out of stock

Where they Come From, What They Mean, and How to Defeat Them.
This modest book is by Fr. P.J. Michel, S.J., a savvy professor of theology whose ...

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The Ascent of Mount Carmel: Reflections

The Ascent of Mount Carmel: Reflections
Marc Foley, OCDCode: B2212  Price: £14.95Sorry, out of stock

Saint John of the Cross is one of Christianity's greatest poets and mystics. Nevertheless, his subject matter and writing style

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The Beautiful Story of the Bible

The Beautiful Story of the Bible
Maite RocheCode: B1842  Price: £10.95Sorry, out of stock

Every child will treasure Maïte Roche's wonderful retelling of the history of Salvation, from Genesis to Revelation, in this richly illustrated ...

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The Blessed Sacrament: The Works and Ways of God

The Blessed Sacrament: The Works and Ways of God
Fr. FaberCode: B0568  Price: £17.50   £16.95Sorry, out of stock

Fr. Faber inspires here a reverential awe and love for God's 'greatest work,' 'the compendium of all miracles', and 'Queen of the Sacraments'

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The Canons and Decrees of Trent and Vatican I

The Canons and Decrees of Trent and Vatican I
Forward by Charles A CoulombeCode: B3367  Price: £18.50   £14.50Sorry, out of stock

In Latin and English. Here you will find all of the essential documents and infallible teachings of these two modern councils of the Catholic Church

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The Catechism Simply Explained

The Catechism Simply Explained
Canon CafferataCode: B3345  Price: £8.00Sorry, out of stock

Originally published in 1897, this Catechism is an exact copy of the 1954 revised edition. Described as a book of instruction for converts that puts ...

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The Collected Letters of St Teresa of Avila, Volume 2

The Collected Letters of St Teresa of Avila, Volume 2
Kieran Kavanaugh OCD, trans.Code: B0288  Price: £13.95Sorry, out of stock

This second and final volume of St. Teresa's correspondence begins with the year 1578, a most troubling time for Teresa

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The Collected Works of St Teresa of Avila, Volume 1

The Collected Works of St Teresa of Avila, Volume 1
Kieran Kavanaugh OCD, Otilio Rodriguez OCD, trans.Code: B0282  Price: £17.95Sorry, out of stock

Contains Book of Her Life, Spiritual Testimonies, and Soliloquies. Includes general and biblical index.

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The Collected Works of St Teresa of Avila, Volume 2

The Collected Works of St Teresa of Avila, Volume 2
Kieran Kavanaugh OCD, Otilio Rodriguez OCD, trans.Code: B0283  Price: £17.95Sorry, out of stock

Contains Way of Perfection, Interior Castle, and Meditations on the Song of Songs. Includes general and biblical index.

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The Collected Works of St Teresa of Avila, Volume 3

The Collected Works of St Teresa of Avila, Volume 3
Kieran Kavanaugh OCD, Otilio Rodriguez OCD, trans.Code: B0284  Price: £12.95Sorry, out of stock

Contains Book of Her Foundations and Minor Works. Includes general and biblical index.

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The Essential Belloc - A Prophet for Our Times

The Essential Belloc - A Prophet for Our Times
Scott Bloch, et alCode: B1624  Price: £14.95Sorry, out of stock

Hilaire Belloc was a poet, polemicist, and prose stylist without peer, but above all, an entire generation's mighty champion for the Catholic faith

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The Father of the Family

The Father of the Family
Clayton C BarbeauCode: B2211  Price: £9.99Sorry, out of stock

Here's the award-winning classic that for over forty years has shown Christian men how to be the loving husbands and gentle fathers that Christ ...

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The Funeral Book (with prayers)

The Funeral Book (with prayers)Code: B1085  Price: £4.25Sorry, out of stock

Contains the new Funeral Mass, plus prayers for the dead. From this well-known Liturgical book range, for parishes and individuals.

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The Hidden Life (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 4)

The Hidden Life (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 4)
Edith SteinCode: B0308  Price: £10.95Sorry, out of stock

(Trans. W. Stein). A collection of her shorter spiritual writings on prayer, liturgy, and the spirit of Carmel. Also treats of the meaning of the ...

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The Holy Face of Jesus Christ: Discovery, Journey, Destination

The Holy Face of Jesus Christ: Discovery, Journey, Destination
Gordon DeeryCode: B1601  Price: £19.50Sorry, out of stock

The founder of the Holy Face Association Canada tells the story of his personal journey, giving up his successful secular lifestyle (but also a ...

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The How to book of Catholic Theology

The How to book of Catholic Theology
Fr John P Cush, STDCode: B3379  Price: £15.50Sorry, out of stock

As you'll learn in The How-to Book of Catholic Theology: Everything You Need to Know But No One Ever Taught You, theology at its core is about ...

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The How To Book of the Bible

The How To Book of the Bible
Karl A SchultzCode: B0983  Price: £12.99Sorry, out of stock

Step-by-step guidelines on reading, meditating, praying, contemplating, and applying the Bible to your life. Includes: background on biblical times ...

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The Importance of the Holy Face Devotion in the 21st Century

The Importance of the Holy Face Devotion in the 21st Century
Mrs Kathleen M HeckenhampCode: B2475  Price: £2.95Sorry, out of stock

Little booklet containing brief history of the Holy Face Devotion, including its saints, and prayers.

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The Interior Castle - Leatherbound

The Interior Castle - Leatherbound
Saint Teresa of JesusCode: B2583  Price: £21.95Sorry, out of stock

"I began to think of the soul as a castle made of a single diamond [.] in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions

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The Interior Castle - Study Edition

The Interior Castle - Study Edition
St Teresa of AvilaCode: B1651  Price: £22.95   £19.95Sorry, out of stock

The Interior Castle is considered St. Teresa of Avila's masterpiece. She wrote this last work in just a few months in 1577

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The Letters of St Thérèse of Lisieux and Those Who Knew Her: General Correspondence.  Volume 2

The Letters of St Thérèse of Lisieux and Those Who Knew Her: General Correspondence. Volume 2
J. Clarke, trans.Code: B0293  Price: £21.95Sorry, out of stock

General Correspondence. Therese shows the path of her growth as a religious and deep spiritual writer in these letters. The reader learns much about ...

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The Life of Mary as seen by the Mystics

The Life of Mary as seen by the Mystics
Raphael BrownCode: B1110  Price: £16.50Sorry, out of stock

A masterpiece combining into one coherent story the visions of four great Catholic mystics about the life of Mary. Based on the accounts of ...

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The Little Oratory

The Little Oratory
David Clayton, Leila LawlerCode: B2288  Price: £16.50Sorry, out of stock

With simplicity and holy wisdom, authors David Clayton and Leila Marie Lawler show you how to bring peace to your home by integrating your family ...

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The Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy - hardback

The Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy - hardback
Fr. Adrian FortescueCode: B1509  Price: £25.95Sorry, out of stock

The English classic on the historical development of the ancient Roman Mass, sometimes referred to as the "Tridentine Latin Mass"

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The Miraculous Medal - Booklet

The Miraculous Medal - Booklet
Lady Cecil KerrCode: B2437  Price: £2.95Sorry, out of stock

The Church of the eighteenth century suffered greatly from Jansenism and the cold teachings of the rationalists. Yet the Blessed Virgin Mary offered ...

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